How do I make Notepad++ show autocomplete when working on .less files? - autocomplete

Is there a way to make Notepad++ autocomplete the CSS properties when working with LESS, like it does when working with CSS files?

Notepad++ supports autocomplete via the xml files in its ./plugins/API directory.
Download your LESS.xml or Here and add it to the directory, or better follow the instructions in the page.


Looking or an autocomplete filename vscode plugin

Is there any VSC plugin that allow to autocomplete file path within a project folder? I am used to RStudio, where I could simply start typing the name of a file, hit tab, and then rapidly find the corresponding file (see below).
I have tried Path Autocomplete and Path Intelisense, but could not get them working like this.
Thank you,
I've been using the RelativePath extention by jakob101 for the past couple of years.
It searches for files within the workspace and pastes a relative path at the cursor.
Super simple and easy to use.

How do I add my own completions to sublime text 3?

I've been looking everywhere for an answer and I can't seem to make sense of anything I find. There's either to references to files that don't exist in my installation, or the file does exist but is just raw hexadecimal data rather than code. For example, I keep seeing that I should look in my packages/(insert programming language here) folder to access autocompletion files for that particular language. Unfortunately, when I click browse packages, the folder only contains a bz2 folder and a User folder.
I'm trying to modify sublime text's PHP autocompletion and make it so that whenever I type
I can hit enter and it would autocomplete to
<?php ?>
with the cursor set between the tags. I've seen this as well but as I said earlier I've had problems getting any of these solutions to work for me.
How do I add this simple autocompletion to my sublime text 3?
You can do that by adding snippets. Just go to Tools > New Snippet.... There's a lot of docs about how to write a snippet.
Also, in your case, you can install the Additional PHP Snippets and trigger that completition by typing php and hitting tab

How to suggest custom filenames via auto-completion in Notepad++

I am using Notepad++ (on windows) to edit my C++ code (then compile it using g++).
When I type #include<, I would like a suggestion list to be displayed with all the available header files in the header files directory (or already added list of header files), just like it happens when I type function-names and the suggestions show up for autocompletion.
The "Style Configurator" has no such options under preprocessor directives.
Please tell me the way to achieve it (step-by-step if possible).
In other SynWrite editor: create simple Python plugin, which will act on Ctrl+Space press: it must suggest filenames from any dir.
Notepad++ cannot do it.

There is a plugin or way to jump/go to definition/declaration in Sublime Text 3 like in Eclipse by Command+L-Click?

In Eclipse you can jump to definition/declaration by clicking on hyperlinks with pressing command key (control for Windows). I would like to use the same functionality for Sublime Text 3. Mostly I work with Robot Framework with a lot of files and would like to jump to the source of Keyword through whole project.
In sublime this kind of feature is provided by plugins.
Look at or, but be aware you can't use both, they conflict.
This plugin allows you to jump from .txt (.robot) files to the keyword's definition in .py and in .txt (.robot) in case they are resource files. Please read more here:
You can add below two plugins in pycharm, it will then allow you to navigate.

Aptana's css autocomplete doesn't update itself

I'm doing an web project and all pages have the .php suffix. I started with a single css (style-default.css) file and the auto-complete worked perfectly. Now I changed that css filename (to custom.css) and added some more css files (Foundation 3 framework).
The strange thing is when typing class="..." the autocomplete only shows me options for the custom.css although it displays the name "style-default.css" and no suggestions at all for the "foundation.min.css". I checked and both files are included in the build despite I can't build a web project. Is there any way to refresh the auto-complete?
I even tried removing the project and importing it again, but it didn't worked.
Ok I found out... Aptana auto-complete apparently can't read *.min.css. I included the *.css instead and the suggestions appeared. Still, the outdated filenames looks like a bug to me.