Typo3 9.5 backend locked after changing password in phpmyadmin - typo3

My Hoster installed Typo3 9.5 for me with composer. I did the setup of typo3 but went on holidays a week afterwards and could not remind the password. So I changed the password in phpmyadmin but still can’t login. It says: Oops, an error occurred. I tried to find out the error and it told me that there must be a problem with the password hashing. I can't find the problem because the php version 7.3. has the correct hashing activated automatically in my opinion.
I can't use the front end login and no install tool can be activated with the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL command. So I can’t work and tried to find a solution for two days now. My hoster won’t help with that problem.
Is there anyone who maybe had the same problem? I had to admit that I’m not a developer with much experience... Thanks a lot if anybody could give me an advice!

Create an (empty) file named ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in typo3conf/ with permission that webserver at least can read it.
Then call domain.tld/typo3/install.
Try a password and save the returned hash in typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php.
When you are logged in in the install tool, you can create a new admin user for TYPO3 backend.

If you have forgotten the Install tool password, you can reset it by modifying [your_site]/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php on the Typo3 server. Replace the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['installToolPassword'] row with the following:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['installToolPassword'] = 'bacb98acf97e0b6112b1d1b650b84971';
This will give you the default password ("joh316") back again.
More information


Heroku wrong credentials for postgresql database

i’m using heroku for deploy a database (postgres) and connect to it.
I used it for 2 weeks but today it start rejecting my credential and i couldn’t login anymore, i checked if the credential are changed but nothing?
Can anyone help me? thanks a lot!
I had this issue, if you look in the Settings -> Config Vars you will see that the DATABASE_URL has changed. So you need to use the new value in Datagrip and things will work again.
They change the details periodically but it doesn't seem to update in the database settings page which is very annoying although it only happens on the free tier.

Invalid login, please try again in moodle E-learning after installing boost learning theme

After had installed the boost learning theme in Moodle , i faced invalid login please try again
Could be any number of reasons, to work around it:
If you have access to the database, then you can try to reset the password using SQL:
UPDATE mdl_user
SET password = md5('yournewpassword')
WHERE username = 'yourusername'
Or if you have command line access, then you can use this:
php admin/cli/reset_password.php --help

Can not login to Postgres DB as new user

I have installed Foreman via foreman-installer (that pack included Postgres DB 9.5). Now i want to create new user + new database for Zabbix, however it seems that i am doing something wrong. The image shows what commands i typed. The new user is created succesfully but i can't login as it to database. Could someone help me and explain where is the problem?
EDIT: I've added option that was suggested in another thread (WITH LOGIN) but it didn't help me:
I believe the answer is here.
In summary, "peer authentication" means postgres checked the username of the UNIX user (which is not zabbix), and ignored your -U option. Instead, you want to use "password authentication", which you can configure in your pg_hba.conf file. Check the link for instructions how to do that.

PGAdmin 4 fails to backup database with no errors

I try to backup my university project database. I followed the instruction, everything seems to be inputed:
But the only pop-out I get is this one in right-bottom corner of PGAdmin 4:
From the Official site, there should be another pop-up message, similiard to this one:
But I don't get this one, nor I get the other one that is displayed where any error occurs.
I tried to directly use pg_dump.exe, but it prompts me for a password. I tried all my passwords - user password, server password which I use to connect to my database in PGAdmin 4, other passwords, but none of them seem to work.
I tried to find any information about this, but all articles about pg_dump.exe are about how to automatize password input. What is the cause of this backup silent failure, and which password does pg_dump.exe need?
I'll add any details if needed, I was trying to figure it out for 4 hours now...
I've tried with pgAdmin4 1.4 and still my backup file was empty so I moved back to pgAdmin3 and it worked like a charm.
Although pgAdmin3 is not maintained anymore I suggest you use it until pgAdmin4 is up to it but right now it is way too slow.
Can you upgrade your pgAdmin4 with version 1.2 and try again?
I think they have fixed the issue in new release.
Clearing the items in the path: C:\Users\yourUser\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin seems to do the trick. Tested on PGadmin 4.29.
Be aware that all the sessions and saved servers will be gone.

Moodle admin login access is not working

Recently we have installed Moodle on our website http://domain.com/test. When we go to admin URl i.e. http://domain.com/test/login it is getting Login page. We have created an admin access and using the same details to login. It is not able to logged in and not showing any error. It remains the Same Login page.
Can Anybody help to fix this issue.
Thanks in Advance.
It might have been a change to the salt setting in the config.php
You can easily reset the password though, either from the command line
cd test
php admin/cli/reset_password.php
Or if you are using myqsql or postgresql
UPDATE mdl_user
SET password = md5('newpassword')
WHERE username = 'admin';