PGAdmin 4 fails to backup database with no errors - postgresql

I try to backup my university project database. I followed the instruction, everything seems to be inputed:
But the only pop-out I get is this one in right-bottom corner of PGAdmin 4:
From the Official site, there should be another pop-up message, similiard to this one:
But I don't get this one, nor I get the other one that is displayed where any error occurs.
I tried to directly use pg_dump.exe, but it prompts me for a password. I tried all my passwords - user password, server password which I use to connect to my database in PGAdmin 4, other passwords, but none of them seem to work.
I tried to find any information about this, but all articles about pg_dump.exe are about how to automatize password input. What is the cause of this backup silent failure, and which password does pg_dump.exe need?
I'll add any details if needed, I was trying to figure it out for 4 hours now...

I've tried with pgAdmin4 1.4 and still my backup file was empty so I moved back to pgAdmin3 and it worked like a charm.
Although pgAdmin3 is not maintained anymore I suggest you use it until pgAdmin4 is up to it but right now it is way too slow.

Can you upgrade your pgAdmin4 with version 1.2 and try again?
I think they have fixed the issue in new release.

Clearing the items in the path: C:\Users\yourUser\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin seems to do the trick. Tested on PGadmin 4.29.
Be aware that all the sessions and saved servers will be gone.


pgadmin db restriction server property not working

I have a heroku postgres database. On pgadmin i can see over 1,700 databases since they are all on the same host. I have set the server connection settings as provided by heroku and i can see my database highlighted in yellow and can access it normally.
I tried disconnecting from the server than edit the db restriction property in the advanced tab and put in my database name(same one as the maintenance db, and without ''). I press save, i reconnect to the server but i can still see all the databases of the server and all the live data of the entire server. Am i missing something?
DonĀ“t download the latest version of pgadmin 4(v.6.10), instead download the v.6.9
I believe that latest version is buged when we try to especify a dbname for restriction
uninstall 4(v.6.10) and replace (v.6.9)
i faced the same problem here, but installed (v.6.9) and worked great, and brings me only my database
for pgadmin4 you dont need single quotes ... just write the dbname and then tab
How to hide databases that I am not allowed to access

my postgres is unable to connect ever since heroku did a maintenance update 12 hours ago

anyone facing something similar? sadly I'm on a free plan so I can't open a ticket... does anyone know of a way to restart the service/machine of the DB? maybe that would just solve it...
ok so the issue in my case is that indeed heroku performed some sort of maintenance on the DB, and apparently it's connection params (host/url/user/password) had changed... and since it was embedded throughout all my interfaces (the app, my db tools, admin app I also have) - none were able to connect (they'd timeout).
while trying to figure out, I used the wonderful CLI tools of heroku pg:info and heroku pg:diagnose and even heroku pg:psql and tested to see that my data is still there... eventually I went to the online admin and that's where I saw the connections params had changed. BTW - I have this project for 2 years and this is the first time this had happened...
I was in the same situation. Heroku will email you that your database is scheduled for maintenance. After it's complete, connecting to the database fails because of this error:
error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "IP_ADDRESS", user "DB_USER", database "DB_NAME", no encryption
This is telling us that incorrect credentials were given, meaning the database connection string has changed. I first checked the credentials on the website for the Heroku Postgres Add-on (, but the connection string was still the same as before; it has not updated or changed at all, therefore this was misleading. Instead, the updated connection string is found inside of the DATABASE_URL config variable, located in the Settings tab of your app on the Heroku dashboard (, under Config Vars. To avoid manually correcting this problem again, get the connection string from the DATABASE_URL config variable directly, as opposed to hard coding it in your app.
Yes, Im in the same situation. Heroku are a bunch of amateurs. They did some maintenance on the DB, and after it was done, credentials don't work, even those listed in admin/dashboard section of web. Bunch of loosers... #heroku

Postgres download on unbuntu - Error when connecting through the application

I have just downloaded postgres and set everything up as per installation guide. I can connect to the db on the command prompt without any errors. When I use the pgadmin application I get many errors when clicking into any databases(the standard and any new ones created)
I have screenshots below. Could someone point me in the right direction. I have completely uninstalled postgres several times and has not fixed the problem.
In case you cant access image:
10:03:06:Error:Error rel.relhasoid does not exist
10:05:05: Error: column "prosiagg" doe not exist
I get a few more errors along those lines.
Thanks in advance

Database backup not working using database manager

I'd like to backup a db today through localhost:8069/web/database/manager
, but the button return nothing while clicking the button.
Terminal show no error there.
Also invalid for duplicate, delete, create database,restore database and set Master password except link of existed db.
see pic as below:
the problem emerged since I deployed odoo12.
I can directly backup through pgAdmin4.
but I still want to know what happened.
My version of pgsql is 9.6 for odoo10 and odoo11.
It worked smoothly before I deployed odoo12
I found it's a stupid question.
the reason is that I connect to wrong db_host:
my conf set db_host as but connect to localhost.
keep this topic for who make same mistake

Problems with postgres database in redmine after change in password

First, I'm a total newbie and I guess that's why this error occurred in the first place.
A colleague of mine stopped working and so I had to take over administrative stuff as the redmine we use and making backups.
So I wanted to schedule these backups automatically. Somewhere on the way I changed /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf for user postgres (that's the one for the redmine database.
from local all postgress peer to local all postgress trust so I could run a shell program in crontab. This worked but then redmine doesn't work anymore. I get this:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" FATAL:
password authentication failed for user "postgres" (PG::Error)
On this the error site for redmine. I changed everything back and restarted everything, but it did't work.
Then I used an older backup to restore but still.
So, now I have no idea whats wrong. Maybe someone can help me.
I think it is because I've changed the password of the postgres user in ubuntu. I did not know at the moment that they are connected. I always got a password promt but I didn't know it (my colleague at least didn't tell me one) I've tried to change it in the data base as well with
ALTER USER Postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';
Would it be enough to reinstall the database and use an old backup?