Moodle admin login access is not working - moodle

Recently we have installed Moodle on our website When we go to admin URl i.e. it is getting Login page. We have created an admin access and using the same details to login. It is not able to logged in and not showing any error. It remains the Same Login page.
Can Anybody help to fix this issue.
Thanks in Advance.

It might have been a change to the salt setting in the config.php
You can easily reset the password though, either from the command line
cd test
php admin/cli/reset_password.php
Or if you are using myqsql or postgresql
UPDATE mdl_user
SET password = md5('newpassword')
WHERE username = 'admin';


Invalid login, please try again in moodle E-learning after installing boost learning theme

After had installed the boost learning theme in Moodle , i faced invalid login please try again
Could be any number of reasons, to work around it:
If you have access to the database, then you can try to reset the password using SQL:
UPDATE mdl_user
SET password = md5('yournewpassword')
WHERE username = 'yourusername'
Or if you have command line access, then you can use this:
php admin/cli/reset_password.php --help

Typo3 9.5 backend locked after changing password in phpmyadmin

My Hoster installed Typo3 9.5 for me with composer. I did the setup of typo3 but went on holidays a week afterwards and could not remind the password. So I changed the password in phpmyadmin but still can’t login. It says: Oops, an error occurred. I tried to find out the error and it told me that there must be a problem with the password hashing. I can't find the problem because the php version 7.3. has the correct hashing activated automatically in my opinion.
I can't use the front end login and no install tool can be activated with the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL command. So I can’t work and tried to find a solution for two days now. My hoster won’t help with that problem.
Is there anyone who maybe had the same problem? I had to admit that I’m not a developer with much experience... Thanks a lot if anybody could give me an advice!
Create an (empty) file named ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in typo3conf/ with permission that webserver at least can read it.
Then call domain.tld/typo3/install.
Try a password and save the returned hash in typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php.
When you are logged in in the install tool, you can create a new admin user for TYPO3 backend.
If you have forgotten the Install tool password, you can reset it by modifying [your_site]/typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php on the Typo3 server. Replace the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['installToolPassword'] row with the following:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['installToolPassword'] = 'bacb98acf97e0b6112b1d1b650b84971';
This will give you the default password ("joh316") back again.
More information

Recover admin password and email Odoo server

Months ago, I installed an Odoo server and it worked perfectly !
Problem is that I forgot the identification (email/pass) for the admin, wich is real bad.
After uninstalling the server and reinstalling it I found out that the database was not wiped. So it didn't change at all !
Please, can anyone help me finding the admin's email and password ?
I'm not very familiar with progresql but res_users displays empty passwords:
You may change admin password using progresql from the terminal. You just need to do like these
odoo#odedra:~$ psql testing_db
psql (9.1.14)
Type "help" for help.
testing_db=# UPDATE res_users SET password='new_password' WHERE login = 'admin';
where testing_db is database name.
Now login with new password and change user details whatever you want.
You need to generate password with pbkdf2_sha512 hashing algorithm. Then update the record id = 1 with password_crypt field not password.
For example:
Generating hash from python code:
from passlib.context import CryptContext
print CryptContext(['pbkdf2_sha512']).encrypt('<PASSOWORD>')
update res_users set password='' ,password_crypt='<HASH>' where id = <ID>;
Replace , with the generated output from the script and designated id.

Reset meteor deploy password

Is there any way to reset a meteor password if I lose the password? If someone finds out a password I'm using will I be able to recover my site?
Yes this is not very intuitive as the command-line meteor help login tells you nothing.
You can go here:
click sign in in the upper right. Click forgot password!
As per the meteor docs:
You can change the password by running meteor deploy --password again, which will first prompt for the current password, then for a new password.
As for your second question, you'll always be able to re-deploy your local version of the site.

How to reset the ATG Dynamo Admin password?

How can I reset the ATG Dynamo Admin password?
I need steps to reset/change the password, from the default of admin/admin.
According to Oracle's documentation, you can add Admin.Reset to your ear file which when deployed, will reset the admin password to the admin account.
ATG Documentation
Delete entry for "admin" from DAS_ACCOUNT table and restart the server. Then open dyn admin with admin/admin. It will take you to passward reset page.
You can do this ACC. In ACC click on People and Organizations->Control center users and select the name whose password you want to change.
It is answered in This forum. Basically, there are different ways to reset password, you can do it either by firing some queries or by methods mentioned here.
I had similar issue. In WebLogic app server I was getting denied ATG Dyn Admin of admin/admin. I took a shot in the dark and tried my WebLogic admin console login, and this time it worked, but Dyn Admin tried to take me to a password reset page. At that time I got the error:
Make sure that you have the bin directory for your JDK in your PATH variable before starting Dynamo and that you have enough swap space.
I created below props file in ATG_HOME/localconfig, and added the one liner below:
This solved my problem. I was able to load password change JHTML fine. Not sure yet why ATG Dyn Admin was redirecting me to password change page, and why it accepted my WebLogic console credentials. I wonder if it's a WebLogic specific thing.
you can change your password through /dyn/admin console there is a link password management from where you can reset the default password from admin/admin
Open your SQL developer in Core schema there is table name DAS_ACCOUNT where account name and password has been set so for password there is a long key
i have a key with me
place it in there now your