Can you update a collection in MongoDB and remove the first/last char on one field? - mongodb

My question might be simple be here's some more context to it.
I have a MySQL DB, I've used an ETL tool to populate a MongoDBwith, however I couldn't manage to create proper ObjectId reference to it (I can only get a string of the ObjectId.
So far I've had an idea (maybe crazy but still.. could work)
I got this field populated like this in one document :
"field1" : "ObjectId('5d48845c456145ee9d1ccffde')",
What I would want to achieve through mongoDB is removing the first and last char to get (stripping the double quotes):
"field1" : ObjectId('5d48845c456145ee9d1ccffde'),
(note that MongoDB seems to automatically convert simple to Double quote after the change, so my reference become corret).
Problem is, I don't find anything close to a sort of Update script for MongoDB to achieve this.
Is there any way to do this ?
Using NodeJS could work, however, querying the document at this state doesn't return the field1 (probably cause it find it incorect)...

If its one time update, you can use the following query:
In aggregation, the 'field1' is cast to ObjectId. Later on, the old data in the collection is replaced with the aggregated one.


MongoDB Query - Filter only works with "_id"

I'm using mongodb v4.0.3, and this happens both with the shell and in compass.
This only happens with a certain collection. It previously had overriden ids (instead of the default mongodb id, there was a string. I dropped the collection and I recreated it without that).
I have the following structure ("mystructure"), for example:
When I query it without a filter it returns all the docs:
When I search for its objectid, it returns properly
db.mystructure.find( {"_id": ObjectId("5bd44eb528d61e3374b5e6ea")} );
But when I try to filter with any field, it doesn't return anything
db.mystructure.find( {"custom_field": "data"} );
At first I thought it would be solved recreating the collection with the automatically generated ids from mongodb but the problem persists. There are no "hidden" spaces in the string or anything like that. The same query in compass isn't working either. Other collections do work. It's on the same db, with the same user.
Why can this be?
Thank you very much.
you should write below code where 62c01e5a763d106152a2e53f is your _id

MongoDB query subset of array of DBRefs

My main object looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("56eb0a06560fd7047318465a"),
"intervalAbsenceDates" : [
DBRef("ScheduleIntervalContainer", ObjectId("56eb0a06560fd7047318463b")),
DBRef("ScheduleIntervalContainer", ObjectId("56eb0a05560fd70473184467")),
DBRef("ScheduleIntervalContainer", ObjectId("56eb0a05560fd70473184468")),
DBRef("ScheduleIntervalContainer", ObjectId("56eb0a05560fd70473184469")),
An embedded ScheduleIntervalContainer object looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("56eb0a06560fd7047318463b"),
"end" : ISODate("2022-08-23T07:06:00Z"),
"available" : true,
"confirmation" : true,
"start" : ISODate("2022-08-19T09:33:00Z")
Now I will query all ScheduleIntervalContainers where start and end is in a range.
I have tried a lot but I not even can query one ScheduleIntervalContainer by id.
This is my approach:
db.InstitutionUserConnection.find( {
"intervalAbsenceDates" : {
"$ref" : "ScheduleIntervalContainer",
"$id" : ObjectId("56eb0a05560fd7047318446d")
Could anyone give me a hint how to query all ScheduleIntervalContainers which have start and end in a time range.
Using DBRef is fraught with problems and the usage is somewhat "antiquated" as it was more of a "shoehorn" solution to requests to provide a mechanism for providing references to external collection data than a really well thought solution.
The general recommendation is to not use DBRef and rather simply use a plain ObjectId or other unique identifier and resolve the actual "collection" or even "database container" with other information, being either another standard property stored in the document or just a plain external reference in your code which identifies the target collection.
The Basic BSON Problem
A good reason for this is that people often make the common mistake ( just like you have ) of interpretting the "serialized" output from a stored object containing a DBRef to actually be "properties" present on the object. This is not true, as in fact the object has it's own BSON type, just like Date and ObjectId. The only time that serialized form is valid is when used with a "strict mode" JSON parser, which would yeild the actual DBRef object.
The manual itself is not particularly helpful with that fact and says "DBRefs have the following fields". This is misleading since those properties are not actually available as fields for query, and would not be exposed other than object inspection available to JavaScript processing of $where or mapReduce. And not a good approach to use either of those for "query" purposes.
So those properties are not available for query, but you can of course specifiy the BSON form directly from your API. Such as:
"intervalAbsenceDates": DBRef(
Which resolves and matches correctly since the correct BSON form was sent in a query and the element will actually match.
From this principle we can then move on to the the concept of "ranges" as asked in the question.
MongoDB does not "really" do Joins
Until recent releases ( MongoDB 3.2.x series ) the statement was actually "MongoDB does not do joins", and this has been a general distinction in design philosophy away from relational databases.
The general mantra "has" been that "joins are costly" and therefore do not scale well in distributed data systems such as what MongoDB is principally designed for.
So if you are asking for referencing a property in the document which the DBRef refers to, then you are basically out of luck. The only possible action for filtering results based on an external property in this case would be:
Look at all the data in the master collection, either loaded to query in whole or processed individually
For each retrieved document, lookup and expand the DBRef values to their target collection data.
Filter out documents whose expanded data from external references do not actually meet the conditions.
This means all the "expansion" and "filtering" must take place on the "client" to the database rather than on the server itself. There simply is no mechanism to do this, so you end up pulling a lot of data over the network connection.
With a DBRef in place this is purely not possible to perform on the server even with modern releases. Again it's the same BSON type problem, since the "source" contains DBRef types and the "target" contains ObjectId types.
If however you can simply live with the fact that your "range" is looking at the "creation date" data that would be inherently present in any ObjectId, then there is of course another approach that does not involve a "join".
Filtering on ObjectId "range"
Every ObjectId starts with 4-bytes that represents the current timestamp value ( excluding milliseconds ) at the time the ObjectId was created. This is generally a good indicator of the time of "insertion" for the document in question where it was used.
From this you can determine that the "created date" of the documents refernced with DBRef is approximately equal to that portion of the ObjectId value used by that document in the target collection. This allows you to basically construct a "range" value for ObjectId values that would fall between the given range. As a consequence, you can then construct DBRef BSON objects that would work with range operators:
// Define start and end dates to query
var dateStart = new Date("2016-03-17T19:48:21Z"), // equal to 56eb0a05
dateEnd = new Date("2016-03-17T19:48:25Z"); // equal to 56eb0a09
// Convert to hex and pad to ObjectId length
var startRange = new ObjectId(
( dateStart.valueOf() / 1000 ).toString(16) + "0000000000000000"
// Yields ObjectId("56eb0a050000000000000000")
endRange = new ObjectId(
( dateEnd.valueOf() / 1000 ).toString(16) + "ffffffffffffffff"
// Yields ObjectId("56eb0a09ffffffffffffffff")
// Now query with contructed DBRef values
"intervalAbsenceDates": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$gte": DBRef("ScheduleIntervalContainer",startRange),
"$lt": DBRef("ScheduleIntervalContainer",endRange),
So as long as "created" is what you are looking for, then that method should suffice for selecting the matching parents without first expanding the DBRef values in the array for further inpection.
The Reverse Case Lookup
Of course the other case here is to simply query the "joined" collection first and then look for documents in the "master" collection that contain the ObjectId values within the DBRef. This does of course mean multiple queries to be issued, but it does cure the case of expanding every DBRef just to match the related properties:
// Create array of matching DBRef values
var refs = db.ScheduleIntervalContainer.find({
"start" { "$lte": targetDate },
"end": { "$gte": targetDate }
}).map(function(doc) {
return DBRef("ScheduleIntervalContainer",doc._id)
// Find documents that match the DBRef's within the array
"intervalAbsenceDates": { "$in": refs }
The practicallity of this varies on the number of matches from the related collection resulting in the array that would be passed to $in, but it does actually yield the desired result.
Actually doing Joins
I mention earlier that "modern" MongoDB releases now have an approach to "joining" data from different collections. This is the $lookup aggregation pipeline operator.
But while this can be used to "join" data, the current usage of DBRef does not work here. I did also mention earlier that the basic problem is the data in the array is a DBRef, but the data in the referenced collection is instead an ObjectId.
So if you wanted to use a $lookup approach, then you would first need to use plain ObjectId values in place of the existing DBRef values:
"_id" : ObjectId("56eb0a06560fd7047318465a"),
"intervalAbsenceDates" : [
With data in that structure you could then use $lookup and other aggregation pipeline methods to just return the documents that actually match the value of a related property. I.e "end" within the related object:
// Presently you need to unwind the array first
{ "$unwind": "$intervalAbsenceDates" },
// Then $lookup to get a resulting array of matches for each member
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "ScheduleIntervalContainer",
"localField": "intervalAbsenceDates",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "absenceDates"
// unwind the array result field as well
{ "$unwind": "$absenceDates" },
// Now reform the documents
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"intervalAbsenceDates": { "$push": "$absenceDates" }
// Then query on the "end" property for the range
{ "$match": {
"intervalAbsenceDates": {
"$elemMatch": {
"end": {
"$gte": new Date("2016-03-23"),
"$lt": new Date("2016-03-24")
The current behaviour of $lookup is that you cannot directly process on an array property in the document, so the procedure shown in "$lookup on ObjectId's in an array" is used to replace the current array with the expanded objects from the other collection.
Once the operations here actually produce a document that now has that related data embedded, it's a straightforward process of looking at the properties of the documents within the array to see if they match the query conditions.
This all should show that DBRef is not a good idea for storing references. Whist it is possible as demonstrated to work around the problem using the ObjectId values, you generally want to have a plain ObjectId or other key value as the reference and resolve them by other means. And even if the workaround is sufficient, it works just the same with plain ObjectId values or anything else that presents a natural range.
When it comes to using the "values" of refernced properties in such a "join", then of course regardless of using DBRef or other value, it is not a possibilty without $lookup to use that in query conditions on the server. All data would first need to be loaded to the client and then resolved with additional queries to the database before those properties can be inspected for filtering.
Since the mechanism of $lookup will in fact result in a form that will look exactly like if you "embedded" the data in the first place, then "embedding" is most often the correct approach, since the data is already present in the source collection and available for query.
There is a lot of "scare media" around regarding the BSON limit of 16MB and saying this is why you keep data in another collection. Sometimes this does indeed apply, but most of the time it does not. Afterall, 16MB is really quite a large amount of data, and more than most would actually use in general applications.
Citation from MongoDB: The Definitive Guide
To give you an idea of how much 16MB is, the entire text of War and Peace is just 3.14MB.
To examine for queries to need to get to an "embedded form" anyway, and it is arguable that if you can store an array of DBRef or ObjectId or whatever as embedded data, then storing all of the content they are actually pointing to is not really that much more of a stretch.
The general lesson is that you should be designing based on the actual usage patterns your applcation applies to the data. If you are querying "related data" all of the time, then it makes most sense to keep that data all in the one collection. Of course other factors apply, but always keep in mind the trade-off in performance considerations by what you are doing.

How do I make a mongo query for something that is not in a subdocument array of heterodox size?

I have a mongodb collection full of 65k+ documents, each one with a properties named site_histories. The value of it is an array that might be empty, or might not be. If it is not empty, it will have one or more objects similar to this:
"site_histories" : "[{\"site_id\":\"129373\",\"accepted\":\"1\",\"rejected\":\"0\",\"pending\":\"0\",\"user_id\":\"12743\"}]"
I need to make a query that will look for every instance in the collection of a document that does not have a given user_id.
I'm pretty new to Mongo, so I was trying to make a query that would find every instance that does have the given user_id, which I was then planning on adding a "$ne" to, but even that didn't work. This is the query I was using that didn't work:
db.test.find({site_histories: { $elemMatch: {user_id: '12743\' }}})
So can anyone tell me why this query didn't work? And can anyone help me format a query that will do what I need the final query to do?
If your site_histories really is an array, it should be as simple as doing:
db.test.find({"site_histories.user_id": "12743"})
That looks in all the elements of the array.
However, I'm a bit scared of all those backslashes. If site_histories is a string, that won't work. It would mean that the schema is poorly designed, you'd maybe try with $regex

How to comapre all records of two collections in mongodb using mapreduce?

I have an use case in which I want to compare each record of two collections in mongodb and after comparing each record I need to find mismatch fields of all record.
Let us take an example, in collection1 I have one record as {id : 1, name : "bks"}
and in collection2 I have a record as {id : 1, name : "abc"}
When I compare above two records with same key, then field name is a mismatch field as name is different.
I am thinking to achieve this use case using mapreduce in mongodb. But I am facing some problems while accessing collection name in map function. When I tried to compare it in map function, I got error as : "errmsg" : "exception: ReferenceError: db is not defined near '
Can anyone give me some thoughts on how to compare records using mapreduce?
I might have helped you to read the documentation:
When upgrading to MongoDB 2.4, you will need to refactor your code if your map-reduce operations, group commands, or $where operator expressions include any global shell functions or properties that are no longer available, such as db.
So from your error fragment, you appear to be referencing db in order to access another collection. You cannot do that.
If indeed you are intending to "compare" items in one collection to those in another, then there is no other approach other than looping code:
db.collection.find().forEach(function(doc) {
var another = db.anothercollection.findOne({ "_id": doc._id });
// Code to compare
There is simply no concept of "joins" as such available to MongoDB, and operations such as mapReduce or aggregate or others strictly work with one collection only.
The exception is db.eval(), but as per all of strict warnings in the documentation, this is almost always a very bad idea.
Live with your comparison in looping code.

update mongo db documents with regex

I need to find all the documents in mongodb that have keywords that start with number 1-9, then add a '+' in front of the keyword, I can easily find the documents but cannot figure out how to update them.
I tried this one, but it doesn't work
keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}},
It cannot recognize $keyword, I also tried '.keyword', 'keyword', none of them works. Is there any way to reference the document itself like Java does, using 'this', so I can do something like
this.keyword: "+" + this.keyword
You'll have to use the $set operator in the update query to update a specific field. Also, you cannot concatenate string within an update query. One way to do this would be using cursor forEach() in the shell:
db.placements.find({program_id:{$in:[113,107]}, keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}})
db.placements.updateOne({_id:doc._id}, {$set:{"keyword":"+" + doc.keyword}})
No, you cannot reference a value on the document itself when querying like you can with SQL.
I would suggest querying the document, updating it on your web/app server and then updating the value back to mongodb.
You will also find that your update command above will wipe your entire document leaving only the keyword field. You should use the $set modifier to update a field or set of fields.
keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}
{ $set: {keyword: new_value}})