MongoDB Query - Filter only works with "_id" - mongodb

I'm using mongodb v4.0.3, and this happens both with the shell and in compass.
This only happens with a certain collection. It previously had overriden ids (instead of the default mongodb id, there was a string. I dropped the collection and I recreated it without that).
I have the following structure ("mystructure"), for example:
When I query it without a filter it returns all the docs:
When I search for its objectid, it returns properly
db.mystructure.find( {"_id": ObjectId("5bd44eb528d61e3374b5e6ea")} );
But when I try to filter with any field, it doesn't return anything
db.mystructure.find( {"custom_field": "data"} );
At first I thought it would be solved recreating the collection with the automatically generated ids from mongodb but the problem persists. There are no "hidden" spaces in the string or anything like that. The same query in compass isn't working either. Other collections do work. It's on the same db, with the same user.
Why can this be?
Thank you very much.

you should write below code where 62c01e5a763d106152a2e53f is your _id


Can you update a collection in MongoDB and remove the first/last char on one field?

My question might be simple be here's some more context to it.
I have a MySQL DB, I've used an ETL tool to populate a MongoDBwith, however I couldn't manage to create proper ObjectId reference to it (I can only get a string of the ObjectId.
So far I've had an idea (maybe crazy but still.. could work)
I got this field populated like this in one document :
"field1" : "ObjectId('5d48845c456145ee9d1ccffde')",
What I would want to achieve through mongoDB is removing the first and last char to get (stripping the double quotes):
"field1" : ObjectId('5d48845c456145ee9d1ccffde'),
(note that MongoDB seems to automatically convert simple to Double quote after the change, so my reference become corret).
Problem is, I don't find anything close to a sort of Update script for MongoDB to achieve this.
Is there any way to do this ?
Using NodeJS could work, however, querying the document at this state doesn't return the field1 (probably cause it find it incorect)...
If its one time update, you can use the following query:
In aggregation, the 'field1' is cast to ObjectId. Later on, the old data in the collection is replaced with the aggregated one.

Meteor React - Why is findOne on a single document not found in miniMongo when it does exist?

This is such a weird problem. I think it has to do with how I am querying the document. It seems like the Meteor API has changed to query documents but the docs on the website are the same.
Here is a document in the database:
meteor:PRIMARY> db.studies.findOne()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56c12e6537014a66b16771e7"), "name" : "Study 1" }
I have subscribed to get all documents and here is what I am trying in the console to get the documents.
var study = Studies.findOne() // This works.
It returns:
_id: MongoID.ObjectID
_str: "56c12e6537014a66b16771e7"
name: 'Study 1'
I just started a new Meteor project with React. I see that my collection is returning _id: MongoId.ObjectId
This is different, I have been using Meteor for awhile with Blaze and I can't remember it returning MongoID.ObjectID instead of just the string
But now if I try and find just that one document, it does not work.
var study = Studies.findOne("56c12e6537014a66b16771e7");
var study = Studies.findOne({_id: "56c12e6537014a66b16771e7"});
I am positive I am queuing for the right _id field. I have double checked the ID. Why does trying to find this one document not work?
Please let me know how I can query for a document. Has something changed with Meteor? The documentation still says you can search by id string.
You need to explicitly cast object id string to an ObjectID
var study = Studies.findOne({_id: new Meteor.Collection.ObjectID("56c12e6537014a66b16771e7")});
#Jaco has the correct answer, but I wanted to answer here to clarify what the higher level issue was.
The reason why my find query was not following syntax in Meteor docs is because I inserted the document into MongoDB directly, instead of through the Meteor API.
If you insert the document directly into MongoDB, you have to query the document using the syntax #Jaco mentioned in his answer.
Similar question: Meteor - Find a document from collection via Mongo ObjectId
So instead of changing my query code, I just deleted the document I inserted directly into MongoDB, and inserted a documented using the console in the browser.
Now I can query the document like normal.
So the root of the issue is that if you insert the document directly into MongoDB, you don't get the same type of document as you would if you insert the document using the Meteor API.

How do I make a mongo query for something that is not in a subdocument array of heterodox size?

I have a mongodb collection full of 65k+ documents, each one with a properties named site_histories. The value of it is an array that might be empty, or might not be. If it is not empty, it will have one or more objects similar to this:
"site_histories" : "[{\"site_id\":\"129373\",\"accepted\":\"1\",\"rejected\":\"0\",\"pending\":\"0\",\"user_id\":\"12743\"}]"
I need to make a query that will look for every instance in the collection of a document that does not have a given user_id.
I'm pretty new to Mongo, so I was trying to make a query that would find every instance that does have the given user_id, which I was then planning on adding a "$ne" to, but even that didn't work. This is the query I was using that didn't work:
db.test.find({site_histories: { $elemMatch: {user_id: '12743\' }}})
So can anyone tell me why this query didn't work? And can anyone help me format a query that will do what I need the final query to do?
If your site_histories really is an array, it should be as simple as doing:
db.test.find({"site_histories.user_id": "12743"})
That looks in all the elements of the array.
However, I'm a bit scared of all those backslashes. If site_histories is a string, that won't work. It would mean that the schema is poorly designed, you'd maybe try with $regex

update mongo db documents with regex

I need to find all the documents in mongodb that have keywords that start with number 1-9, then add a '+' in front of the keyword, I can easily find the documents but cannot figure out how to update them.
I tried this one, but it doesn't work
keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}},
It cannot recognize $keyword, I also tried '.keyword', 'keyword', none of them works. Is there any way to reference the document itself like Java does, using 'this', so I can do something like
this.keyword: "+" + this.keyword
You'll have to use the $set operator in the update query to update a specific field. Also, you cannot concatenate string within an update query. One way to do this would be using cursor forEach() in the shell:
db.placements.find({program_id:{$in:[113,107]}, keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}})
db.placements.updateOne({_id:doc._id}, {$set:{"keyword":"+" + doc.keyword}})
No, you cannot reference a value on the document itself when querying like you can with SQL.
I would suggest querying the document, updating it on your web/app server and then updating the value back to mongodb.
You will also find that your update command above will wipe your entire document leaving only the keyword field. You should use the $set modifier to update a field or set of fields.
keyword:{$regex:'^[0-9]', $options:'i'}
{ $set: {keyword: new_value}})

Updating multiple documents in mongodb using _id field

I have sample products table and would like to update multiple documents using _id field. Every time, I try this it only updates the first doc in the $in clause I mentioned , not updating all.
ObjectId("507d95d5719dbef170f15c01"), ObjectId("507d95d5719dbef170f15c00")]}},
{$set:{'monthly_price':7865}}, {multi:true})
You can first try running find on the products table to make sure that all the object ids actually exist.
You can also try explain command
give this a try:
db.<collection>.update( { query }, {$set: {monthly_price:7865}}, false, true)
I think the object id's which you have given doesn't exist in the collection.
I tried using the following query and it worked for me.