Qt 5.10.1 MinGW .. how to link a dll - qt5.5

I have a project that complies while linking to lib quazip.a. But the project crashes in the Qt IDE when trying to run it. In VS 2017 with Qt VS Tools I built the dll quazip.dll because the deployed project needs it. But the dll doesn't load with the error "Procedure entry point not found". Is there a way to link the dll in my project so an entry point can be found? Or is there a way to get the project to run in the IDE as well as deploy with the quazip.a lib? Or is there a way to build the quazip.dll in Qt MinGW?

I got the quazip.dll from a Qt MinGW build of quazip. All is fine now.


Problems creating a project with CodenameOne in Netbeans

Install Netbeans 12.6 on a Windows 10 machine. I was able to install the CodenameOne plugin with no problem. When creating a project I get the following error message:
Cannot invoke "org.openide.filesystems.FileObject.getFileObject(String)" because "folder" is null
I've been surfing the internet and can't find a way to fix it.
Thank you for your support.
This approach is no longer supported. The plugin is only used for legacy applications and no longer works in newer IDEs due to breaking changes in almost all IDEs.
Starting with Codename One 7.x we moved to maven projects which don't require the plugin and can be created in https://start.codenameone.com/
I have followed the instructions in the manual and it mentions as important:
"Before opening the project in NetBeans, you need to copy the contents of the tools/netbeans directory into the root project directory. These files are required by NetBeans to build, run, and debug the project correctly. "
But I can't find this folder in netbeans version 12.6.

How to build an existing gwt project via terminal

I want to build the following gwt tutorial project
I'm used to the gwt Eclipse plugin, so I'm at a loss when building an existing project via command line, I tried using the ant build hosted command from the downloaded project folder, like the tutorial mentions, and got these errors:
ant build hosted
Buildfile: /home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/build.xml
/home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/build.xml:18: Warning: Could not find file /home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/C:/eclipse/plugins/com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.win32_1.6.4.v200904062334/gwt-windows-1.6.4/gwt-servlet.jar to copy.
Total time: 0 seconds
[1]: http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/files/gwt_hibernate_dto.zipTI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/build.xml%20%20libs:%20%20BUILD%20FAILED%20/home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/build.xml:18:%20Warning:%20Could%20not%20find%20file%20/home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/C:/eclipse/plugins/com.google.gwt.eclipse.sdkbundle.win32_1.6.4.v200904062334/gwt-windows-1.6.4/gwt-servlet.jar%20to%20copy.%20%20Total%20time:%200%20seconds
I noticed the win32 required file.I'm working from an Ubuntu 12.04 box, is this source not buildable from non-Windows machines?
Current release of GWT is 2.5 and gwt-windows-1.6.4 has been outdated since 2009. You should follow a more up-to-date tutorial which refers to the latest (or at least a recent) version.

Qt application made in Eclipse doesn't start

I've been trying for a few hours now to make eclipse, mingw and Qt work, and I can't manage to.
No matter what I try, when I try to run the qt application (using Run or Debug, same thing), no window appears, and after a few seconds, Eclipse says 'program terminated'. Another time I tried (using some different configurations), windows would give that "Program has stopped" error.
If I try to launch the application from outside eclipse, I get a missing .dll error.
I have Qt 4.8.1 installed, latest version of eclipse, and I just installed the latest version of MinGW. I am also using the Qt plugin for Eclipse. I'm running Windows 7.
There are also some other minor problems:
For some reason I have to rebuild the index after opening/creating a project, or I'll get 'undefined include' errors.
The build (hammer) icon in the toolbar is grayed/disabled, why could that be?
For every new project, I need to change the make application to mingw32-make, is it possible to make the toolchain use this make executable or something?
I can't understand why Microsoft Visual Studio just works, I didn't have to set up anything other than install the Qt add-in, and Eclipse is so hard to configure...

How to integrate PyQt designer in Eclipse?

I'm trying to integrate the pydev, pyqt, python and eclipse.
Now the code can be runing without error.
And I know to make the GUI in Qt Designer.
and then modified it in Eclipse.
Now I want to integrate the Qt Designer of PyQt to Eclipse.
Just like the Qt Eclipse Integration for C++.
Use PyQt Designer in Eclipse.
Can anybody teach me how to do it?
Thanks very much!
BTW, I'm try to set the preference of qt project in Eclipse.
But when I add new qt version.I didn't know how to borrow the bin path.
Because there is no bin path in PyQt.And also didn't have qmake,uic,rcc etc.
the version name that I typed is PyQt-Py2.7-x64-gpl-4.8.5-1.exe.
I borrow the include path like C:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\Sib\PyQt4.
my OS is win7.
Thanks for your answers!
God bless you!
The only way is to install the Qt Eclipse Integration, that way you can open ui files directly in eclipse.
But this does not work well with plugins and custom widgets, since that requires the exact same Qt version for the Eclipse integration and PyQt (and the same compiler flags..), and that may not be the case.
You could of course build the Qt Eclipse Integration yourself, if it works with the Qt version you're using with PyQt. (it's pre-built for 4.6.1, so it may or may not work with later Qt versions.)
What we've done is to tell Eclipse to open .ui files in Qt Designer outside of Eclipse. Not as nice, but it works with custom widget plugins, so it's a definite win for us.
An easy way to open .ui files generated by Designer is to convert them to python code using "pyuic4" which comes with pyqt. On Windows and Linux (I haven't tested on Mac), open a shell and navigate to the directory containing your .ui file then run the command/flag/args... See example below:
pyuic4 -o newOutputFile.py theOriginalPyQtFile.ui
In the example my input file is called "theOriginalPyQtFile.ui" and the ouput file that will be generated is named "newOutputFile.py" and saved in the same directory as "theOriginalPyQtFile.ui".
After that just open "newOutputFile.py" in Eclipse or any IDE.

'(Cannot run program "make": Launching failed) .' in Eclipse

I am using Eclipse for Windows and have this error:
Build of configuration Debug for project helloworld
(Cannot run program "make": Launching failed)
What do I do to solve this?
Eclipse CDT on Windows depends on 3rd party tools.
You may find this useful: Setting up a compiler
I faced the same problem while installing Eclipse for c/c++ applications .I downloaded Mingw GCC ,put its bin folder in your path ,used it in toolchains while making new C++ project in Eclipse and build which solved my problem. Referred to this video