How to build an existing gwt project via terminal - gwt

I want to build the following gwt tutorial project
I'm used to the gwt Eclipse plugin, so I'm at a loss when building an existing project via command line, I tried using the ant build hosted command from the downloaded project folder, like the tutorial mentions, and got these errors:
ant build hosted
Buildfile: /home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/build.xml
/home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/build.xml:18: Warning: Could not find file /home/antonio/Desktop/LABATI/MusicStoreDTO-NOECLIPSE/C:/eclipse/plugins/ to copy.
Total time: 0 seconds
I noticed the win32 required file.I'm working from an Ubuntu 12.04 box, is this source not buildable from non-Windows machines?

Current release of GWT is 2.5 and gwt-windows-1.6.4 has been outdated since 2009. You should follow a more up-to-date tutorial which refers to the latest (or at least a recent) version.


Qt 5.10.1 MinGW .. how to link a dll

I have a project that complies while linking to lib quazip.a. But the project crashes in the Qt IDE when trying to run it. In VS 2017 with Qt VS Tools I built the dll quazip.dll because the deployed project needs it. But the dll doesn't load with the error "Procedure entry point not found". Is there a way to link the dll in my project so an entry point can be found? Or is there a way to get the project to run in the IDE as well as deploy with the quazip.a lib? Or is there a way to build the quazip.dll in Qt MinGW?
I got the quazip.dll from a Qt MinGW build of quazip. All is fine now.

Debugging a Gradle 1.12 dependency resolution issue

I am using Gradle 1.12 to build an Android library. The build script works fine and the artifacts are installed to both a Maven local repository and deployed (using an S3 wagon Gradle plugin) to a remote Maven repository. When these artifacts are referenced by a Gradle (1.12) build of a sample app using the Maven local repo, all works fine. When the remote repository is used, a Gradle dependency resolution error is reported [details on the error will be provided later].
To get more information about the problem in order to fix my script or file a bug report, I would like to do some debugging of Gradle 1.12 while the sample app build script runs. Eclipse would seem to have the debugger of choice but configuring Eclipse is the subject of this post.
Following advice on the Gradle forums, it is straightforward to configure Gradle startup options to suspend on startup and await a connection from a client debugger (Eclipse).
Configuring Eclipse to do this is proving difficult. At first glance, it would seem that one needs a Gradle plugin. Spring Source provides a recommended one. But this plugin appears to bury and use Gradle 1.10. Perhaps upgrading this plugin to use 1.12 is easy and an answer that details how to do this would be a great answer.
The critical pieces of the answer I am looking for will enable me to place breakpoints in Gradle classes and step through source code until I either find a bug or figure out what I might be doing incorrectly in my build script.
Alternative approaches, such as using Intellij or Android Studio would be good answers as well if accompanied by details and/or references that make it clear how to enable the Gradle debugging process.
Debugging Gradle works exactly the same as (remotely) debugging any other Java application. No Gradle plugin is needed for this. In a nutshell, you need to start a remote debugging session from an Eclipse project that has Gradle sources. One way to create such a project is to clone the Gradle GitHub repository and run gradlew eclipse.

Ant Build Error in Eclipse IDE for Java

I have been receiving the following error and have done a lot of research and tried all of the offered solutions to no avail.
[junitreport] Processing C:\workspace\test123\junit\TESTS-TestSuites.xml to C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\Temp\null1903337257
[junitreport] Loading stylesheet jar:file:/C:/Users/Matt/Documents/Selenium/eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.8.3.v20120321-1730/lib/ant-junit.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/junit/xsl/junit-frames.xsl
[junitreport] : Error! The first argument to the non-static Java function 'replace' is not a valid object reference.
[junitreport] : Error! Cannot convert data-type 'void' to 'reference'.
[junitreport] : Fatal Error! Could not compile stylesheet
[junitreport] Failed to process C:\workspace\test123\junit\TESTS-TestSuites.xml
C:\Users\Matt\workspace\Test1\build.xml:122: Errors while applying transformations: Fatal error during transformation
I found a solution at ant junit build error inside eclipse and saying that the issue was caused by a newer version of JDK and using 1.6_31 would solve it and I tried that following instructions I found online on how to change the version of Java eclipse is using. Every time I run the build ant it returns the same error regardless of which version of Java I am using. I have tried JRE7, jdk1.7.0_05, jdk1.6.0, jdk1.6.0_31 and others that I don't have installed anymore.
I am running the following
Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: Juno Release Build id: 20120614-1722
If anyone could provide any assistance in getting this report running it would be greatly appreciated. I'm new to programming and this is very frustrating especially since I'm still learning all of the jargon and trying to be sure I am following the instructions properly. If you require anymore information from me I will provide it and I will follow any instruction given to the best of my ability. Thank you very much in advance.
While an Ant Bug Report 384757 claims that this is caused by the XSL Tranformer build into the Oracle JDK - which may be true - the problem can be fixed by changing the Ant version:
I tried some of the workarounds mentioned there. After a while, I found that the bug appears with Ant 1.8.3 (distributed in Eclipse), but not with Ant 1.8.2 (distributed in Eclipse 3.7).
The bug also does not appear with Ant 1.9.0.
I have downloaded Ant 1.9.0 and in configured Eclipse's "Run As -> Ant build..." to use the Ant 1.9.0 folder as ANT HOME. This worked.
PS: My Eclipse used Ant 1.8.3 (which did not work), but running Ant from the console used Ant 1.8.2 (which worked). This was confusing at first.
I have solved the issue by downloading apache-ant-1.9.1 and configuring it in Eclipse by changing the ANT HOME from windows--> Preferences and setting the ANT HOME to apache-ant-1.9.1.
Below workaround fixed the build issue I had...
Download the 2 jar files from the urls given below and add those to Ant-Runtime Classpath located on Eclipse at:
Window>Preferences> Ant>Runtime>Ant Home Entries
Restart eclipse and run the Ant build.

Gaelyk eclipse configuration error

I've tried to configure a gaelyk project in eclipse using the gradle script of the template project and always failed.
to do this I use the following command:
gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse
All the packeges seems correctly downloaded, the .project and .classpath files are created but I always fint this error on the project:
The App Engine SDK 'C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches\artifacts\\appengine-api-1.0-sdk\c12498cf18507aa6433a94eb7d3e77d5\jars\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.6.1.jar' on the project's build path is not valid
(SDK location 'C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches\artifacts\\appengine-api-1.0-sdk\c12498cf18507aa6433a94eb7d3e77d5\jars\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.6.1.jar' is not a directory)
It seems that the appengine SDK is specified uncorrectly in the .classpath/.project files.
I've installed eclipse Indigo and the last version of the google plugin for eclipse
How can I fix it?
I am personally not using Eclipse for Gaelyk development. Therefore, I am not sure if the existing Eclipse configuration in the Gradle build script of the template project will work with the Google plugin.
However, a while ago I got a pull request for the Gradle GAE plugin to integrate with the Eclipse plugin. I had turned it down because it's too specific and it would lead to potentially a lot of bugs to the Gradle plugin as the Google configuration might change. The author was planning to creating a separate plugin for it so you can try to ping him.
I also know of another Gradle plugin that might help you here. Also try to post your question the Gaelyk mailing list.

Netbeans won't let me change a project's Netbeans platform

I've downloaded the VisualVM source and am trying to compile the Glassfish plugin using Netbeans 7.01. Doing so results in the following error:
C:\source\visualvm\trunk\plugins\glassfish\nbproject\build-impl.xml:48: You must define 'nbplatform.VisualVM_100609-dd12ae64a19c.harness.dir'
That lead me to the project settings which shows the platform as "Netbeans IDE...". The drop down box is grayed out so I can't select the correct platform.
Yet, on my hello world VisualVM plugin I can set the platform to the appropriate platform and it runs great.
To try and resolve this I've tried creating file and putting it in the nbproject folder with the following entries. However, this doesn't seem to be working
Any suggestions.
Glassfish plugin is part of 'plugins' NetBeans modules suite. All modules from a Modules suite has to be build against the same version of NetBeans platform application (in our case VisualVM). This means that you can change the NetBeans Platform for the whole suite, go to the properties of the 'plugins' suite a change the platform there.
In order to build the VisualVM and it's associated plugins you must download the NetBeans platform and profiler binaries that are available on the VisualVM website's build guide section.
For example, to build the 1.3.2 release you would go to this section and download the NetBeans 6.9.1 platform and profiler binaries available through the link located on that page. The link I've provided also gives you instructions for obtaining the proper VisualVM sources from the repository and building VisualVM and it's plugins. For example, the sources for the 1.3.2 release can be checked out using the following url:
And once you've completed the checkout and extracted the NetBeans platform binaries (downloaded from the above link) into the
release132/visualvm directory, you can build the entire application and it's plugins by running ant build from the release32/plugins directory.
I successfully completed this entire process and can verify that the instructions work for 1.3.2. However, the instructions for building the trunk did not result in a successful build due to at least one missing dependency.
What the error that you were seeing was telling you was that the NetBeans platform's build harness could not be located. The harness is included in the downloadable binary and once you've extracted it into the release32/visualvm directory the values that are in the file will once again be valid. This is of course a good example of why you should keep everything needed to successfully reproduce a build in your repository!