How to integrate PyQt designer in Eclipse? - eclipse

I'm trying to integrate the pydev, pyqt, python and eclipse.
Now the code can be runing without error.
And I know to make the GUI in Qt Designer.
and then modified it in Eclipse.
Now I want to integrate the Qt Designer of PyQt to Eclipse.
Just like the Qt Eclipse Integration for C++.
Use PyQt Designer in Eclipse.
Can anybody teach me how to do it?
Thanks very much!
BTW, I'm try to set the preference of qt project in Eclipse.
But when I add new qt version.I didn't know how to borrow the bin path.
Because there is no bin path in PyQt.And also didn't have qmake,uic,rcc etc.
the version name that I typed is PyQt-Py2.7-x64-gpl-4.8.5-1.exe.
I borrow the include path like C:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\Sib\PyQt4.
my OS is win7.
Thanks for your answers!
God bless you!

The only way is to install the Qt Eclipse Integration, that way you can open ui files directly in eclipse.
But this does not work well with plugins and custom widgets, since that requires the exact same Qt version for the Eclipse integration and PyQt (and the same compiler flags..), and that may not be the case.
You could of course build the Qt Eclipse Integration yourself, if it works with the Qt version you're using with PyQt. (it's pre-built for 4.6.1, so it may or may not work with later Qt versions.)
What we've done is to tell Eclipse to open .ui files in Qt Designer outside of Eclipse. Not as nice, but it works with custom widget plugins, so it's a definite win for us.

An easy way to open .ui files generated by Designer is to convert them to python code using "pyuic4" which comes with pyqt. On Windows and Linux (I haven't tested on Mac), open a shell and navigate to the directory containing your .ui file then run the command/flag/args... See example below:
pyuic4 -o theOriginalPyQtFile.ui
In the example my input file is called "theOriginalPyQtFile.ui" and the ouput file that will be generated is named "" and saved in the same directory as "theOriginalPyQtFile.ui".
After that just open "" in Eclipse or any IDE.


Is there a workflow to update a Netbeans 7.0.1 project using Swing to use Netbeans 7.4?

(I'm new to Netbeans and my Java experience is rudimentary and limited to using Processing with Eclipse, so this may be a very basic question.)
I am working with an open source project which was developed using NetBeans 7.0.1 for gui stuff. The project will load and run in NetBeans 7.4 but the GUI is not editable. Is there some workflow to update the GUI? I don't want to rebuild it from scratch but I would like to use the latest version of NetBeans.
The error msg I get is below. I suspect I face rebuilding.

Importing C libraries into eclipse through plugins

I have build up a C library using my C source code and I have the lib file ready.
Now I want to import this lib file to my eclipse through eclipse plugin.
I want to develop a eclipse plugin which includes these lib files such that I can use my old source codes over here in eclipse just like android plugin for app developers which contains android source code.
I'm not sure how to do this.
Eclipse it's just an IDE, C and C++ support for development purposes are provided by other packages or plugins if you will, the most popular one is CDT.
You can install cdt by simply using the Help menu in your Eclipse.
But in my experience Eclipse is probably one of the worst IDE for development, the C and C++ situation is even worst.

How to build and install an Eclipse plugin using ant

How do I build and install an Eclipse plugin using ant? I want to build a plugin as a zip file and then install the plugin on 32bit or 64bit eclipse. What am I supposed to do here?
Indeed, using PDE/Build to achieve a so-called headless build is difficult, but not impossible.
We are still building our RCP this way.
I recommend reading Paulin's and Sharma's tutorials on the issue.
The Eclipse PDE has its own builder which is built on ant. I'm not sure from your question if you are looking to simply build/export your plugin within eclipse or generate ant build scripts that can be run outside of eclipse. The latter is more difficult. Inside eclipse you can simple go to file -> export -> Plugin-Development -> Deployable plugin and the export wizard will walk you through it, you can select to deploy a zip or exploded directory and then select output location and presto you have your plugin built as a jar that can be dropped into an eclipse instance. If you are looking to use ant outside of eclipse to build you need to go through a series of steps that are complicated to get a 'headless build", if this is what you need to do Google "pde headless" build. I've tried it but gave up. There is also a good book "Building highly modular systems with OSGI/Equinox that has a chapter devoted to this. - Duncan

Plug-in for Eclipse

I am developing a plug-in for eclipse for JSHOP2 language. For that i made a plug-in project with 'editor'. I have written the code for the neceessary syntax highlighting for JSHOP2 but I don't know how to integrate this types of plug-in with eclipse and then how to take use of it, so that while i write the JSHOP2 code the necessary syntax gets highlighted. Please help me with this.
So you have an editor that works correctly?
Then you need to make sure the files with your extension are opened with your editor. That is described in the Eclipse wiki.
To make sure your plugin is integrated to your version of Eclipse, either create an update site and import the plugin as you would do with any other plugin. Or export the plugin to a jar and copy the jar to the dropins catalog.
Since you are using eclipse to write java code (plug-in project). Create a new eclipse launch configuration. Menu Run -> Run Configuration. Location eclipse application. Right click -> Create new & Run. Hope this helps.

Setting up Eclipse for other programming languages

I have installed Eclipse (Helios) for the Java programming language, but I also want to use it for programming in C/C++, Python and Ruby. I've installed CDT and DLTK (for Python and Ruby).
I already had mingw-w64 (Windows platform) installed. How do I set up Eclipse so that it uses MinGW as the toolchain? It apparently detects MinGW as a toolchain, but when I create a project, two warnings already appear saying "error launching external scanner info generator". I'm assuming this is because it can't find the compiler program. Also, it doesn't detect any of the standard-library header files. Could these problems be because I'm using mingw-w64 rather than the standard MinGW?
I have Ruby working, but as for Python, it cannot find the interpreter nor the default system library. I have Python 2.7 already installed. I don't know how to tell Eclipse where to look for the files.
Note: I am on Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. I've heard of people on 64-bit versions of Vista having trouble getting mingw-w64 to work. I may be having the same problem. Ignoring Eclipse, when I try to compile a C file using gcc, it has trouble finding the libraries and includes.
Edit: If I set the path to /bin/ and /libexec/ via environmental variables, I don't get the initial errors when creating a project, but, what I want to know is, how could I set the paths via Eclipse? Also, even if I set the paths, the linker still can't find the libraries and includes. I went to Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings and tried to set the libraries and includes that way, but it still couldn't find them (the libraries, at least)! Moreover, would I really have to do this for every project? This option isn't available in Window > Preferences.
As for the python part, I recommend using pydev:
It's the best eclipse plugin for python. From code completion, syntax highlighting, virtualenv support ( and so on...
If you are into web development,
from javascript, php, html, python, ruby... you also might want to take a look at aptana.
It's a eclipse based IDE with lots of goodies working out of thebox, like git and subversion plugins, pydev etc... aptana is (or was, I switched IDE) installable as a plugin in a regular eclipse)
Martin K. link looks good for mingw part.