Is there a flutter widget to display 360 degree Image? - flutter

I'm developing Flutter application to display Images in a listView
those images coming from the server, but when requesting them, and displaying them in a list, which widget will provide the functionality for 360-degree image viewer
I searched for how to store them in a database, and I found that just like any normal image but in JPEG format for compression needs

You can use the Panorama package, you can find the instructions in this page:


The image of the map on the screen is not taken as a screenshot

I am trying to take a screenshot using "screenshot: ^1.3.0". On screens with simple widgets, the image is stored without problems.
If I have a Google map or a Flutter map on my screen, the map part is grayed out. I face this problem in both web and mobile projects.
I need to get a screenshot of the whole page including the map. How can I solve this?
I don't get any problem in the console when the image is fetched.
Flutter 3.3.3, Dart 2.18.2

How to resize a JPEG by setting Wdith, Height and DPI?

As the title states, we are taking images from the gallery of the phone/device and converting them to standard print sizes to be used by a commercial printer?
An example is we take a standard camera photo and convert it to 5x7inch photo.
This is not for displaying in the Flutter app, this is to generate the file to send to a commercial printer.
Using the following library lets us modify the width and height by pixels, but we cannot modify it by density?
Does anyone know how to do this in flutter/dart?
What I'm looking for is the following functionality in the preview app in macOS.

get thumbnail of online video as widget

How to get first frame of online video on flutter?
I try use but their backend not working, so library do not return thumbnail. Any idea how to do it without downloading whole video from web?
For me it is important to run this on platform iOS/Android/Web

Flutter Images Tags

Does flutter have any package or plugin which lets us tap on the image and tag people or anything?
Basically, I want to take a pick of a few products and then tap on any particular image and then write the name of that product.
Help me out, guys
You can use flutter camera or image picker package to pick image of your product.
Image Picker
And then use stack to add text on the image.

How to crop url image with Flutter?

I tried using a image-crooper in flutter, but they only for local image. How to crop the image with url image?
I'd like to introduce my developing package crop_your_image. You can convert downloaded image data into UInt8List and pass it to Crop widget. Then, it would show up cropping UI on the screen.
You can find a sample app which downloads images via URL and let user crop them.