get thumbnail of online video as widget - flutter

How to get first frame of online video on flutter?
I try use but their backend not working, so library do not return thumbnail. Any idea how to do it without downloading whole video from web?
For me it is important to run this on platform iOS/Android/Web


embed a tiktok video onto an app page with flutter?

Video player, webview, custom widgets on pubdev, all seem to be failing me on what should be a simple problem... how do i display a tiktok video on a page using flutter widgets? Embarassed to admit how long I have tried to code this.
I have tried the html-editor widget too.
Coding/interface is via flutterflow.

How to show video on carousel using flutter?

I am new to flutter. I am trying to show video in a carousel. I am able to show images but when it comes to video I'm stuck. I have searched everywhere but couldn't find any example.
If you know how to implement a photo carousel, it should be easy to make a video carousel. Just implement a video player using chewie package and just place the video widget instead of the image widget.
As you have provided no code in your question. So, I do not know why you are stuck in video. Also, you can check the below question/ans:
Video Carousel slider for flutter

Preview video taken with camera on Flutter web

I have just implemented taking videos with the camera plugin on Flutter Web. After I stop recording, there's no way to show the users the video they have just recorded. The video player plugin won't play files on Flutter web, is there any other way to go about this?

Why does the Chewie video player for flutter take up the whole screen size regardless of video dimensions?

I am new to flutter, and am trying to play videos in my app. I followed this tutorial on using Chewie to play videos by copying and pasting the code from its main.dart and chewie_list_item.dart code snippets on the website into a fresh project (the github project provided by the website is too outdated for me to debug, so I did copy pasted instead)
I expected to get something like this, with the player "wrapped" around the video:
However, I get this (on my android virtual device), with the video player taking up the entire size of the screen regardless of the video dimensions. I did try inputting AspectRatio according to the video dimensions, but all that did was to eliminate the stretching of the video, but the main issue remains.
Why does it behave this way, and how do I achieve the result shown in the first image? This is the test project I made: Thanks!

Is there a flutter widget to display 360 degree Image?

I'm developing Flutter application to display Images in a listView
those images coming from the server, but when requesting them, and displaying them in a list, which widget will provide the functionality for 360-degree image viewer
I searched for how to store them in a database, and I found that just like any normal image but in JPEG format for compression needs
You can use the Panorama package, you can find the instructions in this page: