Flutter Images Tags - flutter

Does flutter have any package or plugin which lets us tap on the image and tag people or anything?
Basically, I want to take a pick of a few products and then tap on any particular image and then write the name of that product.
Help me out, guys

You can use flutter camera or image picker package to pick image of your product.
Image Picker
And then use stack to add text on the image.


Cartoonise image in Flutter

it is possible so please send the code
Cartoonise image in Flutter
Allow users to upload an image from camera or photo gallery. Convert this image into a cartoon version of the same image. Show cartoon version to the user.
if it is possible so please resolve the my issue or give me refernce

Is there a way to use a cached image from a url as a placeholder of the FadeInImage.memoryNetwork or another widget which does the same thing?

I have a flutter app with a detail page with the main fadeinimage widget and many small images on the bottom of it. When the user taps one of the small images, the main image changes to a bigger version of the small image, I was hoping that when the user taps the small image, it could be used as the placeholder of the large image because it has already been loaded and shows that photo till the big picture is loaded. Is something like that possible?
You might want to checkout the package https://pub.dev/packages/cached_network_image

Flutter: How to pick image and mark the image as "picked" with a check mark in the gallery?

I am building a social app using flutter. I am using image_picker package to pick image and videos from gallery but I also want to mark all the images in the gallery which are already picked with a "check mark", so that user knows while picking more images which ones are already picked by him. Can someone suggest how to implement this?
This should be a feature of the image_picker package btw.

Flutter display logo over camera preview and capture

I'm trying to show the logo over the camera preview. If the user click the capture button logo should be placed in the image. Thanks in advance.
You need to use FFmpeg package for the flutter or any alternative.
Refer https://github.com/tanersener/flutter-ffmpeg
Example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59000723/5882307

Flutter: Preview one or more images from the phone gallery?

I am using the camera plugin in flutter with a custom camera preview interface but I would want to include into the interface a list at the bottom of the screen a list of photos currently inside my photo gallery....Is there a plugin for flutter that I can use to preview photos from my photo gallery?
check image_picker plugin for Flutter
I believe I found a plugin that you were asking for. The plugin is called photo_manager.
From the photo_manager Readme:
A flutter api for photo, you can get image/video from ios or android.
If you just need a picture selector, you can choose to use photo library , a multi image picker.
I hope this helps and happy coding!