Trying to find a way to create this minigame in Flutter - flutter

So I've been going crazy for a few days trying to create this exercise in Flutter.
Namely, it is 'pop the lock' type minigame like the old arcade game. The red shape would go around in circle and function would fire when you click if it is inside the yellow circle and game would stop. I've been thinking about how to do it in Flutter, but I still can't seem to manage to do it. There is this library:
but I'm not sure how it would be useful. Anyone have any idea on how to do it, I don't really need the full code (though it would be useful), but just a general basic idea on how you'd do it. Thank you!

It seems something you can accomplish using percent_indicator package.
It has lots of properties for you to work around.


How can I add physics animations to a Flutter app

I’m trying to add an effect on a series of containers where they constantly move around a phone screen. This is similar to what is shown below, however they need to be able to bounce off each other too.
Has anyone tried something like this before and can point me on the right direction please? Worth noting that I need the containers to be widgets and so can’t just use a video.
Thanks a lot!

How to create a slider without an outline?

I want to create a slider without an outline.
Like this one:
Note rounded edges.
I assume I need to create a sprite for that. Unfortunately, I can't find any good tutorials on sprites for sliders. I think the easiest way would be to edit the built-in one but I don't know how to get it for editing.
This is how the original slider from my Unity looks like:
Note the outline.
So, surprising solution that should be available to all of us.
Put the default slider in and go to the Source Image for both the Background and Handle. Instead of using what is there, change it to another Unity Standard sprite called TouchpadSprite. This should do the trick. Not sure if the fact that this is called 'touchpad'sprite will cause a problem when make a PC game, but I doubt it. FYI the TouchpadSprite is from the "Standard Assets (for Unity 2017.3)" that is available for free in the Unity Asset Store. Feel free to only import the sprite itself. The Asset Pack itself is pretty large, but there is a lot of good/useful stuff in there.
Also, you will have to increase the Pixels Per Unit Multiplier value. My picture shows what I had to increase it to. This will allow you to choose the rounding of your edges as well. Play with it and let me know if it works.
Hope this helps!

Flutter Custom Graphics

I'd like to create something like this in Flutter. That gradient green line in a circle that looks like a progress indicator. The circle remains stills but spins sometimes.
Any ideas on where to start or are there libraries out there to help me out?
you can use, its a website for building very complex animations the can be exported to flutter.
and theres which pretty much does the same
there both very good and supply what you need

Building system like clash of clans / boom beach

Is anyone knows how to do a building system like coc / boom beach? I know how to do a fortnite building system but there's only 1x1 structures to do while i need 3x2, 5x3 and many more sizes to go. I'm going to do it using UE4 with Blueprints. I've been looking so long and couldn't find answer. Hope you'll help me!
As the question is rather vague and doesn't give anyone much to go on. I'll try to take a stab at it, conceptually at least.
I'd assume that you have a base building BP or struct so, in there I would create a Vector2D variable or something similar to give it a length and width per building.
Then when you are trying to spawn the building, check the tiles that are that length and width away from the center of the screen/cursor for any existing buildings. Then when you spawn the building make sure that the building takes claim over the tiles that it is using so others will not be able to overlap later on.
So your main "meat and potatoes" of this project will be creating a grid system and also creating a system that can check whether or not a tile is inhabited already and also using and releasing tiles when needed.
If you want someone to give you a more concrete answer, you will need to show what you have done and tried in your question. Especially for one as broad as this one.

Cocos2D camera movement?

What is the best way I center the screen to follow the character? Should I use CCCamera or just move the background around?
I am new to cocos2d so please show me exact code.
BTW: I am also using box2d in this project.
Try this...
[self runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:(your hero) worldBoundary:CGRectMake(0,0,1050,350)]];
It will follow your character (your hero).
Hey there,
You have always to choose between the best way and the best way in your situation. A problem has multiple ways how you can solve it. So I can just tell you how I did it.
A few weeks ago I released my first game. (If you are interested check it out: Birdy!) I also used Cocos2d and had the same problem like you. The player should always be in the center of the screen. I've choosen the way to move the background. I added 2 things to the GameScene: The background and the bird. And I set the background as the bird's delegate. So as soon as the bird performs a jump for example, the background is moved in the opposite direction.
I think for my situation it was the best method. But I can't talk about CCCamera because I never did anything with that class...
I hope I could help you a little bit. But it's always a bit difficult to find the right way. So you should also think about things you will optionally add in the future. So perhaps my way does not fit your requirements...
I hope also my english is understandable...
Sandro Meier