How to define height and width to an image inside Flutter Markdown? - flutter

I want to use custom height and width of image inside Flutter Markdown String.
How can I do that?
String markdownString = """
You can include images:
![Flutter logo](
In my case it is showing the actual size of the image, But I want to give it custom height and weight.

you can use #50x50 mean #width x height
![Flutter logo](


Ag-grid "Size to Fit" on desktop and "Auto-Size" on mobile

I need ag-grid to be responsive on all devices. When I tried this.gridApi.sizeColumnsToFit() It looks nice on desktop, but in mobile screen column width gets zero
as shown in this image.
When I give this.gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(allColumnIds, false); it leaves a blank space if there are less number of columns like shown in this image.
Is there a way to autoFit in desktop and autoSize in smaller screens?
you can call them after another. I'd suggest to first call the autoSizeColumns.
Afterwards you calculate the actual tableWidth with something like
const tableWidth = grid.columnApi.getAllColumns()
.reduce((i, current) => i += current.getActualWidth(), 0);
and then you calculate the actual container width
const {left, right} = grid.api.getHorizontalPixelRange();
const containerWidth = right - left;
and only if the tableWidth is smaller than the container width you call `sizeColumnsToFit``
if (tableWidth < containerWidth) {

Wrap content width of button instead of fixed width

I have a RaisedButton which has a child Text and some Padding inside.
When I press the button, I'm using an AnimatedBuilder and Container to resize the width of the container to show a loading indicator.
return Container(
height: widget.height,
width: lerpWidth(widget.width, minWidth, _animation.value),
Now the problem is that I don't want to use a fixed width for my container since the text can be variable from length (translations, showing numbers, ..). If my passed-in string length would be bigger then the Container would not scale with it. I also don't want my button to expand the whole width of the screen.
So basically I want to expand my button to the minimum width of the child (including padding) and use that width to animate the container to show a CircularProgressIndicator

Auto Size all columns to fit content

All my searches turned up for sizeColumnsToFit and autoSizeColumns which is not what I want.
My grids have many columns, so it scroll horizontal which is fine
But I cannot know in advance what would be the most space needed for the widest text in a column, so want the grid to auto size all columns to accommodate for whatever is the longest line of text in the cell.
Can one do that? (pretty much like have nowrap on a html table column, not that ag-grid wrap text, it just hide what is too long)
Grid Resizing:
sizeColumnsToFit - this tries to squeeze all the columns in the view - no horizontal scrolling
autoSizeAllColumns - this tries to size all columns to to fit the data - horizontal scrolling
// If you need to resize specific columns
var allColIds = params.columnApi.getAllColumns()
.map(column => column.colId);
// If you want to resize all columns
I passed through this and it took me some time to make it work the way I wanted to, by that I mean :
Use all the available space
Make each column take the width required to display its content correctly
Solution :
Add the width parameter for each column (requires some manual tuning to set the right values)
Call gridApi.sizeColumnsToFit() in the onGridReady which will resize to take the available space while making sure that columns having bigger width will take more space
const gridOptions = {
columnDefs: [
width: 100
width: 50
onGridReady: (event) => event.api.sizeColumnsToFit();
Simply use flex instead of width in the column definitions. The grid will adjust automatically.
You can find a complete example for auto resizing all column.
Simply call autoSizeColumns() function, all columns will be resized according to content.
gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(allColumnIds, skipHeader);

Get the size of wrapped text in Label

If I create a Label in a 500x500 area with wordwrap, how can I find out the height of the wrapped text ? I'm looking for the yellow height, not the salmon height.
Answer of #idrise doesn't work for system font And here I give a more flexible answer.
Assume we want to create a text/label which has a fixed width, but dynamic height according to text's length. for that you can use below code:
Label *lbl = Label::createWithSystemFont("aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa", "Arial", 50);
lbl->setDimensions(FIXED_WIDTH, 0); // "0" means we don't care about wrapping vertically, hence `getContentSize().height` give a dynamic height according to text's length
auto dynamicHeight = title->getContentSize().height; // According to text's length :)
And obviously for fixed height you can do similarly.
Hope Help someone :]
This may seem a little counter intuitive.
First you set the dimensions with an excessively large height.
Calling getLineHeight and getStringNumLines will calculate the height based on the width passed.
You send the width and height back to setDimensions.
Now your labels getContentSize() will return the actual size of the text.
label->setDimensions(width, 2000);
label->setDimensions(width,label->getStringNumLines() *
They added the functionality you want:
Added three overflow type to new label: CLAMP, SHRINK, RESIZE_HEIGHT.
Overflow type is used to control label overflow result, In SHRINK mode, the font size will change dynamically to adapt the content size. In CLAMP mode, when label content goes out of the bounding box, it will be clipped, In RESIZE_HEIGHT mode, you can only change the width of label and the height is changed automatically. For example:
//Change the label's Overflow type
mTexto=Label::createWithTTF(mTextoHelp.c_str(),CCGetFont(), 30);
mTexto->setDimensions(mSize.width*0.8f, 0.f);

vb6 Inner Form Resize

Are it's possible to resize vb6 inner form, because if i use Form1.Height or Form1.Width it's including window border height and width, so i just can use this code in one window theme (ex. it's work best in WinXP with XP theme, but not work in WinXP with Classic theme, it's seen too long), any suggestion?
What you can do is compare the Width (the outside size) to the ScaleWidth (which is the inside size) to get the size on the non-client border. Likewise, you can compare the Height to the ScaleHeight to get the non-client size at the top and bottom. From that you can set your final height and width based on the inner (client area) size you want plus the non-client size.
Something like this could go in your Form_Load:
Const DesiredClientHeight as Single = 3435
Const DesiredClientWidth as Single = 3345
Dim fNonClientHoriz As Single, fNonClientVert As Single
fNonClientHoriz = Me.Width - Me.ScaleWidth
fNonClientVert = Me.Height- Me.ScaleHeight
Me.Width = DesiredClientWidth + fNonClientHoriz
Me.Height = DesiredClientHeight + fNonClientVert
Be aware that the form width and height are always in Twips, so if you change your scale mode to something other than twips you will need to account for that.