filtering an array and counting the number of elements - swift

I am trying to count the number of items in an array which correspond to a particular attribute.
func subCount() {
let arr = subDS.subFolders // array
var counts: [String: Int] = [:]
arr.forEach { counts[$0.parentFolder!, default: 0] += 1 }
when the code above is executed, if the count is zero it does not appear in the array. Also the order of the array formed in an incorrect order.

You can use filter method
for example :
var filterArray = subDS.subFolders.filter { $0. parentFolder == 0 }
let count = filterArray.count
The first $0 is from the filter and it represents each subFolders.


Swift - converting an array to struct

I have an array with a list of data as following Data = [City, ZipCode, gpsLat, gpsLong]
I am trying to convert in struct as follows
struct Location {
var zipCode: Double
var nameCity: String
var gpsLat: DOuble
var gpsLong: Double
I am using the for-in loop
var resultat :[Location] = []
for item in Data {
resultat.append(Location(zipCode: Data[item][0], City : Data[item][1], gpsLat : Data[item][2], gpsLong : Data[item][3]))
I got the message
Cannot convert value of type '[String]' to expected argument type 'Int'
As #Achu says, you should use item[0], not `Data[item][0]
A for ... in loop defines a new local variable that contains each element in your array.
So if you have an array:
let array = ["now", "is", "the", "time"]
Normally you would loop through the array like this:
for item in array {
That is the recommended way to do it.
If you wanted to loop through the indexes, that code would look like this:
for index in array.indices {
let item = array[index]
or this:
for index in 0..<array.count {
let item = array[index]
Note that a third option would be to use the Array object's enumerated() method:
for (index, item) in array.enumerated() {
print("item at index \(index) = '\(item)'")
That would output
item at index 0 = 'now'
item at index 1 = 'is'
item at index 2 = 'the'
item at index 3 = 'time'
You could also write that loop as a forEach:
array.enumerated().forEach() { (index, item) in
print("item at index \(index) = '\(item)'")
All that said, your use-case doesn't really lend itself to loops. If your array only contains a single set of Location properties, you probably want:
if let zipCode = Data[0] as Double,
let nameCity = Data[1] as? String,
let gpsLat = Data[2] as? Double,
let gpsLong = Data[3] as? Double {
let location = Location(zipCode: zipCode,
nameCity: nameCity,
gpsLat: gpsLat,
gpsLong: gpsLong)
// Do something with the location we just created
(BTW, a Double is a bad way to store zipcodes. I would suggest using Ints or Strings. Ints work well unless you have a zip code with a leading zero, in which case the leading zero would be truncated.)

how do i get an average value for scores in a table view (swift)?

I want to display an average for all values that are inputted into an Entity. Basically, one would press add on the TableView and a pop up would appear asking for a score, which would then add that “exam” to the tableview. I want to be able to add up all the scores and receive an average for them which i can then add to a label. I’ve tried following some other tutorial but it gives me an error.
The images above are for context.
var i = 0
var sum = 0
for i in 0...methodsExam.count {
let title = methodsExam[i]
let str : String = title.value(forKey: "score") as! String
sum = sum + Int(str)!
let avg = sum/methodsExam.count
averageScore.text = "Average: \(avg)"
Assuming methodsExam is an array of [MethodsExam] you can change the loop to
var sum = 0.0
for item in methodsExam {
if let scoreStr = item.score, let score = Double(scoreStr) {
sum += score
let average = sum / Double(methodsExam.count)
I am using Double here for more precision.
This could also be done with a high-order function
let average = methodsExam.reduce(into: 0.0) {
if let scoreStr = $1.score, let score = Double(scoreStr) { $0 += score }
} / Double(methodsExam.count)
Since we are dividing with the array count we must also check that the array isn't empty to avoid division by 0, so we can put the code into a function and do this
func calculateAverage(_ array: [MethodsExam]) -> Double {
guard !array.isEmpty else { return 0.0 }
return array.reduce(into: 0.0) {
if let scoreStr = $1.score, let score = Double(scoreStr) { $0 += score }
} / Double(array.count)
One caveat, I assumed that score can be nil because of MethodsExam being an NSManagedObject and not because it will hold nil values. If it indeed can hold nil values then you need to consider what to calculate the average on, all values in the array or only non-nil values.

Random Elements from Dictionary

Here is my Array of Dictionary,
var myArrayOfDict = [["vegetables": ["CARROT","BEANS"], "fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"], "letters":["A","B","C","D"],"numbers":["ONE","TWO","THREE"],"shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"]]]
How do i get the desired output, actually i need to get random selected elements of the specified range ...(i.e) when i need 3 elements randomnly from dictionary as like,
[["fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"],"shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"],"numbers":["ONE","TWO","THREE"]]]
When i need just 2 elements randomnly like,
[["shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"],"fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"]]]
Thanks in Advance,
Here is one solution using randomElement().
func randomSelection(from dict: [String: [String]], count: Int) -> [String: [String]] {
guard !dict.isEmpty else { return [:] }
var result = [String: [String]]()
for i in 0..<count {
let element = dict.randomElement()! //We know dictionary is not empty
result[element.key] = element.value
return result
The above solution might return less elements in a dictionary than expected if the same element is returned more than once from randomElemnt(). If this should be voided the below solution should work
func randomSelection(from dict: [String: [String]], count: Int) -> [String: [String]] {
guard !dict.isEmpty else { return [:] }
guard dict.count > count else { return dict }
var result = [String: [String]]()
while result.count < count {
let element = dict.randomElement()!
if result[element.key] == nil {
result[element.key] = element.value
return result
Since the function takes a dictionary as the first argument the array needs to be looped over
for d in myArrayOfDict {
print(randomSelection(from: d, count: 2))
Array myArrayOfDict contains a single Dictionary. So, it doesn't make sense getting a random element from it.
As your example explains, you need to get random elements from the Dictionary itself.
So, you can use randomElement to get that working.
let myArrayOfDict = ["vegetables": ["CARROT","BEANS"], "fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"], "letters":["A","B","C","D"],"numbers":["ONE","TWO","THREE"],"shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"]]
var elements = [String : [String]]()
let count = 2
for _ in 0..<count {
if let element = myArrayOfDict.randomElement() {
elements[element.key] = element.value

Sorting arrays based on number of matches

I am trying to find the number of array item matches between multiple test arrays and one control array. After finding the number of matches, I want to append the test arrays to another array, sorted by number of matches between the control array and test array. For example, a test array with 3 matches would be at index 0, 2 matches at index 1, and so on.
let controlArray = ["milk", "honey"]
let test1 = ["honey", "water"]
let test2 = ["milk", "honey", "eggs"]
var sortedArrayBasedOnMatches = [[String]]()
/*I want to append test1 and test2 to sortedArrayBasedOnMatches based on how many items
test1 and test2 have in common with controlArray*/
/*in my example above, I would want sortedArrayBasedOnMatches to equal
[test2, test1] since test 2 has two matches and test 1 only has one*/
This can be done in a very functional and Swiftish way by writing a pipeline to process the input arrays:
let sortedArrayBasedOnMatches = [test1, test2] // initial unsorted array
.map { arr in (arr, arr.filter { controlArray.contains($0) }.count) } // making pairs of (array, numberOfMatches)
.sorted { $0.1 > $1.1 } // sorting by the number of matches
.map { $0.0 } // getting rid of the match count, if not needed
Update As #Carpsen90 pointed out, Switf 5 comes with support for count(where:) which reduces the amount of code needed in the first map() call. A solution that makes use of this could be written along the lines of
// Swift 5 already has this, let's add it for current versions too
#if !swift(>=5)
extension Sequence {
// taken from the SE proposal
func count(where predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Int {
var count = 0
for element in self {
if try predicate(element) {
count += 1
return count
let sortedArrayBasedOnMatches = [test1, test2] // initial unsorted array
.map { (arr: $0, matchCount: $0.count(where: controlArray.contains)) } // making pairs of (array, numberOfMatches)
.sorted { $0.matchCount > $1.matchCount } // sorting by the number of matches
.map { $0.arr } // getting rid of the match count, if not needed
Another change in style from the original solution is to use labels for the tuple components, this makes the code a little bit clearer, but also a little bit more verbose.
One option is to convert each array to a Set and find the count of elements in the intersection with controlArray.
let controlArray = ["milk", "honey"]
let test1 = ["honey", "water"]
let test2 = ["milk", "honey", "eggs"]
var sortedArrayBasedOnMatches = [ test1, test2 ].sorted { (arr1, arr2) -> Bool in
return Set(arr1).intersection(controlArray).count > Set(arr2).intersection(controlArray).count
This will cover the case where elements are not unique in your control array(such as milk, milk, honey...) and with any number of test arrays.
func sortedArrayBasedOnMatches(testArrays:[[String]], control: [String]) -> [[String]]{
var final = [[String]].init()
var controlDict:[String: Int] = [:]
var orderDict:[Int: [[String]]] = [:] // the value is a array of arrays because there could be arrays with the same amount of matches.
for el in control{
if controlDict[el] == nil{
controlDict[el] = 1
controlDict[el] = controlDict[el]! + 1
for tArr in testArrays{
var totalMatches = 0
var tDict = controlDict
for el in tArr{
if tDict[el] != nil && tDict[el] != 0 {
totalMatches += 1
tDict[el] = tDict[el]! - 1
if orderDict[totalMatches] == nil{
orderDict[totalMatches] = [[String]].init()
for key in Array(orderDict.keys).sorted(by: >) {
for arr in orderDict[key]! {
return final

Swift rating system loop and assign

Trying to build a rating system in Swift and looking for a cleaner way to loop through each of the values.
private func calculateRating(user: String) throws -> String {
let query = try Rating.makeQuery().filter("user", user).all()
var fiveStars = [Int]()
var fourStars = [Int]()
var threeStars = [Int]()
var twoStars = [Int]()
var onestar = [Int]()
if query.count > 1 {
for rating in query {
// Check each value and assign it to its associated value
// insert large if/else condition here :)
// Perform calculation and return value below
return ""
} else {
// Only one rating has been set
return query[0].value
Currently I'm looping through each of the values and assigning the rating to it's associated array fiveStars fourStars etc. I will then calculate the rating by the standard multiplication method. Is there a cleaner way to loop through the ratings and assign it to the relevant fiveStars array etc without creating a long if/else conditional?
Edit: Sample output would be a single rounded up value out of 5 i.e. "4" out of five based on 1000's of multiple ratings.
let twoStars: [Int] = query.filter {$0.val == 2} .map {$0.val}
And so on.