Random Elements from Dictionary - swift

Here is my Array of Dictionary,
var myArrayOfDict = [["vegetables": ["CARROT","BEANS"], "fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"], "letters":["A","B","C","D"],"numbers":["ONE","TWO","THREE"],"shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"]]]
How do i get the desired output, actually i need to get random selected elements of the specified range ...(i.e) when i need 3 elements randomnly from dictionary as like,
[["fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"],"shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"],"numbers":["ONE","TWO","THREE"]]]
When i need just 2 elements randomnly like,
[["shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"],"fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"]]]
Thanks in Advance,

Here is one solution using randomElement().
func randomSelection(from dict: [String: [String]], count: Int) -> [String: [String]] {
guard !dict.isEmpty else { return [:] }
var result = [String: [String]]()
for i in 0..<count {
let element = dict.randomElement()! //We know dictionary is not empty
result[element.key] = element.value
return result
The above solution might return less elements in a dictionary than expected if the same element is returned more than once from randomElemnt(). If this should be voided the below solution should work
func randomSelection(from dict: [String: [String]], count: Int) -> [String: [String]] {
guard !dict.isEmpty else { return [:] }
guard dict.count > count else { return dict }
var result = [String: [String]]()
while result.count < count {
let element = dict.randomElement()!
if result[element.key] == nil {
result[element.key] = element.value
return result
Since the function takes a dictionary as the first argument the array needs to be looped over
for d in myArrayOfDict {
print(randomSelection(from: d, count: 2))

Array myArrayOfDict contains a single Dictionary. So, it doesn't make sense getting a random element from it.
As your example explains, you need to get random elements from the Dictionary itself.
So, you can use randomElement to get that working.
let myArrayOfDict = ["vegetables": ["CARROT","BEANS"], "fruits": ["APPLE","MANGO","BANANA"], "letters":["A","B","C","D"],"numbers":["ONE","TWO","THREE"],"shapes":["SQUARE","RECTANGLE","CIRCLE"]]
var elements = [String : [String]]()
let count = 2
for _ in 0..<count {
if let element = myArrayOfDict.randomElement() {
elements[element.key] = element.value


Swift replace key value in array of dictionaries with nested dictionaries

I have swift dictionary [String: Any] which I store in UserDefauls as an array [[String: Any]]
what I want to do is replace key: value with another one, e.g. "id": "x:coredataid"with"id": "server id"
I need to loop through array first and then through all key values. Is there any elegant solution for this purposes?
If not how then simple iterate through all key values and all nested levels in dictionary?
I have this code: for (key, value) in params
but it's only for top level keys.
Let me explain more in details. As you see I have phases key which an array. Also each phase contains day key which also an array.
So I don't care actually about key naming, phases it or days whether, what I want is to iterate all of key, values from provided [String: Any] dictionary and check if key contains a value which equal provided string.
As you see currently workoutId equals: <x-coredata://C3C82F5A-8709-4EDC-8AE5-C23C65F220D5/WorkoutEntity/t072831FB-8F5C-4589-85CB-6D084671C097815> I underscore it with red line.
So I want to loop a dictionary to catch this key workoutId and check if this equal <x-coredata://C3C82F5A-8709-4EDC-8AE5-C23C65F220D5/WorkoutEntity/t072831FB-8F5C-4589-85CB-6D084671C097815>
One more time I don't care about workoutId name, key can be actually named as exerciseId or id never mind. I just want to find a value <x-coredata://C3C82F5A-8709-4EDC-8AE5-C23C65F220D5/WorkoutEntity/t072831FB-8F5C-4589-85CB-6D084671C097815> in my entire dictionary and if there are lot of them replace all of them.
The reason why I need it is connected to identifier I store localy which are equals to CoreData identifiers as you my noticed. But when I modified my CoreData records with new identifiers returned from server I want to replace my UserDefaults off-line requests store with new ids.
I've added also modification to this code:
func update(_ dict: [String: Any], set serverId: Any, for localId: String) -> [String: Any] {
var newDict = dict
for (k, v) in newDict {
if let mobileLocalId = v as? String {
if mobileLocalId == localId {
newDict[k] = serverId
} else { newDict[k] = v }
} else if let subDict = v as? [String: Any] {
newDict[k] = update(subDict, set: serverId, for: localId)
} else if let dictionaries = v as? [[String: Any]] {
for dictionary in dictionaries {
newDict[k] = update(dictionary, set: serverId, for: localId)
return newDict
but it somehow drop days for me and newDict now looks like this:
(lldb) po newDict
▿ 2 elements
▿ 0 : 2 elements
- key : "position"
- value : 0
▿ 1 : 2 elements
- key : "workoutId"
- value : "5d51723b3faceb53f9d2d5ed"
where actully I susscefully changed identifiers, but now all other key pairs from above example are missed.
Here is a solution with a recursive function that replaces all values for a given key.
func update(_ dict: [String: Any], set value: Any, for key: String) -> [String: Any] {
var newDict = dict
for (k, v) in newDict {
if k == key {
newDict[k] = value
} else if let subDict = v as? [String: Any] {
newDict[k] = update(subDict, set: value, for: key)
} else if let subArray = v as? [[String: Any]] {
var newArray = [[String: Any]]()
for item in subArray {
newArray.append(update(item, set: value, for: key))
newDict[k] = newArray
return newDict
Note that it doesn't check what type the existing value is but directly replaces it with the new value. Also the code assumes the only types of nested arrays are arrays of dictionaries.
For the array this function can be used with map
let out = data.map { update($0, set: "newValue", for: "id")}
This recursive function will iterate through all key values:
func iterateThroughAllKeyValues<Key: Hashable, Value>(of dictionary: Dictionary<Key, Value>, execute execution: ((Key, Value))->()) {
for element in dictionary {
if let dictionary = element.value as? [Key: Value] {
iterateThroughAllKeyValues(of: dictionary, execute: execution)
} else {
Also you can achieve calling execution on the main node of any nested dictionary with a little bit of change.
And this is the extension mode:
extension Dictionary {
func iterateThroughAllKeyValues(execute execution: ((Key, Value))->()) {
for element in self {
if let dictionary = element.value as? [Key: Value] {
dictionary.iterateThroughAllKeyValues(execute: execution)
} else {
Note: Careful about the order
Usage Example:
let dictionary: [String: Any] = [
"id0": "value0",
"nested": ["id1": "value1"],
"nestedNested": ["id2": "value2",
"nested": ["id3": "value3"]]
dictionary.iterateThroughAllKeyValues { (key, value) in
print("key:", key, "Value:", value)
key: id0 Value: value0
key: id1 Value: value1
key: id3 Value: value3
key: id2 Value: value2

Parse String into an object in Swift

I have received this response from the server and I am sure there must be a more efficient way to convert it into an object.
I have the following response:
How do I convert it nicely into a well formed swift object in the simplest way?
Here is my attempt which gives me just the Sprint Value
if sprintJiraCustomField.count > 0 {
let stringOutput = sprintJiraCustomField.first?.stringValue // convert output to String
let name = stringOutput?.components(separatedBy: "name=") // get name section from string
let nameFieldRaw = name![1].components(separatedBy: ",") // split out to the comma
let nameValue = nameFieldRaw.first!
sprintDetail = nameValue// show name field
Not sure what format you want but the below code will produce an array of tuples (key, value) but all values are strings so I guess another conversion is needed afterwards
let items = stringOutput.components(separatedBy: ",").compactMap( {pair -> (String, String) in
let keyValue = pair.components(separatedBy: "=")
return (keyValue[0], keyValue[1])
This is a work for reduce:
let keyValueStrings = yourString.components(separatedBy: ",")
let dictionary = keyValueStrings.reduce([String: String]()) {
(var aggregate: [String: String], element: String) -> [String: String] in
let elements = element.componentsSeparatedByString("=")
let key = elements[0]
// replace nil with the value you want to use if there is no value
let value = (elements.count > 1) ? elements[1] : nil
aggregate[key] = value
return aggregate
This is a functional approach, but you can achieve the same using a for iteration.
So then you can use Swift’s basic way of mapping. for example you will have your custom object struct. First, you will add an init method to it. Then map your object like this:
init(with dictionary: [String: Any]?) {
guard let dictionary = dictionary else { return }
attribute = dictionary["attrName"] as? String
let customObjec = CustomStruct(dictionary: dictionary)
We already have some suggestion to first split the string at each comma and then split each part at the equals sign. This is rather easy to code and works well, but it is not very efficient as every character has to be checked multiple times. Writing a proper parser using Scanner is just as easy, but will run faster.
Basically the scanner can check if a given string is at the current position or give you the substring up to the next occurrence of a separator.
With that the algorithm would have the following steps:
Create scanner with the input string
Check for the opening bracket, otherwise fail
Scan up to the first =. This is the key
Consume the =
Scan up to the first , or ]. This is the value
Store the key/value pair
If there is a , consume it and continue with step 3
Consume the final ].
Sadly the Scanner API is not very Swift-friendly. With a small extension it is much easier to use:
extension Scanner {
func scanString(_ string: String) -> Bool {
return scanString(string, into: nil)
func scanUpTo(_ delimiter: String) -> String? {
var result: NSString? = nil
guard scanUpTo(delimiter, into: &result) else { return nil }
return result as String?
func scanUpTo(_ characters: CharacterSet) -> String? {
var result: NSString? = nil
guard scanUpToCharacters(from: characters, into: &result) else { return nil }
return result as String?
With this we can write the parse function like this:
func parse(_ list: String) -> [String: String]? {
let scanner = Scanner(string: list)
guard scanner.scanString("[") else { return nil }
var result: [String: String] = [:]
let endOfPair: CharacterSet = [",", "]"]
repeat {
let key = scanner.scanUpTo("="),
let value = scanner.scanUpTo(endOfPair)
else {
return nil
result[key] = value
} while scanner.scanString(",")
guard scanner.scanString("]") else { return nil }
return result

Loop through array issue in swift

I have an array in which there are two values coming. I want to get them out of an array and pass the value according to index base to var1 and var2. I am looping through the array but when run the app it does not come inside the for loop. I have used break points also but it does not come inside the loop.
Code I have tried,
let myarray = UserDefaults.standard.stringArray(forKey: "selectArray") ?? [String]()
for (index, value) in myarray.enumerated() {
print("\(index): \(value)")
if index == 0{
listItem = value
CuisineItem = value
How can I get the value out now in two separate variables?
How you set array in UserDefaults. Look here my code works well
var array1: [[String]] = [[String]]()
array1 = [["key1", "val2"],["key2", "val2"]]
UserDefaults.standard.set(array1, forKey: "selectArray")
let myarray = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "selectArray") as? [[String]]
for (index, value) in (myarray?.enumerated())! {
for (index, value) in value.enumerated() {
print("\(index): \(value)")
if index == 0 {
listItem = value
}else {
CuisineItem = value
As you have mentioned that your array is of 2-D so , you can try code given below :
for oneDArray in myarray {
for(index,value) in oneDArray.enumerated(){
print("\(index1): \(value1)")
if index == 0{
listItem = value
else {
CuisineItem = value
It should be noted that myarray is two-dimensional array , and oneDArray is one-dimensional array.
You can easily save and retrieve multi dimensional array in user defaults. Try the below code in XCode Playground, it works like a charm.
import Foundation
let array = [["a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b", "c"]];
func testArray() {
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(array, forKey: "test");
guard let testArray = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: "test") as? [[String]] else {

Swiftier Swift for 'add to array, or create if not there...'

I've noticed a common pattern in Swift is
var x:[String:[Thing]] = [:]
so, when you want to "add an item to one of the arrays", you can not just
you have to
if x.index(forKey: which) == nil {
x[which] = []
Really, is there a swiftier way to say something like
While this is a question about style, performance seems to be a critical issue when touching arrays in Swift, due to the copy-wise nature of Swift.
(Please note, obviously you can use an extension for this; it's a question about Swiftiness.)
Swift 4 update:
As of Swift 4, dictionaries have a subscript(_:default:) method, so that
dict[key, default: []].append(newElement)
appends to the already present array, or to an empty array. Example:
var dict: [String: [Int]] = [:]
print(dict["foo"]) // nil
dict["foo", default: []].append(1)
print(dict["foo"]) // Optional([1])
dict["foo", default: []].append(2)
print(dict["foo"]) // Optional([1, 2])
As of Swift 4.1 (currently in beta) this is also fast,
compare Hamish's comment here.
Previous answer for Swift <= 3: There is – as far as I know – no way to "create or update" a dictionary
value with a single subscript call.
In addition to what you wrote, you can use the nil-coalescing operator
dict[key] = (dict[key] ?? []) + [elem]
or optional chaining (which returns nil if the append operation
could not be performed):
if dict[key]?.append(elem) == nil {
dict[key] = [elem]
As mentioned in SE-0154 Provide Custom Collections for Dictionary Keys and Values and also by #Hamish in the comments, both methods
make a copy of the array.
With the implementation of SE-0154 you will be able to mutate
a dictionary value without making a copy:
if let i = dict.index(forKey: key) {
} else {
dict[key] = [key]
At present, the most efficient solution is given by Rob Napier
in Dictionary in Swift with Mutable Array as value is performing very slow? How to optimize or construct properly?:
var array = dict.removeValue(forKey: key) ?? []
dict[key] = array
A simple benchmark confirms that "Rob's method" is the fastest:
let numKeys = 1000
let numElements = 1000
do {
var dict: [Int: [Int]] = [:]
let start = Date()
for key in 1...numKeys {
for elem in 1...numElements {
if dict.index(forKey: key) == nil {
dict[key] = []
let end = Date()
print("Your method:", end.timeIntervalSince(start))
do {
var dict: [Int: [Int]] = [:]
let start = Date()
for key in 1...numKeys {
for elem in 1...numElements {
dict[key] = (dict[key] ?? []) + [elem]
let end = Date()
print("Nil coalescing:", end.timeIntervalSince(start))
do {
var dict: [Int: [Int]] = [:]
let start = Date()
for key in 1...numKeys {
for elem in 1...numElements {
if dict[key]?.append(elem) == nil {
dict[key] = [elem]
let end = Date()
print("Optional chaining", end.timeIntervalSince(start))
do {
var dict: [Int: [Int]] = [:]
let start = Date()
for key in 1...numKeys {
for elem in 1...numElements {
var array = dict.removeValue(forKey: key) ?? []
dict[key] = array
let end = Date()
print("Remove and add:", end.timeIntervalSince(start))
Results (on a 1.2 GHz Intel Core m5 MacBook) for 1000 keys/1000 elements:
Your method: 0.470084965229034
Nil coalescing: 0.460215032100677
Optional chaining 0.397282958030701
Remove and add: 0.160293996334076
And for 1000 keys/10,000 elements:
Your method: 14.6810429692268
Nil coalescing: 15.1537700295448
Optional chaining 14.4717089533806
Remove and add: 1.54668599367142

Get elements and count of Array of unknown type

Let's say we have an Array, assigned to a variable with the type Any
let something: Any = ["one", "two", "three"]
Let's also assume we don't know if it's an array or something entirely else. And we also don't know what kind of Array.Element we are dealing with exactly.
Now we want to find out if it's an array.
let isArray = something is Array // compiler error
let isArray = (something as? [Any?] != nil) // does not work (array is [String] and not [Any?])
Is there any elegant solution to tickle the following information out of the swift type system:
Is the given object an Array
What's the count of the array
Give me the elements of the array
(bridging to NSArray is not a solution for me, because my array could also be of type [Any?] and contain nil-values)
I love #stefreak's question and his solution. Bearing in mind #dfri's excellent answer about Swift's runtime introspection, however, we can simplify and generalise #stefreak's "type tagging" approach to some extent:
protocol AnySequenceType {
var anyElements: [Any?] { get }
extension AnySequenceType where Self : SequenceType {
var anyElements: [Any?] {
return map{
$0 is NilLiteralConvertible ? Mirror(reflecting: $0).children.first?.value : $0
extension Array : AnySequenceType {}
extension Set : AnySequenceType {}
// ... Dictionary, etc.
let things: Any = [1, 2]
let maybies: Any = [1, nil] as [Int?]
(things as? AnySequenceType)?.anyElements // [{Some 1}, {Some 2}]
(maybies as? AnySequenceType)?.anyElements // [{Some 1}, nil]
See Swift Evolution mailing list discussion on the possibility of allowing protocol extensions along the lines of:
extension<T> Sequence where Element == T?
In current practice, however, the more common and somewhat anticlimactic solution would be to:
things as? AnyObject as? [AnyObject] // [1, 2]
// ... which at present (Swift 2.2) passes through `NSArray`, i.e. as if we:
import Foundation
things as? NSArray // [1, 2]
// ... which is also why this fails for `mabyies`
maybies as? NSArray // nil
At any rate, what all this drives home for me is that once you loose type information there is no going back. Even if you reflect on the Mirror you still end up with a dynamicType which you must switch through to an expected type so you can cast the value and use it as such... all at runtime, all forever outside the compile time checks and sanity.
As an alternative to #milos and OP:s protocol conformance check, I'll add a method using runtime introspection of something (foo and bar in examples below).
/* returns an array if argument is an array, otherwise, nil */
func getAsCleanArray(something: Any) -> [Any]? {
let mirr = Mirror(reflecting: something)
var somethingAsArray : [Any] = []
guard let disp = mirr.displayStyle where disp == .Collection else {
return nil // not array
/* OK, is array: add element into a mutable that
the compiler actually treats as an array */
for (_, val) in Mirror(reflecting: something).children {
return somethingAsArray
Example usage:
/* example usage */
let foo: Any = ["one", 2, "three"]
let bar: [Any?] = ["one", 2, "three", nil, "five"]
if let foobar = getAsCleanArray(foo) {
print("Count: \(foobar.count)\n--------")
foobar.forEach { print($0) }
} /* Count: 3
three */
if let foobar = getAsCleanArray(bar) {
print("Count: \(foobar.count)\n-------------")
foobar.forEach { print($0) }
} /* Count: 5
Optional("five") */
The only solution I came up with is the following, but I don't know if it's the most elegant one :)
protocol AnyOptional {
var anyOptionalValue: Optional<Any> { get }
extension Optional: AnyOptional {
var anyOptionalValue: Optional<Any> {
return self
protocol AnyArray {
var count: Int { get }
var allElementsAsOptional: [Any?] { get }
extension Array: AnyArray {
var allElementsAsOptional: [Any?] {
return self.map {
if let optional = $0 as? AnyOptional {
return optional.anyOptionalValue
return $0 as Any?
Now you can just say
if let array = something as? AnyArray {
This works for me on a playground:
// Generate fake data of random stuff
let array: [Any?] = ["one", "two", "three", nil, 1]
// Cast to Any to simulate unknown object received
let something: Any = array as Any
// Use if let to see if we can cast that object into an array
if let newArray = something as? [Any?] {
// You now know that newArray is your received object cast as an
// array and can get the count or the elements
} else {
// Your object is not an array, handle however you need.
I found that casting to AnyObject works for an array of objects. Still working on a solution for value types.
let something: Any = ["one", "two", "three"]
if let aThing = something as? [Any] {
print(aThing.dynamicType) // doesn't enter
if let aThing = something as? AnyObject {
if let theThing = aThing as? [AnyObject] {
print(theThing.dynamicType) // Array<AnyObject>