How to connect & authorise google auth iOS client with Kitura Server? - swift

I'm done setting up the server by following steps given here.
OAuth does work with google but only for web-client
On iOS client, I've followed steps to integrate google sign-in by following steps given here
Let's say there is a get route localhost:8080/api/v1/movies should be accessed by users who are logged in, how do I achieve that?
User has already logged in, on iOS client.
How do I pass iOS client's google authorisation information to server?

I believe that once your client has completed sign-in, you will have a GIDGoogleUser that provides access to an ID token (JWT) that you can supply to your server. Your server can then validate the token (that it was issued by Google) and extract the user's identity.
You may be able to use the Kitura-CredentialsJWT middleware to decode the token. Note that as of writing, the plugin only supports Codable routes, but there is an open pull request that adds support for 'raw' routing (using the Kitura-Credentials plugin mechanism).
Update: Kitura-CredentialsJWT support has now been released in tag 1.0.0.


Enable CORS for Azure Rest webapi application

I have simple jQuery page that makes calls to azure restful API to get the status of VMs.
I'm facing a problem that it's complaining about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and I can't find where to set that for the Web app/API I have.
I'm using client credentials grant to get the token
I have finished my testing and when I tried to do the calls from jQuery/JS I got the CORS problem.
My setup involved:
From Azure portal, I used App registrations to register an app of type "Web app/API", give it a homepage address "this is where it lives", created a key.
POST<tenant id>/oauth2/token
client_id=application id
client_secret=application key
Am I missing any missing anything? my search keeps leading me to Azure hosted apps
Okay, here is how to do it in short:
Add Function App (charge per request)
Open the Newly created function app
In Proxies, select that from the right list
Give it a name, route template will be your new endpoint URL, backend URL is your login endpoint eg:
After that, back to your function app, select the platform feature tab, Select CORS, delete all of them and enter your application URL or simply a *
You can be more specific with these, but this is enough to get the token. And all the other endpoint didn't have CORS problem.
Good luck.
You cannot use a client secret from front-end Javascript.
Your client secret will be public, it's basically your app's password.
Client credentials grant is for back-end applications.
You need to use e.g. the implicit grant flow with ADAL.JS/MSAL.JS to acquire tokens.
Your front-end app also should be registered as Native since it is a public client.
Here is a sample app:
Oh, and the CORS error comes from Azure AD's token endpoint.
You cannot do anything about it.

building a service with an android app, an iOS app, and an API backend, all of which access the Facebook Graph API

i'm trying to build a server with a rest api and database.
it has ios and android clients, where you can log in with facebook.
the server can receive the access token that the clients get when they log in for the first time, and send it to the server. the server stores it in the database.
now the server can make graph api calls on the clients behalf.
but here's my question:
the next time the client asks the server to do something on it's behalf, what info must it send so that the server knows who the client is? is it just the access token again?
thank you
Just the access token is enough to uniquely identify the user and the app.
You could try it by hitting with different tokens to check which user it is and whether the token is still valid.
Off topic, but since you're already using the server as the middle-man for your requests, I suggest using the code flow instead of token flow for added security:

Get messages from Gmail via HTTPS GET call

I'm working on an iOS application and what I'd like to do is have the app ping one universal Gmail account to check for the most recent email.
I went through the guide from Google at, but the result did not work. After some googling, it appears that some functionality may have been changed, but they haven't updated their documentation yet.
Is there a way to send credentials via https to Gmail and get email messages back? I have an OAuth key via the Gmail API manager, but when I pass it as "access_token", the response says "Login Required".
AFAIK, an error response "Login Required" can be encountered if you try to list the buckets for a project that do not provide an authorization header.
If we check Users.messages: get, it's noted that it requires authorization.
For this, you may want to check Authorizing Your App with Gmail wherein you will find these basic authorization pattern:
During development, register the application in the Google API Console.
When the app launches, request that the user grant access to data in their Google account.
If the user consents, your application requests and receives credentials to access the Gmail API.
Refresh the credentials (if necessary).
Furthermore, if your application needs to access Google APIs on behalf of the user, you should use server-side flow. Please see Implementing Server-Side Authorization for more information.
Sometime back I was involved in writing a sample application to access email from gmail but using C++ on windows. The code is at I was able to successfully get emails.

How to check authenticated status server side with ionic cloud Auth

I'm evaluating whether to use Ionic's cloud Auth service and it seems like it's relatively easy to implement client-side, where you can check this.auth.isAuthenticated. You can also set the user info from the client side as well.
However, if I want to do check their identity server-side, such as check that a user is authenticated when they call my custom api to post a comment - how can I get some sort of token (preferably a JWT token) that I can use to validate their identity server-side? Assuming we are using email/password authentication.
Also - using their send notification on a user's birthday example, how can I query the user data in ionic cloud's database to say find all users who have a birthday today. Can I export out the user data in any way if I want to migrate away in the future?
You should implement a JWT authentication service server side.
In other words when the user is authenticated, the app can send a JWT token to the server which should be evaluated to trust the remote user.
For more info reads:
A php example here:
Regards from Italy

Restfull web application with oauth when client is also a website

I am creating a solution that will contains a website and mobile apps. I will use Zend-Framework 2 for the website.
So, to make it good, I am wondering if it would be a good idea to build :
A REST web service (using zf2)
Another website that will call the REST ws (using zf2)
The mobile apps that will call the REST ws
I will use OAuth for the autentication and security.
My question is, if my website gets the data by calling the REST ws, it will have to make a database request at each call to check the token whereas if I do a "normal" website, my app will be able to use session to store the information of the connected user.
Because, for what I have read, there is no such thing as session with OAuth/REST so for each call, I have one more sql request to check the token validity.
Is it still a good idea to make a full REST service, even for the website or to have a "normal" website and also a REST service API just for the mobile apps ?
Oauth is a server to server authentication framework. Like it is between mobile app and your API server , website vs your API server etc. You can adopt an approach where , you generate only one access token for your website client instead of multiple access token for each user from the website. This access token is stored in your webserver vs user cookie in website.Ultimately the aim is to identify all the clients of your REST WS and your website is one of its client and a very trusted one.
This way you can cache the access token to avoid db calls (typically cache time can be equal to or less than token expiry time). Do explore the multiple grant types specified in the oauth spec for this
Regarding maintaining session for user in your website, it is not dependent on whether the back end is a REST WS or not, it can be handled in your website