building a service with an android app, an iOS app, and an API backend, all of which access the Facebook Graph API - facebook

i'm trying to build a server with a rest api and database.
it has ios and android clients, where you can log in with facebook.
the server can receive the access token that the clients get when they log in for the first time, and send it to the server. the server stores it in the database.
now the server can make graph api calls on the clients behalf.
but here's my question:
the next time the client asks the server to do something on it's behalf, what info must it send so that the server knows who the client is? is it just the access token again?
thank you

Just the access token is enough to uniquely identify the user and the app.
You could try it by hitting with different tokens to check which user it is and whether the token is still valid.
Off topic, but since you're already using the server as the middle-man for your requests, I suggest using the code flow instead of token flow for added security:


How do I use Discord OAuth2 for user management and authentication in my application?

I'm building an application where I want to be able to create and authenticate users using Discord and OAuth2. The reasons are:
The application can be considered a "companion" app to a Discord community I am running, and
I don't want the users or myself to have to deal with usernames and passwords
The application consists of a client desktop application and backend services. I have a fairly basic understanding on how I authorize the user with Discord:
Client application goes to backend endpoint /oauth/login and the user is redirected to the Discord app approval page
The user confirms and is redirected to the backend callback /oauth/callback with a code that can be used to fetch a pair of access and refresh tokens.
Frankly, from this point I am kind of stumped on how the rest of the authentication should work. I assume at least the following:
I need to create a user entry in my database with at least an UID (for simplicity the same as the one for the user in Discord), the access and refresh token pair. If user is already created, update the database with the new tokens.
Whenever the application needs user information from Discord it should use the access token. If it has expired, exchange the refresh token with Discord to get a new token pair.
But now what? This only authenticates the user against Discord. I want to leverage the fact that the user is authenticated with Discord to be authenticated to my application. Here are some general questions I have:
Do I make a new token for the user to use for subsequent requests to my backend endpoints? Or do I return the Discord access token to the desktop client?
What do I do when the token expires? Do I also need a "exchange" endpoint for the desktop client to refresh the token (possibly that just forwards to Discord to get a new token, depending on the answer to my previous question).
This all feels like it should be very basic, but I am out of my comfort zone here and need some help to be unblocked.
Thanks for reading!
Your own application should effectively have its own session system.
The easiest is likely to just use HttpOnly cookie-based sessions, which something like a Redis store (or Memory store if this is a toy project).
The session data on the server should contain information on which user is currently logged in. You should probably store the discord access and refresh token in a database.
The simplest way to deal with refreshing, is to simply call their refresh token endpoint as soon as you get a 401 response. If discord provides information on how long access tokens are valid, you could also preemptively refresh instead of only doing this when you get the 401. Your server does the refreshing, you don't need an endpoint for this.
Generally I can recommend that your server handles all interactions with the discord API, and never your client. (aside from the initial authorization step).

OAuth - what to store on disk

TL;DR When using google oauth on desktop app, what to save on disk to avoid repeated sign in? Save the google user id? or the token? or an session id?
I'm creating an little desktop app, whitch must authenticate to my REST API server. I'm using google oauth2 for that.
The idea is, that when the desktop app will be authentivated, it generates some data that will be send to my server. The server will store the data with the google user id received from
On the first run of the desktop app, it will open the default browser, with and url for my server and start an local http server. then:
my server will redirect the browser to google (with the clientid, secret, etc.)
user logs in and it will be redirected back to the server with the oauth code
server uses the code to get the token, and then the user profile and stores the token and the profile in db, then redirects the browser to localhost with an paramerer
the desktop app catches the parameter and stores it in an file on the disk
next time the desktop app will start it only reads the file for the parameter to send the generated data with it to my server
my question is: what the parameter should be? the google user id? the oauth token? an generated session id for this desktop app? or something else?
when it will be the google user id, it can conveniently sent the data with the user id and the rest server will just store it in db as is. but I don't think it's safe
when it will be the token, the rest server has to with every request also get the user profile from google with the token. and imho sending the token with every request isn't safe either
generating an session id means to store it with the user and the token on the server and the desktop app will just store it and send it with every request. but I don't know if it's safe to do that
As it's normally the case in software development you have a couple of options depending on requirements.
The mandatory requirement is that your client (desktop) application needs to send something to your REST API so that the API can perform up to two decisions:
Decide who the user is.
Decide if the user is authorized to perform the currently requested action.
The second step may not be applicable if all authenticated users have access to exactly the same set of actions so I'll cover both scenarios.
Also note that, for the first step, sending the Google user ID is not a valid option as that information can be obtained by other parties and does not ensure that the user did authenticate to use your application.
Option 1 - Authentication without fine-grained authorization
Either always sending the id_token or exchanging that token with your custom session identifier both meet the previous requirement, because the id_token contains an audience that clearly indicates the user authenticated to use your application and the session identifier is generated by your application so it can also ensure that. The requests to your API need to use HTTPS, otherwise it will be too easy for the token or session ID to be captured by an attacker.
If you go with the id_token alternative you need to take in consideration that the token will expire; for this, a few options again:
repeat the authentication process another time; if the user still has a session it will indeed be quicker, but you still have to open a browser, local server and repeat the whole steps.
request offline_access when doing the first authentication.
With the last option you should get a refresh token that would allow for your application to have a way to identify the user even after the first id_token expires. I say should, because Google seems to do things a bit different than the specification, for example, the way to obtain the refresh token is by providing access_type=offline instead of the offline_access from OpenID Connect.
Personally, I would go with the session identifier as you'll have more control over lifetime and it may also be simpler.
Option 2 - Authentication + fine-grained authorization
If you need a fine-grained authorization system for your REST API then the best approach would be to authenticate your users with Google, but then have an OAuth 2.0 compliant authorization server that would issue access tokens specific for your API.
For the authorization server implementation, you could either:
Implement it yourself or leverage open source components
⤷ may be time consuming, complex and mitigation of security risks would all fall on you
Use a third-party OAuth 2.0 as a servive authorization provider like Auth0
⤷ easy to get started, depending on amount of usage (the free plan on Auth0 goes up to 7000 users) it will cost you money instead of time
Disclosure: I work at Auth0.
There should be no problem sending the access_token with every request since they are created for that purpose and are thus short lived. You can use the Google Authorization Server endpoint to verify a token instead of using it to do a request for a users profile.
If you're only relying on Google for authentication, here's how your workflow can look:
the client (desktop application, in your case) retrieves the
Google id_token following the user's log in, and then sends it to
the server
the server validates the integrity of said token and extracts the user's profile data; this could mean a simple GET on Google's endpoint to verify this token:{0}
On subsequent requests, nothing should change really, except that the user's login process will be automated (since he's given permissions & all), and thus much faster. #danielx is right, there's no problem with sending the token each and every time.

How to set a authenticated user web session for sending rest requests

I want to test an API which has the followoing instruction:
This API requires the caller to have an authenticated user web session.
When I login to the application and send a GET request in other tab it works. But I want to send a PUT request now so I cannot use browser. How can I have an authenticated user session while sending request through some other rest client. For eg: postman/ mozilla rest client.
I have tried logging into application through chrome and then using postman rest client. But it did not work. I have also tried Basic authentication providing application username and password.
So, given you mentioned you're using JWT, your API is most likely handing out this token upon logging in. At this moment your web client (javascript?) is probably storing it somewhere (cookie, local storage, session storage… – you can use your browser's dev tools to inspect). For all subsequent requests, this token is attached. If this token is getting persisted as a cookie, the browser itself takes care of attaching it to every request. If it is persisted somewhere else, your client has to "manually" attach this token to every request.
If you want to test your API call, first you need to login and get your hands on the token. Then, for all authenticated requests, you need to attach this token (probably as the Authorization HTTP header).

Possible approach to secure a Rest API endpoints using Facebook OAuth

I've been reading a lot about the topic but all I find are obsolete or partial answers, which don't really help me that much and actually just confused me more.
I'm writing a Rest API (Node+Express+MongoDB) that is accessed by a web app (hosted on the same domain than the API) and an Android app.
I want the API to be accessed only by my applications and only by authorized users.
I also want the users to be able to signup and login only using their Facebook account, and I need to be able to access some basic info like name, profile pic and email.
A possible scenario that I have in mind is:
The user logs-in on the web app using Facebook, the app is granted
permission to access the user Facebook information and receives an
access token.
The web app asks the API to confirm that this user
is actually registered on our system, sending the email and the
token received by Facebook.
The API verifies that the user
exists, it stores into the DB (or Redis) the username, the token and
a timestamp and then goes back to the client app.
Each time the
client app hits one of the API endpoint, it will have to provide the
username and the token, other than other info.
The API each time
verifies that the provided pair username/token matches the most
recent pair username/token stored into the DB (using the timestamp
to order), and that no more than 1 hour has passed since we stored
these info (again using the timestamp). If that's the case, the API
will process the request, otherwise will issue a 401 Unauthorized
Does this make sense?
Does this approach have any macroscopic security hole that I'm missing?
One problem I see using MongoDB to store these info is that the collection will quickly become bloated with old tokens.
In this sense I think it would be best to use Redis with an expire policy of 1 hour so that old info will be automatically removed by Redis.
I think the better solution would be this:
Login via Facebook
Pass the Facebook AccessToken to the server (over SSL for the
android app, and for the web app just have it redirect to an API endpoint
after FB login)
Check the fb_access_token given, make sure its valid. Get user_id,email and cross-reference this with existing users to
see if its a new or old one.
Now, create a random, separate api_access_token that you give back to the webapp and android app. If you need Facebook for
anything other than login, store that fb_access_token and in your
DB associate it with the new api_access_token and your user_id.
For every call hereafter, send api_access_token to authenticate it. If you need the fb_access_token for getting more info, you can
do so by retrieving it from the DB.
In summary: Whenever you can, avoid passing the fb_access_token. If the api_access_token is compromised, you have more control to see who the attacker is, what they're doing etc than if they were to get ahold of the fb_access_token. You also have more control over settings an expiration date, extending fb_access_tokens, etc
Just make sure whenever you pass a access_token of any sort via HTTP, use SSL.
I know I'm late to the party, but I'd like to add a visual representation of this process as I'm dealing with this problem right now (specifically in dealing with the communication between the mobile app and the web api by securing it with a 3rd party provider like facebook).
For simplicity, I haven't included error checks, this is mostly just to outline a reasonable approach. Also for simplicity, I haven't included Tommy's suggestion to only pass your own custom api token once the authorization flow is over, although I agree that this is probably a good approach.
Please feel free to criticize this approach though, and I'll update as necessary.
Also, in this scenario, "My App" refers to a mobile application.

Restfull web application with oauth when client is also a website

I am creating a solution that will contains a website and mobile apps. I will use Zend-Framework 2 for the website.
So, to make it good, I am wondering if it would be a good idea to build :
A REST web service (using zf2)
Another website that will call the REST ws (using zf2)
The mobile apps that will call the REST ws
I will use OAuth for the autentication and security.
My question is, if my website gets the data by calling the REST ws, it will have to make a database request at each call to check the token whereas if I do a "normal" website, my app will be able to use session to store the information of the connected user.
Because, for what I have read, there is no such thing as session with OAuth/REST so for each call, I have one more sql request to check the token validity.
Is it still a good idea to make a full REST service, even for the website or to have a "normal" website and also a REST service API just for the mobile apps ?
Oauth is a server to server authentication framework. Like it is between mobile app and your API server , website vs your API server etc. You can adopt an approach where , you generate only one access token for your website client instead of multiple access token for each user from the website. This access token is stored in your webserver vs user cookie in website.Ultimately the aim is to identify all the clients of your REST WS and your website is one of its client and a very trusted one.
This way you can cache the access token to avoid db calls (typically cache time can be equal to or less than token expiry time). Do explore the multiple grant types specified in the oauth spec for this
Regarding maintaining session for user in your website, it is not dependent on whether the back end is a REST WS or not, it can be handled in your website