Couldn't find any info on that: does anyone know if SendGrid supports anyhow multiple environments?
I'm talking specifically about webhooks and seems that you can have only one webhook at a time where it would be nice to have separate for dev, stage and production environment while having one template base.
I finally found - so far the only one really supporting multiple environments independently.
Imagine there is an application consisting from bunch of microservices. All of these microservices can be developed/deployed completely independently from each other. Each microservice can be "described" with several attributes - e.g. current API version, release version, commit hash etc. Along with that, there are several environments used in development process - e.g. Testing environment (often called Sandbox), Staging environment, Pre-Release environment and obviously Production environment.
Is there a convenient tool/way/approach to track, basically, what attribute is currently deployed to which environment? For instance, get a quick access to information like "what is the current version of Restful API at Pre-Release environment"? Or more complex one - "what was this version two month ago"? And of course see the "global picture" as well?
Theres no ready to use solution on the market yet according to my knowledge.
Some teams are using git ops to get ahead of the chaos challenge a lot of different micro services usually ship with.
Another technology in a somewhat different, yet related direction are micro service meshes, istio being one of them.
There are also test approaches like contract testing or heavy integration tests, that are more expensive, but also provide more confidence.
Consider two repos, webui_repo and webservice_repo, that are two interdependent systems (the web UI and service, respectively).
As you can imagine, the webui depends on webservice, but imagine that they've grown a lot and are managed by two teams, thus a considerable amount of effort is required to get things going, and that's ok.
But sometimes one of them gets deployed and either breaks retro-compatibility or expects a feature that hasn't been deployed yet. In order to alleviate that, I thought of a dependency-check feature, based on commit keywords (similar to closing issues using keywords):
This is my commit message. Depends on: webservice_repo/commit/<commit_hash>
I've done a small research and couldn't find any existing feature that provides this. I've also tried to find out if Github provides any extension/customization to the merge process, but no answer there as well.
Any ideas?
Even though I still think this should be a GitHub's feature, I have written a small web app to provide this functionality: Pierre DeCheck
I hope it's useful to more people. Also, it's open source, start contributing already! :)
I am trying to explore Apache NiFi. So far haven't seen any ways to version control flows.
Is there a way to version control flows when multiple users are trying to develop in the same instance?
What about code merge from multiple users?
Any help in these regards will help me to continue my exploration.
In addition to James's great answer I'll also point out that this approach to flow management has leveraged external version control systems and put the task on the user to perform. What I mean is that users (or automated processes) could initiate the production of a template and then store that template into a VCS. This has worked well but it is also insufficient. The other direction is also important where given a versioned flow one would like that to be automatically reflected on another cluster/system/environment. Think of the software development lifecycle one might go through when building flows in a development environment and proving/vetting into and through production. Or think of a production case where behavior is not as expected. While NiFi offers a really powerful interactive command and control model sometimes people want to be able to test new approaches and theories in another environment. As a result, we're working now on a really awesome capability.
Come join the conversation. We'd like to hear your thoughts.
NiFi Templates are a great format for configuration management of a NiFi flow. You can define templates for everything from small example snippets up to large nested process group structures, essentially your entire flow. Templates will include processors, queues, and controller services, but will not contain sensitive values like passwords. Templates are stored as XML files friendly to source control (since NiFi v1.0).
Templates provide a way for individual developers to separately build parts of a flow, then merge the parts together in a single NiFi. If you match templates with process groups, swapping out the old one with the new one can be fairly easy and intuitive.
The answer to this question is YES, you can use NiFi Registry to have version control.
Below you can see a how it looks like.
The project page is:
What is a good way to track deployments of our code base? I would like to be able to see when a version was deployed on a specific server, who released it, what issues were solved by it, etcetera.
Currently we have a deployment tool that generates an issue in our issue tracker with all this information. This makes it easy to link the release issue against related issues, but it also pollutes our issue database.
We also want to start with Continuous Integration internally, which would mean there would be a ton more release issues.
Are there better ways of tracking releases?
Our technology stack is PHP (Symfony2) using Phing as a build system, a custom, web-based deployment tool, Mantis for bugtracking and Bitbucket for repository hosting.
You can use something like Beanstalk or to deploy your apps. It will give you an ability to manage deploy permissions, see a timeline of all deployments (who deployed what and when), trigger deployments with a single click and notify your team via email and integrations when something is deployed.
You can get an idea from this screenshot:
P.S. I work at Wildbit, company that makes both products.
You should check out my company's product BuildMaster, it was designed to solve every problem you've listed.
At this time we do not yet have the first-class integration with Mantis, but it can be added pretty easily via extensibility in the same way as the other bug/issue trackers we integrate with. It could be either built by your team if you are interested in that or our team contingent on an Enterprise edition purchase.
I want to implement something simple like /System/Workflows/Sample Workflow with the small addition of having multiple publishing targets (staging web and production web environment), so instead of the Approved state with the final checkbox set, i want to modify it to two states;
Approved for Staging
Approved for Delivery
only the Approved for Delivery should be final. I want to set a PublishAction for each of them but i don't know how to set the publishing target?
This is a very common issue that ultimately ties to how Sitecore works. Your question seems to indicate that you understand that only one state in workflow should be final -- that's great that you see that. There are ways to do this, but I would say some of them are not best practice. Also, as divamatrix mentioned, there are other custom approaches.
Deviate from best practice and mark Approved for Staging as Final and Approved for Delivery as Final. I do not recommend this. I'm mentioning this is a solution so you can see the full circle of what you can do. The issue with this is that if you log in as an admin, you can potentially publish to any target as well as other things. Generally, this is just not a good idea.
As divamatrix mentioned, there's a custom publishing provider by Alex Shyba on the topic. The article linked is the older approach. There's actually an update to that solution which seems to be the next best thing. That solution includes a custom workflow provider and some updates to the targets in Sitecore.
Another option is to de-couple workflow from publishing, which might sound drastic, but in theory makes sense. Basically, force content to go through all of worflow, then have a publish-only role that is the only one that can publish the content. From there, they can publish to the staging site and get stakeholder approval before publishing live.
UPDATE: As of Sitecore 7.2, there is a built-in mechanism to publish to a pre-production target.
Here's a link to everything you need to know: Alex Shyba's blog entry on custom publishing targets. I can verify that it all works because I've currently got a site in production that uses exactly what Alex outlines. Let me know if you have questions.
UPDATE: As Mark points out, this link is indeed an older solution. It will work, but Alex's part 2 link as posted by Mark is a better solution.