sitecore workflow with multiple publishing targets - workflow

I want to implement something simple like /System/Workflows/Sample Workflow with the small addition of having multiple publishing targets (staging web and production web environment), so instead of the Approved state with the final checkbox set, i want to modify it to two states;
Approved for Staging
Approved for Delivery
only the Approved for Delivery should be final. I want to set a PublishAction for each of them but i don't know how to set the publishing target?

This is a very common issue that ultimately ties to how Sitecore works. Your question seems to indicate that you understand that only one state in workflow should be final -- that's great that you see that. There are ways to do this, but I would say some of them are not best practice. Also, as divamatrix mentioned, there are other custom approaches.
Deviate from best practice and mark Approved for Staging as Final and Approved for Delivery as Final. I do not recommend this. I'm mentioning this is a solution so you can see the full circle of what you can do. The issue with this is that if you log in as an admin, you can potentially publish to any target as well as other things. Generally, this is just not a good idea.
As divamatrix mentioned, there's a custom publishing provider by Alex Shyba on the topic. The article linked is the older approach. There's actually an update to that solution which seems to be the next best thing. That solution includes a custom workflow provider and some updates to the targets in Sitecore.
Another option is to de-couple workflow from publishing, which might sound drastic, but in theory makes sense. Basically, force content to go through all of worflow, then have a publish-only role that is the only one that can publish the content. From there, they can publish to the staging site and get stakeholder approval before publishing live.
UPDATE: As of Sitecore 7.2, there is a built-in mechanism to publish to a pre-production target.

Here's a link to everything you need to know: Alex Shyba's blog entry on custom publishing targets. I can verify that it all works because I've currently got a site in production that uses exactly what Alex outlines. Let me know if you have questions.
UPDATE: As Mark points out, this link is indeed an older solution. It will work, but Alex's part 2 link as posted by Mark is a better solution.


How to define Columns and Status in JIRA to make sense for all issue types (Tasks, Epics, etc.)

JIRA offers a single set of statuses for all types of issues in a project.
The problem is that the status set for a task is ToDo, InProgress, and Done. While for a UserStory in the same project it might be Designing, Developping, Testing, Releasing, and Done. It can even be different for a bug or an Epic.
How do you keep track of the workflow of your product and at the same time manage the status of your tasks using the single set of JIRA status.
PS: I know they can be customized for each project, but it doesn't help because you can't customize them for each issue type separately.
I think one of the reasons that JIRA offers the To Do, In Progress, and Done is that these can apply to anything. You either haven't done it, you're doing something, or you finished. That set can apply to any type of item.
That being said, I feel your pain in wanting to have a better view into the true state of an issue. What we have found we use for our OnDemand agile boards is to set up something like the following:
To Do
In Progress
Ready for Review
In Review
For most types of issues, this can work. It adds that bit of extra layer to be able to identify what is ready for testing.
One of the things that is tricky is dependent tasks. For example, I noticed you mentioned "Designing" as a stage, and I'm not sure this makes sense in an agile sense. If the design is emerging from the development, it may be better to allow the design/development to flow within the development team. However, we all know that sometimes you need to get some details ironed out before you can proceed, or there may be some people that need to become involved before a dev can proceed. We made the mistake of trying to turn this into a stage, but what we found was that this was really either a sub-task for part of the team, or an impediment (blocker). By flagging stories, you can identify that a story requires something to be done before the development team can proceed.
If you are using Kanban, and not a Scrum board, the sub-task approach will not be for you. In those cases, you'll just need to make sure you have stages that make sense for all the issues you create. Stages will have to be fairly 'generic'. This sounds bad.
But it is not!
I believe teams generally use the stages for a few reasons:
Checking on status of an iteration
Inform other team members that they can pick up an item
Try to get a visual estimate on how close to Done an issue is.
More stages doesn't necessarily give a better status on an iteration as you really just need to see how many points you've closed and how many are in progress. So, at least for that goal, a more generic set of stages should work.
As for informing team members, too often I've seen teams retreat to the digital board to replace communication with each other. The fewer stages you have, the more you can force your team to talk to each other and work together to get a story to done. Things will work better this way, I guarantee it! Having a bit of a break-down helps, especially if you are working on a lot of items at once or have distributed teams working in different time zones, but keeping it simple is usually better.
Tracking the "how close to Done" is the hardest to do with generic stages. However, the multiple stages can be misleading. An item that is almost all the way across might have a severe bug in it that hasn't been found yet, so no matter how many stages you have your view on this item isn't any more accurate than a single "In Progress" stage. It isn't Done until it's Done :)
This was a long way for me to recommend keeping your workflow simple and letting your team use communication to keep on top of things. Maybe I should have just started with that!
The statuses that are available to each project is determined by the Workflow to which it is assigned. Not only does a workflow define the statuses, but it also defines what statuses you can progress to from a particular status. You can either create your own Workflows or you can download predefined workflows that suite your need.
In order to have separate workflows for different issue types, we need to define a Workflow Scheme:
1- Go to Jira Administration -> Workflow Schemes
2- Edit the Wokflow Scheme that is assigned to your project
3- Click the "Add Workflow" to add a new workflow for the issue types for which you need a different workflow and assign those issue types.

Getting up to speed on current web service design practices

I'm admittedly unsure whether this post falls within the scope of acceptable SO questions. If not, please advise whether I might be able to adjust it to fit or if perhaps there might be a more appropriate site for it.
I'm a WinForms guy, but I've got a new project where I'm going to be making web service calls for a Point of Sale system. I've read about how CRUD operations are handled in RESTful environments where GET/PUT/POST/etc represent their respective CRUD counterpart. However I've just started working on a project where I need to submit my requirements to a developer who'll be developing a web api for me to use but he tells me that this isn't how the big boys do it.
Instead of making web requests to create a transaction followed by requests to add items to the transaction in the object based approach I'm accustomed to, I will instead use a service based approach to just make a 'prepare' checkout call in order to see the subtotal, tax, total, etc. for the transaction with the items I currently have on it. Then when I'm ready to actually process the transaction I'll make a call to 'complete' checkout.
I quoted a couple words above because I'm curious whether these are common terms that everyone uses or just ones that he happened to choose to explain the process to me. And my question is, where might I go to get up to speed on the way the 'big boys' like Google and Amazon design their APIs? I'm not the one implementing the API, but there seems to be a little bit of an impedance mismatch in regard to how I'm trying to communicate what I need and the way the developer is expecting to hear my requirements.
Not sure wrt the specifics of your application though your general understanding seems ik. There are always corner cases that test the born though.
I would heed that you listen to your dev team on how things should be imolemented and just provide the "what's" (requirements). They should be trusted to know best practice and your company's own interpretation and standards (right or wrong). If they don't give you your requirement (ease-of-use or can't be easily reusable with expanded requirements) then you can review why with an architect or dev mgr.
However, if you are interested and want to debate and perhaps understand, check out Atlassian's best practice here:
FYI: Atlassian make really leading dev tools in use in v.large companies. Note also that this best-practices is as a part of refactoring meaning they've been through the mill and know what worked and what hasn't).
FYI2 (edit): Reading between the lines of your question, I think your dev is basically instructing you specifically on how transactions are managed within ReST. That is, you don't typically begin, add, end. Instead, everything that is transactional is rolled within a transaction wrapper and POSTed to the server as a single transaction.

How to set permissions to promote a file in Accurev

We have had problems with engineers promoting files without the code being thoroughly tested and reviewed. They eventually ended up breaking the baseline. Instead of assuming the engineers will only promote their code after it has been reviewed and tested, I want to restrict their ability to promote until they are given permission to do so. For instance, after a code review, I would like to select the user/users and the file/files which they are allowed to promote. How can I automate this process?
How do the rest of you handle this "problem" of engineers deliberately or accidentally promoting files which end up breaking the baseline?
Thanks for your help.
There are several ways to address this. The easiest one is to put a Lock on the destination stream that essentially says "Only a specific user or a specific group can promote to this stream". This is done via point-and-click on a stream in the stream-browser. So now you end up with a barrier to entry to that stream which is something you can control. You can add additional layers of streams to supplement this approach as well. For example, if you currently have:
Prod_Stream -- Build_Stream -- Workspaces
... you could now make it:
Prod_Stream -- Build_Stream -- Review_Stream -- Workspaces
Put the promote lock on Build_Stream so that they can break Review_Stream all they want but you keep a more pristine environment in Build_Stream.
It sounds like you are not using AccuRev Change Packages, the ability to link source files to issue records. Those also become a powerful mechanism of control, where you can put constraints around promotion of those Change Packages, for example not allowing a Review to Build promotion unless the value of an issue field called "Status" has been toggled to "Passed Review". Those then become programmatic controls, as opposed to manually implemented ones.
There are plenty of ways to skin the proverbial cat in AccuRev. If you want more information, you could contact AccuRev Support or your specific account team to discuss alternatives.

ClearCase: Email Notification on Deliver

At my new company, the CMS is ClearCase. I've worked with Perforce before and it had a nice built-in notification mechanism for the team to keep up-to-date with files that changed in the project. I'm trying to have something equivalent in ClearCase. I would like to know if someone have achieved this before.
Basically, there is three requirements :
Have a way to subscribe to a project. One receives only notification on projects it has subscribed to.
When someone deliver an activity, all the subscribers of the impacted project
receive an email notification about that activity.
The email contain the list of the files affected by this activity. Each modified file has a link that perform a diff that shows what this activity change in this file.
So is someone is aware of a module/extension or any other existing way to put that in place or do I have to do all this manually with trigger and perl scripts ?
we wanted the same here, so we are using a trigger called that can be found on CM Crossroads.
You need to apply this trigger to your PVOB (as it's a UCM trigger).
Once you have applied it, you need to define the following Custom Attributes on your UCM component(s):
It's a bit painful as the mailing list as to be maintained by hand (or you need to use group mail address), but it's better than nothing. :)
I am not sure if that already exist, I am sure it is not provided natively with the UCM product.
May be a more specialized forum like CMCrossroad have more informations, but you already put a question there ;)
Anyhow, the simplest way to implement such a notification would be to have a process following new baselines made on a stream.
Each baseline being composed of activities, it would be simple to list those.
Each baseline being easily compared with its previous baseline, it would be simple to list the file versions, and build the appropriate diff.
As for the users following a project, I would suggest as a "subscription mechanism" the list of views of one of the streams of a project: any user having a view on (one of the streams of) that project is potentially interested.
The general implementation principle would be through post-operation triggers, as described in the "Ten best triggers" article
AFAIK, almost all CC operations can have triggers (in Perl, IIRC)
You need to add an email trigger to the deliver operation. Long, long time ago I saw a simple example. But you have to take care of keeping the subscription list and email the appropriate persons.

Configuration Management with Subversion and SharePoint help

Ok, when hired on to my current company a year ago, I was tasked with migrating our development teams from VSS. They already had it in their minds that they wanted Subversion, and since I had experience using and setting up subversion, I was a good candidate. I first tried to sell TFS because it woul dhave solved the problem I am in right now, but since money is tight, and Subversion is free... well you get it. Anyway, I have finalized the propsal and the only thing standing in the way is the following.
I proposed that we store only our source code in SVN, and all documentation, release builds, and other project artifracts be stored in our SharePoint portal, so we don't have to give non developer stakeholders access to SVN. When I presented the proposal, all was excepted but the question arose about how to manage the syncronization between the artifacts (Ex: How to is document x version 3.1.2 associated with release 4.5.2). My initial reaction is to create a section in the SharePoint porject page for each new release that will hold the artificats (and keep track of changes too). Is there a better way of doing this? Does anyone know of anyone doing this? Or any integration packages to sync SVN with SharePoint?
Here is some info on the companies development environment. All of our software is for internal use, we sell none of it, so our customers are all in-house. We have 2 types of developers: 1. those who take care of maintainance and customization of third party software, and 2. those who write proprieatry software (which is where I fall). Our software we write is mostly .NET, but the 3rd party software is all over the board (COBAL, C, FORTRAN, Other crap that no ones cares about anymore).
Please advise, as I need to get this submitted soon. I HATE VSS!!!!!!!!!! and I need relief!
What we do internally is putting all docs under our version control system, I think it's much easier. Then, of course, you have to give access to not-developers.
In your case, using SVN, why don't you put everything inside and then use the webinterface to give access to the stakeholders? It's easy enough for them :-P
I would use SVN for both documents and source code.
You can synchronize versions of
documents with versions of source
You have everything in one place, so
no two repositories to administrate.
You'd probably need to manage the
access rights for some stakeholders
to some parts of the folder
SVN is not the most appropriate tool
for document management
In order to solve the possible concurrent changes to the same document, you can use SVN property svn:needs-lock for these items, to make them editable by one person, who locks the item.
As pablo said, you can access the documents (at least for reading them) through the web interface.
You could expose the svn repo via the web interface and link to that in sharepoint. That way people who need to edit the documents would need access to subversion but anyone could easily access the documents "read only".
In our organization, we have docs/artifacts, code everything in SVN and have given access to non-technical stakeholders as well who use tortoise client.
however you can look at the following option
Option 1 : create a ASP.Net interface for non-technical users
You can build a simple web interface in, configure that with a single user so you would not have to create separate users for all the nontechnical stakeholders and they would get access to the docs with proper version control, etc. you could look at sharpsvn for the implementation aspect. the disadvantage of this approach would be that you might have to invest some time in developing this app
Option 2 : ofcourse, create separate users for each non-developer stakeholder
This answer is probably too late for you implementation, but the simplest integration path may be to store the docs in SVN and then publish to Sharepoint with an svn-hook.
Build artifacts could be programatically published the same way from you build scripts.
You can upload docs to SharePoint using a simple POST
Probably a little late, too, but I would avoid putting the documents in SVN if you have a SharePoint system setup. Though SVN does a fantastic job for source code, for document management it doesn't provide the ease-of-use of SharePoint. If you have it already setup and you are a primarily MS based network, SharePoint makes a lot of sense and can handle revision control for the MS based documentation much better than SVN.
Yes, you can manage access to SVN documents with a needs-lock, but chances are at some point you'll have a non-developer needing to access the documents. Explaining SVN to a non-developer, non-techie is not an easy thing.