How to track deployments? - deployment

What is a good way to track deployments of our code base? I would like to be able to see when a version was deployed on a specific server, who released it, what issues were solved by it, etcetera.
Currently we have a deployment tool that generates an issue in our issue tracker with all this information. This makes it easy to link the release issue against related issues, but it also pollutes our issue database.
We also want to start with Continuous Integration internally, which would mean there would be a ton more release issues.
Are there better ways of tracking releases?
Our technology stack is PHP (Symfony2) using Phing as a build system, a custom, web-based deployment tool, Mantis for bugtracking and Bitbucket for repository hosting.

You can use something like Beanstalk or to deploy your apps. It will give you an ability to manage deploy permissions, see a timeline of all deployments (who deployed what and when), trigger deployments with a single click and notify your team via email and integrations when something is deployed.
You can get an idea from this screenshot:
P.S. I work at Wildbit, company that makes both products.

You should check out my company's product BuildMaster, it was designed to solve every problem you've listed.
At this time we do not yet have the first-class integration with Mantis, but it can be added pretty easily via extensibility in the same way as the other bug/issue trackers we integrate with. It could be either built by your team if you are interested in that or our team contingent on an Enterprise edition purchase.


Team based development environment setup for shared CMS development - best practice?

We're planning to select DNN+2sxc for a project for our team.
Normally when it comes to a CMS, I usually fly solo, but in a corporate .Net or Java environment it’s team collaboration, source control, Azure, deployments etc.
With our upcoming project we’re taking one of our main sites (C#/ and converting it to DNN.
However, I’m currently unsure as to how to approach a CMS in a team development environment?
So in the development phase, we'll have some guys doing styling, others creating 2sxc reusable content templates and others building the actual pages. All at the same time, on the same website. In terms of Git/Visual Studio I'm not sure how it will actually work with relation to the DB especially. This question obviously applies to all CMSes (not just DNN) in a shared development environment.
What is the best practice to do this?
So I prefer to do most development locally, in my own instance (local IIS and local DB), with each individual project (module,theme/skin) in a separate repository. This makes the risk of me breaking someone else, or someone else causing me pain, minimal.
You can use a tool like Polydeploy to automate the deployment from the repository check ins into that upper environment. Requiring that individuals check code into the repository when ready to deploy to a test/uat/prod type environment.
Where it gets tricky is content for sure, I would typically do that in a test/uat environment that will ultimately be pushed to production once it is finalized.
I NEVER source control the DNN instance itself, that's just asking for pain.
This can be quite challenging, especially since some parts are user-data (which shouldn't be re-deployed on development) and other parts are dev.
There is a minimal guide to this here: multiple developers best practices

Does anyone have recommendations for how to develop on the platform with multiple developers? We have an existing source code repository / code review process / staging process, and would like to share the build system in a sane way as we foray into mobile.
In particular, we would like several developers to be able to use the build system, with the extra modules enabled when we paid for the service.
There doesn't appear to much documentation or support for this within this system...
Support for working in teams is actually a feature we have released recently. We just wrote a blog post that should be enough for you to get started with it:
If you have any feedback or run into any issues just ask here or send an email to

Recommended Development practices for working with Siebel CRM?

I may be working with Siebel CRM soon, and I'm looking for advice on using modern development practices and enterprise best practices.
Specifically I'd like advice on the following areas:
How should we set up version control (specifically with Subversion)? What kind of structure should our repository have? How should we handle branches and tags?
How can we do code reviews? How can we peer review configuration changes made through Siebel Tools that don't necessarily have any "code"? We want to review these changes for quality assurance and knowledge transfer, as well as compliance with change management policies.
What sort of change management works well with Siebel? How do we verify that only things listed in our change log are actually changed when we do a new deploy?
How can we automate testing of our application? Is unit testing even possible with Siebel? I saw another question suggesting QTP for web testing, but are there other options that work?
Are there other things we can do to implement Continuous Integration practices with our Siebel development efforts?
What recommendations do you have for naming conventions and other things that would traditionally fall under "coding style" guidelines?
How should we separate development roles from Siebel Administrator roles? What should our build/test/deploy cycle look like?
It's not likely that I'll be able to obtain any new expensive tools for this, but if there's a paid tool that provides really great ROI, feel free to mention it.
If you have other recommendations along these lines, but not specifically addressed by one of my questions, feel free to add that as well.
How should we set up version control (specifically with Subversion)?
use the guidance provided in the documentation for Siebel Tools. But please note that Siebel does not build from the files in SVN so it will only be useful as an archival tool; you cannot manage your code or build from SVN.
What kind of structure should our repository have? How should we handle branches and tags?
Siebel development code is not built or managed in SVN so this is a pretty useless thing to do. Just note the date that you built your SRF and exported your Repo and match with a tag or branch in SVN.
How can we do code reviews? How can we peer review configuration changes made through Siebel Tools that don't necessarily have any "code"? We want to review these changes for quality assurance and knowledge transfer, as well as compliance with change management policies.
Use Siebel Tools to do this. It has a built in 'checking' tool for obvious errors (all devs should be using this before they check in) and a diff tool (you will need to check against an older version of the same object - which you could drag out of SVN if you want). I normally automate the checking tool once a day and review the output logs, and automate build from the Siebel server 5 times a day and look for errors during the compile. Diffs via SVN and a standard diff tool might be possible, but the Siebel objects are stored as XML-like files in SVN and so are hard to read sometimes.
What sort of change management works well with Siebel? How do we verify that only things listed in our change log are actually changed when we do a new deploy?
How can we automate testing of our application? Is unit testing even possible with Siebel? I saw another question suggesting QTP for web testing, but are there other options that work?
QTP is the standard way to go - check on the Oracle web site for other vendors that they may recommend. You could also try Sikuli.
Are there other things we can do to implement Continuous Integration practices with our Siebel development efforts?
Not really.
What recommendations do you have for naming conventions and other things that would traditionally fall under "coding style" guidelines?
Checkout the appropriate section of Siebel Bookshelf for current naming guidelines and use these always.
How should we separate development roles from Siebel Administrator roles?
Not sure what you mean.
What should our build/test/deploy cycle look like?
Build a new SRF and export a new Repo from Dev once a night. Once all the dev work has been checked-in and unit tests are done take the next SRF and Repo and push into the test environment. At this point in normal software development you'd branch your SVN and continue to develop on the trunk but Siebel is different because you cannot build from SVN and you cannot easily restore a whole lot of files from SVN into your build environment, so you're best to make hot fixes for test either in dev (and pause mainline dev development until that is done) or in the test environment, and do ugly backports to the development environment (that's what most people do in fact). Build a new SRF and export a new Repo from Test once a night and once that's good, snap a copy for your Production release.
Try to stick to cycles of no more than 4 weeks (1 week for desing/prototyping. 1 week for dev, 1 week for test, 1 week for bug fixes and deployment) - any longer than that and the overhead of planning will become too great.
Hints for an easier life: Avoid eScript except in Business Services (otherwise it becomes unmanageable); use all the Siebel built-in tools instead of rolling-your own; try to avoid any roll-up functionality (it always seems like a good idea but it always destroys performance); keep the number of screens and views to an absolute minimum; do not build views when you should be building reports instead; always make sure that EIM tables match and schema extensions that you make - even if you don't use EIM right now; try to build Integration Objects to match your logical schema - they are always useful (for web services, XML publishing) and a hell of a job to build after the fact; prefer Workflow Policies over run-time Events; don't add new sort or search specifications without indexes - ever ever ever; don't make by-reference links to the LOV table; always patch; if the vendor doesn't say that you can do something, never do it.
We have set up a complete Continuous Integration toolchain for our Siebel systems consisting of Subversion, Hudson, Jira, Siebel ADM and some self-written stuff integrating everything.
This helepd a lot, although Siebel "source code" is not as suitable for standard CI approaches as, say, some Java-based project.
And, YES, it is possible to put your files - including SIF - into your Subversion repository and use this as source for your deployments.
I'm planning to blog about this in - stay tuned.
SVN/CVS are not suitable for Siebel, a few reasons being
a) Siebel objects are db objects and SVN/CVS etc store sif equivalent of the changes.
These changes are impossible to query except for some basic queries.
b) The integration between Siebel tools and SVN is a loosely coupled integration.
The ideal integration should be with the Siebel repository and invidual tools.
Take a look at our tool Object Hive it addresses many of the short comings of a files based version control.
Object Hive has been from the ground up specifically for Siebel version control, some of its features are:
1) Object Based repository similar to Siebel repository that stores all version history.
This makes is very easy to query changes and conduct code reviews based on the changes
2) A browser based GUI that is similar to Siebel tools to query for version history (no combing sif files for changes).
3) Seamless integration - directly integrates with the Siebel repository.
No messy installation for invidual developer.
4) Powerful reporting (realtime and batch) to easily identify changes over any time period.
5) Oracle Exa-ready certified.

Who's responsible for deployment? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I work as an in-house developer for a manufacturing company. We make software for the manufacturing process, not really control software, more like process flow.
We are using a Scrum process to develop the software, albeit tailored to fit with our team and environment, and this is working quite well. We're coming to the end of a sprint and the software is at a stage where the product owner wants to deploy it.
Previously, i.e. before Scrum, we would have deployed the software. Now I feel like we have developed the software, we've passed all the user-defined/agreed release tests and demonstrated the software to the PO with a simulator, we have achieved our goals. We are ready to provide deployment support but I don't think it should be our responsibilty to deploy.
What are other peoples experiences? Should the dev team do the deployment or should we just hand over the completed software to the PO and provide support?
Summing up
A lot of great responses, thanks. The question may seem like I'm trying to squirm out of work or responsibility, maybe I am a little ;o) What I'm more interested in is other peoples processes. The problem we face here is that if the dev team deploy the software then we end up providing 24/7 support to production for the software. No prob, except there are only two of us. So, to allow us to get back to developing software rather than providing support all the time I thought it might be helpful to get the "IT" team involved in development process. Hopefully this will get the 'buy-in' and then allow them to deploy and provide first level support. We also have a plant in Mexico and its difficult for the dev team to go and deploy there, it makes more sense for the local support to do it, with guidance/advice from the developers.
Just to let you know, the IT engineers did deploy the software, with guidance/advice from dev. Its gone quite well, the customer is happy - he's got increased value for his software, and isn't that what its all about?
I don't think Scrum as a methodology addresses deployment responsibility. I've worked for large organizations with a deployment team completely independent of the development team. I've also worked at small organizations where the development team handles deployment. Ideally, the deployment team is separate from development, but it would almost never be the PO (which I assume means product owner). The PO usually signs off, but is not usually the best choice for handling deployment.
Who gets the call at 3am when the software isn't working or a system died? If it's the dev team then by all means expect to own the deployment (since you own production).
Best practice for organizations that can support is to provide the Operations group with deployment instructions and good wishes. Bottles of scotch help too.
If your production controls are lax, than tighten them up. A book like "Visible Ops" is a great guide to getting things under appropriate levels of control in the appropriate hands.
I'm a dev mgr with responsibility over multiple products. I have my dev teams produce builds of deployment artifacts, such as .war files, that can be simply deployed to Tomcat web server using it's manager interface or web service API. The configuration for the app is all set and self-contained within the .war file. Hence it is straightforward for the person doing deployment to just take it and "drop it in", so to speak.
If we don't get this level of ease of deployment to where deployment can be completely decoupled from the development team, then I view that as a failure on the dev team's part to adequately do their job.
The person doing deployment proceeds to release a given product to numerous customer sites - that's not a productive activity for me to let developers be doing - they have products to design and create as that is their specialization expertise.
In our organization the deployment responsibility also overlaps with the first tier production support responsibility.
We practice some scrum methodology but I've never viewed this issue as tied to software development process methodology, per se.
the software process is not completed until the working software is in the hands of the users that need it - otherwise it's just "shelfware"
if there is no one else to be responsible for deployment and configuration management, then you're it ;-)
I would think as an "In-house" developer it would be your responsiblity (unless there is a specialised deployment team) to deploy the new software whereas if you were from an external company then it would be upto them to deploy it themselves, unless specified in the contract.
Depends on the project and what "deployment" means for you. Since I am a web developer, deploying mostly .NET applications with an Sql Server database, I always prefer the deployment be done by a release manager or deployment manager. Why? Because separation of jobs ensures that problems are caught when they need to be.
The developers job should be to provide the required objects or instructions on how to deploy, then someone else deploys to a staging environment. If something goes wrong during deployment to staging, the deployment instructions are corrected until the deployment to staging works flawlessly. That way, there will hopefully be no mistakes when the same deployment script is used to move the code to production. In other words, not only must you test your code but also the deployment script.
of course, in the real world, this doesn't always happen because of personnel issues, but this would be my ideal.
Seems fairly simple to me- if not you, then who? Would actual deployment responsibility have fallen to some other team before you started using Scrum? If not, then I don't see why Scrum would change that.
If the dev team was providing the deployment before scrum, they should continue to do so, unless Management has specifically said that someone else should do it. If managment hasn't said, then they haven't really thought about it, and just expected that it would happen magically, like it always has.
If you don't like that, bring it up with management, but do the work until told differently.
I think you have to man-up and deploy the software. unless you are working in an organization that has some kind of serious data security issues and or SOX issues with allowing the unclean to deal with the production end of things.
I agree with the first comment - SCRUM has nothing to do with it. In fact I would think it's far better for you to be deploying as you'll know first hand how well things are working and be right there to get feedback from those users.

Configuration Management with Subversion and SharePoint help

Ok, when hired on to my current company a year ago, I was tasked with migrating our development teams from VSS. They already had it in their minds that they wanted Subversion, and since I had experience using and setting up subversion, I was a good candidate. I first tried to sell TFS because it woul dhave solved the problem I am in right now, but since money is tight, and Subversion is free... well you get it. Anyway, I have finalized the propsal and the only thing standing in the way is the following.
I proposed that we store only our source code in SVN, and all documentation, release builds, and other project artifracts be stored in our SharePoint portal, so we don't have to give non developer stakeholders access to SVN. When I presented the proposal, all was excepted but the question arose about how to manage the syncronization between the artifacts (Ex: How to is document x version 3.1.2 associated with release 4.5.2). My initial reaction is to create a section in the SharePoint porject page for each new release that will hold the artificats (and keep track of changes too). Is there a better way of doing this? Does anyone know of anyone doing this? Or any integration packages to sync SVN with SharePoint?
Here is some info on the companies development environment. All of our software is for internal use, we sell none of it, so our customers are all in-house. We have 2 types of developers: 1. those who take care of maintainance and customization of third party software, and 2. those who write proprieatry software (which is where I fall). Our software we write is mostly .NET, but the 3rd party software is all over the board (COBAL, C, FORTRAN, Other crap that no ones cares about anymore).
Please advise, as I need to get this submitted soon. I HATE VSS!!!!!!!!!! and I need relief!
What we do internally is putting all docs under our version control system, I think it's much easier. Then, of course, you have to give access to not-developers.
In your case, using SVN, why don't you put everything inside and then use the webinterface to give access to the stakeholders? It's easy enough for them :-P
I would use SVN for both documents and source code.
You can synchronize versions of
documents with versions of source
You have everything in one place, so
no two repositories to administrate.
You'd probably need to manage the
access rights for some stakeholders
to some parts of the folder
SVN is not the most appropriate tool
for document management
In order to solve the possible concurrent changes to the same document, you can use SVN property svn:needs-lock for these items, to make them editable by one person, who locks the item.
As pablo said, you can access the documents (at least for reading them) through the web interface.
You could expose the svn repo via the web interface and link to that in sharepoint. That way people who need to edit the documents would need access to subversion but anyone could easily access the documents "read only".
In our organization, we have docs/artifacts, code everything in SVN and have given access to non-technical stakeholders as well who use tortoise client.
however you can look at the following option
Option 1 : create a ASP.Net interface for non-technical users
You can build a simple web interface in, configure that with a single user so you would not have to create separate users for all the nontechnical stakeholders and they would get access to the docs with proper version control, etc. you could look at sharpsvn for the implementation aspect. the disadvantage of this approach would be that you might have to invest some time in developing this app
Option 2 : ofcourse, create separate users for each non-developer stakeholder
This answer is probably too late for you implementation, but the simplest integration path may be to store the docs in SVN and then publish to Sharepoint with an svn-hook.
Build artifacts could be programatically published the same way from you build scripts.
You can upload docs to SharePoint using a simple POST
Probably a little late, too, but I would avoid putting the documents in SVN if you have a SharePoint system setup. Though SVN does a fantastic job for source code, for document management it doesn't provide the ease-of-use of SharePoint. If you have it already setup and you are a primarily MS based network, SharePoint makes a lot of sense and can handle revision control for the MS based documentation much better than SVN.
Yes, you can manage access to SVN documents with a needs-lock, but chances are at some point you'll have a non-developer needing to access the documents. Explaining SVN to a non-developer, non-techie is not an easy thing.