Can we build an Image Editor in Flutter? - flutter

How can I make an Image Editor app in Flutter, adding a frame to an image an emojis and after that saving it to local storage, any tutorial or idea?
I tried using CustomPainter + render to texture but didn't get it how it can solve my problem


How to zoom in SVG picture freely in Flutter

I am using flutter_svg package to show svg picture in flutter but I want to be able to zoom into this picture without losing the svg properties of keeping the resolution, I have tried to use photo_view for zooming capabilities and flutter_svg_provider to use svg picture as image provider but it's not working properly.
So is there a way to be able to zoom and move freely in SVG picture in Flutter?

I have attached a image. I am trying to get such effect on flutter. Can anyone tell how such effects are created?

I am doing Flutter development. I want to add image like this and want to know how such effects or images are created. I think 3D effect is used. But I don't know how to create such image. Please help.
[![Attached Image][1]]
You can either directly create this kind of image using your picture editor (PS, Figma, Paint, anything really). Add manually a margin to your Card and set the Runner for it to be out of the Card. Then simply display the picture file in Flutter using Image.assets(...).
In the case you want to programmatically create a similar image you can use a Stack in Flutter in order to make the runner picture overflow the card positioning manually both pictures.

How to draw an animated logo using dart flutter as a splash screen

I am trying to create a dynamic logo using as a splash screen using dart flutter as the below image
So as the previous image this shield logo there's a way to create it dynamically using dart-flutter as to able to animate it easily as dragable those small squares in the shield logo...
There's a tutorial or docs related to this case could help me...
I hope this would be clear enough..
If there is no user interaction then you could use
Lottie animation or else if you want to have a user interaction with the animation to it then you could do like
ColorFiltered with the position
Update the state of the position from drag/click position

Flutter image_picker plugin and overlay

I am looking to achieve something like following while capturing image camera preview is on but could not get idea how I can achieve with image_picker package.
Camera Preview Result
Finally, image I wanted to capture would be only the content in highlighted circle. Any help on this would be highly appreciated.
I don't think you can achieve what you want with an image picker package.
What can help you is
Camera pulgin->
Camera plugin gives you a live camera preview in your widget.
Create a stateful or stateless widget and use a camera plugin to customize that widget and capture only what you want.
You can also ref to this question ->
Happy coding!

Flutter SVG rendering - how to paint image

I am testing the use of undraw library assets in my flutter app.
I am using the flutter_svg plugin and I am able to display the file properly using the following code
final Widget svg = SvgPicture.asset('assets/image.svg');
Now I would like to paint the SVG and I see there is a color and colorBlenMode property.
The problem is that if I set the color then my whole image gets painted. I actually would like to paint only a layer as per the image below.
Does anyone know if it is at all possible? How could I do it?
Maybe you can solve it doing a SVG by yourself on Method Draw, you can draw and paint each component as you want, after that you can convert your SVG code to a Flutter Custom Painter which is basically a draw in flutter, Flutter Shape Maker.