Flutter image_picker plugin and overlay - flutter

I am looking to achieve something like following while capturing image camera preview is on but could not get idea how I can achieve with image_picker package.
Camera Preview Result
Finally, image I wanted to capture would be only the content in highlighted circle. Any help on this would be highly appreciated.

I don't think you can achieve what you want with an image picker package.
What can help you is
Camera pulgin->https://pub.dev/packages/camera
Camera plugin gives you a live camera preview in your widget.
Create a stateful or stateless widget and use a camera plugin to customize that widget and capture only what you want.
You can also ref to this question ->https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64711650/flutter-camera-preview-in-small-widget-not-in-full-screen/64711764?noredirect=1#comment114421575_64711764
Happy coding!


How to get image rotate angle value from flutter_image_cropper plugin

We have referred to the below GitHub code-
if you have any idea how I could retrieve the rotate and crop values for the original image, that would be great.
alternatively, if you know of any other plug-in where I would be able to crop/rotate/edit the image that would be greatly appreciated.
I am building the app in a flutter.

How to manipulate an image to add border to it in Flutter

Which Flutter image manipulation library to use that offers the ability to add a border to the actual image before saving it?
(Not just printing the border around it on screen)
I couldn't find any on the internet! Please, include any example in your answer.
You can use image editor package from pub.dev i think you will find the solution.

How to make this type of Animation in flutter?

Above the image to below the animation.
How to Extract the single part of the image element in flutter then make to below animation.
How to achieve this type of animation in flutter. It was done by CSS. I was working to make this type of animation but I need some Suggestions and Example. If you know please share your experience and knowledge for achieve this.
You must have the SVG file of each of the gears and use the Rotation Transition Widget and stack Widget for Rotation and use AnimatedContainer for wieght

Blur cards in Flutter

I would like to know how I can generate a blur as well as in the image in Flutter
You can achieve the output through the frosted effect.
Refer to this solution here.

How to draw an animated logo using dart flutter as a splash screen

I am trying to create a dynamic logo using as a splash screen using dart flutter as the below image
So as the previous image this shield logo there's a way to create it dynamically using dart-flutter as to able to animate it easily as dragable those small squares in the shield logo...
There's a tutorial or docs related to this case could help me...
I hope this would be clear enough..
If there is no user interaction then you could use
Lottie animation or else if you want to have a user interaction with the animation to it then you could do like
ColorFiltered with the position
Update the state of the position from drag/click position