Im using the sustainsys.saml2 library in an MVC application. Ive been asked to provide the metadata for my service provider(SP) application. Does the sustainsys library do this for me? What is the URL i would give the IDP for my application metadata?
The sustainsys help documentation for the web.config element says:
The metadata part of the configuration can be used to tweak the
generated metadata. These configuration options only affect how the
metadata is generated, no other behavior of the code is changed.
Again, what is the URL for this generated metadata ? I am happy to give more information.... I just dont know what i dont know at this point.
The metadata is exposed at If you've set the ModulePath property, the path is changed.
I made an app and added this one to Launchpad with application type "SAPUI5-Fiori-App using LPD_CUST". Now I was taught, that this is application type deprecated and I shall use application type "SAPUI5-Fiori-App".
I tried to do it and tried to copy the necessary entries from an app, that already has these settings, but I cannot copy those for my application because I dont know what to fill into the fields "URL" and "ID".
I suppose the field "URL" needs a SICF-service with path "/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/". But for my namespace there is no service generated wihtin that path. So I created this service manually. But I don't know if this is the correct way. I just gave it a try.
And the field "ID" has some entry like com.customersname.APPNAME. But I have no clue where I can find this information.
Furhtermore I cannot find an manual or instruction in the internet for adding an app to LPD with this application type. I can only find some information for application type "SAPUI5-Fiori-App using LPD_CUST".
I hope somebody can help me and give me a hint what to do or where I can find a manual for my case.
Many thanks in advance!
Facing problem while configuring swagger api with play 2.4 framework.
Follow this url for configuration :
After configuration gets a compile time error with message "type ApiHelpController is not a member of package controllers" as this ApiHelpController.scala file is present in app/controllers package.
Does anyone knows what i am missing.
Not sure what you are missing but let me show you an alternative for swagger play 2.4 integration
Unlike the one you were trying to use, this one does not require annotation, you write swagger spec directly in your routes files as comment. There are several benefits of this approach:
controller remain clean
you don't need to repeat path and parameters
you don't need to learn another API (the annotation api)
Also it generates swagger definition from case classes reflection.
Check it out:
Not sure about swagger-jaxrs, but swagger-play2 package works for me. You can refer to
I am facing a cookies problem in my website , I am using Scala with Play Framework 2.2.0.
If user replaces cookies with another user's cookies it works there i want to stop that please give me any solution.I have changed and modify in application.conf file with all security but i did not get any effect in my application.
If there is any type of trick or logic behind it please tell me.
As shown in the documentation it is just a config change
Note: problems with deserialization might occur.
I'm trying to extend Share DocumentLibrary with a new action that provide a link to some url based on the nodeRef Id (through share-config-custom.xml)
<action id="blabla" type="link" label="label">
<param name="page">../../alfresco/wcs/myPlugin/editor/{}/param>
<param name="target">_blank</param>
But Share does not interpret {}
It does interpret {node.nodeRef} correctly but I don't need the full URI
Like: workspace://SpacesStore/158f0ed4-a575-40c2-a6ef-7e7ed386ba94
I just want the node ref id : 158f0ed4-a575-40c2-a6ef-7e7ed386ba94
Anyone can explain me the logic behind this and suggest a solution? Thanks
First of all I assume you are asking for Alfresco 4.0. The way how actions can be extended is completely new in 4.0 and most of us haven't used that yet.
The logic that creates the place holders is probably in Java code in the Share webapp (haven't found the exact location). The node.nodeRef is a String so you can not call In my opinion you have two options:
You can keep type="link" and node.nodeRef but you link to a custom repository side webscript which then generates the correct URL and forwards (HTTP Status 301) to the correct destination.
You change the type to type="javascript" and implement a callback function in Javascript. This will be called when the link is clicked and can build the correct Url. To include custom javascript you can use the dependencies in the Share config:
As far as I know the only documentation available for extending the new actions is:
Just use as seen at the Javascript API Wiki
I am trying to figure out how to configure a ASP.NET MVC2 config file to have absolutely no caching. My current config file has this xml node...
<add name="ZeroCacheProfile" duration="0" varyByParam="*" location="None" />
That would indicate to me, that no caching is going on with with this application. Am I missing something? Will continue to browse the internet searching for the most succinct answer. Thank you.
Defining a cache profile in web.config per se doesn't do anything useful other than defining a cache profile. There must be something using this cache profile otherwise it stays a simple definition. So that's half of the job.
The second half is to decorate all your controllers or actions that you would like to disable caching for with the [OutputCache] attribute:
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = "ZeroCacheProfile")]
or if you want to do this for all controllers of your site define a base controller that all your controllers derive from and then decorate this base controller with the aforementioned attribute.