How to configure MVC config file for to have no caching -

I am trying to figure out how to configure a ASP.NET MVC2 config file to have absolutely no caching. My current config file has this xml node...
<add name="ZeroCacheProfile" duration="0" varyByParam="*" location="None" />
That would indicate to me, that no caching is going on with with this application. Am I missing something? Will continue to browse the internet searching for the most succinct answer. Thank you.

Defining a cache profile in web.config per se doesn't do anything useful other than defining a cache profile. There must be something using this cache profile otherwise it stays a simple definition. So that's half of the job.
The second half is to decorate all your controllers or actions that you would like to disable caching for with the [OutputCache] attribute:
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = "ZeroCacheProfile")]
or if you want to do this for all controllers of your site define a base controller that all your controllers derive from and then decorate this base controller with the aforementioned attribute.


Read modules from web.config in autofac to change container configuration according to solution configurations

I have created some Autofac modules... Now I want to register some of them in my container using web.config... In my web.config I have written:
<autofac defaultAssembly="Autofac.Example">
<module type="DebugModuleTest1"></module>
<module type="DebugModuleTest2"></module>
Now I have to build my container. But the autofac documentation is not clear to me. I do not understand what I have to do to read my modules and build the container.
public class MyCustomContainer
public void Build(HttpConfiguration config)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder x = new Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder();
//var sec = x.AddInMemoryCollection().Build().GetSection("autofac");
// var y = x.AddXmlFile("Web.config");
var y = new ConfigurationBuilder().SetBasePath(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
var z = y.AddXmlFile("Web.Config");
config.DependencyResolver = new AutofacWebApiDependencyResolver(container);
I am using latest version of Autofac so I do not have the ConfigurationSettingsReader class available.
Can anyone help me please?
I had found interesting saving configuration on web.config because in this way I could "change" web.config according to my solution configuration (you know, the classic web.debug.config, web.release.config, etc)...
That could me help to register the correct modules avoiding the use of directives (#if bla bla bla, ...) or simply conditions...
I am already using modules, but I do not think the correct solution is adding a property inside the module to choose the component to resolve according the selected environment where I want to deploy the project..
I just think of this solution reading this example (By the way, Flexibility to Override still refers to ConfigurationSettingsReader. Is it ok?)
In the 4.0 version of configuration you don't store anything in web.config. It's all in separate XML or JSON files. I'd recommend JSON. The documentation outlines that pretty well:
If you were using the app.config or web.config based configuration available before, you will need to migrate your configuration to the new format and update the way you set configuration with your application container.
We actually spent a lot of time trying to document as much as possible, so while there's definitely a lot there try not to "TL;DR" it. If you skip around, you're liable to end up in the "pre 4.0" section thinking that will still work with the 4.0 stuff. It won't. It sounds like from your comment on this other question that you may have missed a few things the first time through.
Spend some time in the quick start section. That section has both C# and JSON code showing how things work. Again, it's easy to skip past that.
If the docs don't show enough examples, look at the unit tests in the Autofac.Configuration repo, especially the folder full of test files that shows both XML and JSON formatted examples we use in testing.
Finally... three tips:
Configuration is not a feature-for-feature replacement for code. If you're looking to do amazing, crazy, logic-based stuff then stick to modules, possibly with some configuration to register the modules.
Be familiar with Autofac and DI terminology. If you're new to DI or Autofac, "components," "services," and other terms will be confusing. The configuration uses these terms, which means you may not get what you're looking at. Spend time with the docs. The getting started page includes an intro to some of the terminology.
Learn about the new Microsoft config system. There is separate doc about that maintained by Microsoft. Their docs explain everything from how to change config based on environment to creating custom config providers. Autofac is standing on the shoulders of config giants - we don't have to build in that flexibility anymore because it comes for free from the new config system.

Enforce running a service before another one on Solaris smf

I am trying to set other services to be dependant on mine (in order to enforce mine to run first) using the Solaris SMF system.
I know I can use the tag in the other service manifest and make it depends on my service, but I would like to avoid editing the other services manifests for obvious reasons.
According to this link, under the "Dependencies" section, it is stated that it is possible but I couldn't figure out how.
You do that in the manifest with the dependent XML element as opposed to the dependency element.
Suppose you want "serviceA" to depend on your fancy new service, called "serviceMine", but you cannot change the manifest for "serviceA".
Then in the manifest for "serviceMine" you would do something like
<dependent name='serviceMine_dependency'
<service_fmri value='svc:/application/foo/serviceA' />
When the going gets tough I sometimes resort to the documentation which is in the DTD for SMF manifests. You can read it at: /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1 on your local system. It is quite useful as a reference.

Add javadocs to show on a webpage

Is there someway that I can show my javadocs that I have generated through eclipse to show them on a webpage in my Spring mvc project? I know I gotta do something with the controller but what?
Thanks in advance!
You could generate the javadocs in some folder within your application (like /WEB-INF/docs/) and instruct Spring to serve them as static resources (which they are):
<mvc:resources mapping="/docs/**" location="/WEB-INF/docs/" />
You then access them with something like http://localhost:8080/yourAppContext/docs/index.html.
Depending on your application URL mappings it might even be possible to generate the files in a publicly available folder (outside of WEB-INF) and let the server itself serve them from there without triggering the Spring dispatcher servlet.

Zend Framework: Can you do ACL without the plugins directory?

I am having trouble understanding the rules to ACL in ZF and the docs aren't clear. I am using a common Zend library for all websites. So far no problem but now every demo or example says that you should place the ACL class (acl.php) in the libraries directory as a plugin. Zend/Library/My/Controller/Plugin/.
I don't want to do this because it defeats the purpose for sharing a common framework directory.
Has anyone done or have any ideas about how to accomplish ACL using individual acl.php class files for each website/web application?
You don't have to place the acl.php in the libraries directory as a plugin. The autoloader will load the class just fine, the trick to Zend_Acl is just priming an instance of the class with your roles and resources.
It's been a little while since I touched Zend Framwork but I'll try to steer you in the right direction.
In your bootstrap, create the Zend_Acl object
$acl = new Zend_Acl();
//see documentation on how to add roles and resources
Now create a Plugin folder inside your Controller directory, this will allow you authenticate with your acl.
Inside there create new class that extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract give it the correct class name to be picked up by the autoloader.
Store the acl you create in the registry and in your plugin override the preDispatch method, from here you have access to the request and the acl (from the zend registry) you can validate as needed. (Some people have controller/action as resources others models. It's quite freeform.
Register your plugin with the front controller.
$frontController->registerPlugin(new My_Controller_Plugin_Acl());
This is probably what the other tutorials are suggesting (or variants of this), it can just be a little confusing sometimes.
You should never add files to your Zend library directory - do you have any links to tutorials recommending this? The files should either go in the library directory under your application's namespace, giving you a structure like:
(ZF files)
or in application/plugins, application/controller/helpers or somewhere else depending on the approach you are taking.
Edit: it sounds like a controller plugin is what the tutorial is recommending, in which case you'll want a class like Yourapp_Plugin_Acl (replace 'Yourapp' with your app's namespace) which would live at application/plugins/Acl.php.
Ultimately, you can place it anywhere you want as long as your autoloader is sufficiently configured to find it. And precisely how you use it depends upon what resources and privileges you are trying to protect.
But think you are confusing instantiating your ACL and querying your ACL.
You will most likely instantiate/populate your ACL object during bootstrap and store it in the Bootstrap registry or in the Zend_Registry singleton.
If your resources are controllers and your privileges are actions, then it is common to intercept the dispatch cycle with a preDispatch() plugin that queries your ACL object.
So, we are really looking at two different classes/objects:
One is the ACL itself, extending Zend_Acl. This one could be named Application_Model_Acl and placed in the file application/models/Acl.php.
The other is the front controller plugin. This one could be named Application_Plugin_Acl and stored in the file application/plugins/Acl.php
[Note that both of these presume that we are using an application namespace Application. Also, note that both of these are project-specific.]
Of course, the plugin as described needs to be given the ACL object in order to do its job, so your Bootstrap might have a method like this:
protected _initAclPlugin()
$acl = new Application_Model_Acl();
$plugin = new Application_Plugin_Acl($acl);
But remember, this is only one way to use your ACL. In some cases, your ACL might not be limited to just controllers/actions. In that case, you might need to pass your ACL object to other models/services that query it, as well. In that case, you might have a separate method in your Bootstrap to create your ACL object and store it in the Bootstrap registry. Then your controllers - or even a dependency injection system - can grab it from there and pass it through to whatever downstream models/services might need it.
[You know, looking at my answer, it's not really different from that of #linead. Same idea, different words, but he totally got in first.]

ASP.NET MVC2 IoC: Looking for an example using CastleWindsor container that works with minimum config

I am looking for an example of how to configure an ASP.NET MVC2 project to use CastleWindsor container to do IoC.
I keep running into problems setting it up, and for every problem there seems to be a solution on-line, but in the end I make so many changes and end up with such a verbose setup to get IoC working using CastleWindsor, that I thought it best to ask this question.
I am looking for the minimum configuration required in the Global.asax page, the Web.config, and if required, what other changes and extension classes are required.
I am not looking to inject into actionfilters at this stage, so just the basics. Preferably not using XML files, but doing it in .NET programatically.
Thank you in advance...
This is as basic as it gets:
Start a MVC2 project from VS2010
Download MvcContrib for MVC2 (the one that says "extra binaries")
In your project, add a reference to (all these DLLs are included in MvcContrib):
In your Application_Start(), add these lines (and whatever namespaces are needed):
var container = new WindsorContainer();
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new WindsorControllerFactory(container));