Failed to install Platformio IDE in vscode - visual-studio-code

I'm using platformio IDE in vscode.
Before 2019.10.11, the platformio IDE extension worked well.
But after 2019.10.11, every time I open vscode I get this message.
Installing PlatformIO Core...
Please do not close this window and do not open other folders until this process is completed.
Failed to install PlatformIO IDE.
No more information shows.
What I Have Tried
Uninstall vscode and reinstall it
Uninstall platformio IDE and reinstall it
Downgrade vscode from 1.39 to 1.37
Downgrade platfotmio IDE from 1.90 to 1.83
pip --no-cache-dir install -U platformio
conda install platformio
pip uninstall platform and then pip install platformio
Restart the computer
Uninstall platformio IDE and delete all the folders and files whose names contain 'platformio', and than reinstall platformio
Run vscode as administrator and install platformio IDE
I still haven't fixed the problem now.
What I Have Found
After I uninstall platformio IDE and tried to reinstall it (of course I failed), I found the folder "C:\Users\Bowman.platformio"'s size is only 0KB, and it contains only one folder ".cache".
What I Have Installed in My Computer
Anaconda(Python 3.7)
.NET Core
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017

Today I tried and (initially) failed to install PlatformIO on a Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon machine. VSCode V1.61.2 was freshly installed, Python3 was installed.
Trying to install PlatformIO told me that the Python on the machine was not suitable and installation failed.
After enabling Developer mode in VSCode (Help | Toggle Developer Tools) and trying the install again, I found an error message that told me that the distutils package for Python was missing.
That is because I had not installed pip3.
In the terminal, run sudo apt install python3-pip
That gets you the appropriate packages and then PlatformIO will install properly.

good afternoon.
I had exactly the same issue.
Did pretty much the same topics you described.
For me it was related to the anaconda software.
I uninstalled anaconda, uninstall/reinstall platformio in the visual studio environment and it worked.
I got the message that the platformio service was already started and that got me thinking.

thats no big deal i had the same issue....just go to help > Toggle developers and in that press console and search platformIo that will show the error most likely with python installation might wants to install some packages manually....
i was using python packages conflicts...


Jupyter Notebook Error: "Jupyter command `jupyter-notebook` not found."

I just downloaded vscode using homebrew and install python#3.11 using homebrew as well. I used pip3 install jupyter as I saw other recommend to fix this issue and still no luck. I have downloaded all the extensions on vscode and I have set the kernal to homebrew version of python and I still recieve this issue. Note that I have used notebooks in the past and have never gotten this issue so I am not really sure what it is this time. I have not installed anaconda.
I have tried uninstalling and installing the extensions but no luck. I have tried to pip3 uninstall jupyter, pip3 uninstall notebook and reinstall them and still no luck. I have tried to change the kernal to the default python3 on the mac and still nothing. My mac is m1 running on Ventura 13.2. I am able to run python code on regular python files just not using jupyter notebook. I followed the instructions how to set it up on vscode website but I got this error. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
I have same issue using VSCode on Mac OS.
VSCode's 'Jupyter' plugin is broken, causing VSCode unable to bind with python interpreter. Downgrading from v2023.1.2000312134 to v2022.11.1003412109 fixed my issue.
I had the same issue, running on m1 mac (Ventura 13.2). If you aren't already, make sure you are utilising a python virtual environment:
# Create a python virtual environment
$ python -m venv venv
# Activate your python virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
Form your VSCode Command Palette (Shift+Command+P), search and then choose
Jupyter: Select Interpreter to Start Jupyter Server
You should then select the python version that is associated to your virtual environment (venv).

~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim doesn't exist

I am trying to install a config for Neovim and one of the installation steps requires that I install to ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim. However, I don't see a nvim folder in /AppData/Local, only nvim-data. Anyone know why and how to fix? I installed Neovim with scoop by the way.

Strange vscode issue in WSL

I've been trying to set up the vscode code . shortcut to work in WSL. Following the instructions from the vscode website, I reinstalled vscode in windows, reinstalled the Remote-Wsl extension, made sure it was in my System Path, and tried running code . in the WSL linux distro terminal. I get the message instructing me to install it on the windows side, and asking me if I want to continue. I hit yes, but it doesn't create the code server folder in my home directory. Typing code . again does the same thing.
Does anyone know why this may be?
This is the output text:
To use Visual Studio Code with the Windows Subsystem for Linux, please install Visual Studio Code in Windows and uninstall the Linux version in WSL. You can then use the code command in a WSL terminal just as you would in a normal command prompt.
Do you want to continue anyway? [y/N]
The error message isn't just pointing out that you need to install the Windows version, but it indicates that you have the Linux version installed in WSL and should remove it.
From that, it sounds like at some point you may have installed the Linux version of VSCode in WSL, and that one is taking priority. You'll need to uninstall it in order to run the Windows version of VSCode with the "Remote - WSL" extension.
You don't mention what distribution you are running, but if it is Ubuntu, try:
sudo apt remove code # or
sudo apt remove code-insiders
Also see the uninstall doc from Microsoft.

Trying to import docx in Python

Fair Warning: I am extremely new to python, so please excuse any dumb mistakes I make =)
I would like to be able to open/close/manipulate/read Word documents (docx files) on my Mac using Python. The python-docx module looked really useful, so I have been trying to install it on my system, to no avail.
Here's what I've done so far:
Checked that I do indeed have python installed using the python --version command in terminal. I have version 3.7.0, so all good there.
Checked that I do indeed have pip installed - I was able to use pip install and pip uninstall commands, so all good. I also upgraded my pip version using pip install --upgrade pip to pip-19.1.1
Following the online documentation (see here), I tried pip install python-docx. This seemed to work just fine, and after the progress bar loaded all the way I saw:
Successfully built python-docx
twisted 18.7.0 requires PyHamcrest>=1.9.0, which is not installed.
Installing collected packages: python-docx
Successfully installed python-docx-0.8.10
I wasn't completely sure what pyhamcrest was, but I installed it anyway just to be safe using pip install pyhamcrest
As other sites suggested, I also tried to install Pillow, lxml, and python-dateutil using their respective install commands, and in each case saw the Requirement already satisfied: message, with an anaconda path listed.
Frustrated, I also tried easy_install python-docx, the manual version, and even pip install docx . In all cases, when I run IDLE and type from docx import Document or just import docx, I get the following message in the shell:
`Traceback (most recent call last):`
`File "/Users/[my_name]/Desktop/", line 3, in <module> `
`import docx`
`ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'docx'`
Could anyone help point me in the right direction? Thank you very much.
The Anaconda Python distribution has its own system of installation of packages.
After the installation of Anaconda, the variable $PATH has been modified so that anaconda python was the first, and OsX's python in the last position.
If you type "python" in a shell will execute the anaconda python, instead of the standard OsX python (which is 2.7, not 3.x).
Following the instructions of the package python-docx, you have installed it using pip, which is the default method for installing packages, but this method is not valid for Anaconda Python. So, you finished installing python-docx for the python 2.7 of OsX.
To install packages for anaconda, you must run the command
conda install <package>
The python-docx module for anaconda can be found in a separated repository called conda-forge; typing the command
conda install -c conda-forge python-docx
you will install the package and the requested dependencies.
Other useful commands are:
anaconda-navigator for exploring the Anaconda system
anaconda-project for managing projects with anaconda
idle3 for Anaconda Python shell.
Before start coding, run anaconda-navigator and take a look at the 'Learning' section.
For a better experience, I suggest PyCharm IDE for Anaconda from JetBrains.

pip install fails with /usr/bin/clang: No such file or directory

I am migrating my dev environment to 10.8, however I am having issues with pip.
Specifically, I'm using a virtualenvs/virtualwrapper but cannot pip install psycopg2, and during the building of the psycopg2._psycopg extension, I get:
unable to execute /usr/bin/clang: No such file or directory
error: command '/usr/bin/clang' failed with exit status 1
Can anyone offer a solution to this?
This probably happens because you did not re-install the Command Line Tools after upgrading.
Usually XCode should be upgraded to the latest version (4.4) (I believe when I updated to 10.8 I also updated a whole bunch of other applications, including XCode). After the update you need to re-install the Command Line Tools. This can now be done via a setting in XCode:
Go to "Preferences -> Downloads" and install "Command Line Tools".
Now you should have no more problems when installing packages that need to be compiled.