~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim doesn't exist - neovim

I am trying to install a config for Neovim and one of the installation steps requires that I install to ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim. However, I don't see a nvim folder in /AppData/Local, only nvim-data. Anyone know why and how to fix? I installed Neovim with scoop by the way.


Neovim ERROR: 492: Not an editor command: PlugInstall

Okay, so I have installed Neovim with "sudo apt install neovim" and made directory ".config/nvim/init.nvim". While typing in "init.nvim" no words got highlited e.g. :set number. When I tried to install all of the plugins, I got the message as in the title. Can anyone help me with that?
I have looked all over the internet, tried some of the thing people suggeste but unfortunately nothing worked. Should I maybe uninstall Ubuntu as I have windows subsystem for Linux and after that install it again?
The config filename for neovim is "init.vim", not "init.nvim".
Try running :
:echo $MYVIMRC
It should printout the location and the config file name for you.

Windows neovim vim-plug error: `git` executable not found

I have already installed vimplug I can open the file but has no effect on Neovim 1
The error says that your plugin manager (vim-plug) isn't able to run the git executable. It needs to do this to fetch the plugins you're trying to load. So install git, make sure you can run it from your PowerShell command line, and you should be set.

Code-OSS doesn't open folder or files from terminal command 'code-oss .'

A few days ago I installed Kali Linux. I'm trying to use Code-OSS instead of VSCode, since newest version of Kali doesn't have the libraries needed to install the normal one.
If I try to open a folder in Code-OSS from terminal using code-oss . or code ., it just opens Code on a new 'untitled-1' document, or opens the folder I was before closing Code-OSS. It doesn't open the folder I was in the terminal.
In these cases I need to open the folder I want through File > Open folder > search for folder and then open it.
The same just occurred with git commit or git commit --amend; it opens a new document, not the one I want to open.
I spent sometime searching for a solution on documentation, stackoverflow, google but could not find anything.
I cannot find any way to resolve this problem on Code-oss. Apparently it happened just with me.
Surprisingly for me, I was able to install VSCode following this tutorial, and it apparently managed to ignore the lack of libraries of Kali Linux that I mentioned above.
I hope this solution prevent any person in the future to get stuck on this.
I had the same issue when I first installed Kali-linux on my VM. Pretty anoying.
Just intall vscode by running :
sudo apt update
sudo apt install code
It will unistall code-oss and install VsCode, and it works now.

Bad CMake executable "". Is it installed or settings contain the correct path (cmake.cmakePath)? - Pixhawk 4 Development

I want to complete the setup in Visual Studio Code for Pixhawk 4 development. So I followed the steps given in this documentation below. I also installed the Cygwin Toolchain previously.
After opening the Firmware folder in vsc, I installed all recommended extensions. Then I selected the kit and clicked on build using the blue bar in the bottom to configure the project. Right after that, I got this error:
Bad CMake executable "". Is it installed or settings contain the correct path (cmake.cmakePath)?
What might be causing the problem? I am a beginner so if anything is unclear about the question please ask me for it. Thanks for all the help.
There is an issue with the path having a space in it apparently. Lots of people have run into this, but it has yet to be fixed (I just hit it myself earlier today). The "solution" (read: workaround...because Microsoft... 🙄) is to reinstall Cmake in a different directory (one with no spaces, obviously 😉), and to ensure that it is in your system path.
See this Github issue for extensive troubleshooting/discussion.
I had the same problem when I updated VSCode. In the project setting I put the full path of Cmake like:
"cmake.cmakePath": "/usr/local/bin/cmake"
And it worked.
I had the same problem and could solve it by (re)installing cmake:
sudo apt install cmake
If gcc is not installed, you need to install gcc first and then install cmake.
install gcc
sudo apt install build-essential
Download CMake from https://cmake.org/download/
Install CMake
$ ./bootstrap
$ make
$ make install
After this step try again and it should work.

Failed to install Platformio IDE in vscode

I'm using platformio IDE in vscode.
Before 2019.10.11, the platformio IDE extension worked well.
But after 2019.10.11, every time I open vscode I get this message.
Installing PlatformIO Core...
Please do not close this window and do not open other folders until this process is completed.
Failed to install PlatformIO IDE.
No more information shows.
What I Have Tried
Uninstall vscode and reinstall it
Uninstall platformio IDE and reinstall it
Downgrade vscode from 1.39 to 1.37
Downgrade platfotmio IDE from 1.90 to 1.83
pip --no-cache-dir install -U platformio
conda install platformio
pip uninstall platform and then pip install platformio
Restart the computer
Uninstall platformio IDE and delete all the folders and files whose names contain 'platformio', and than reinstall platformio
Run vscode as administrator and install platformio IDE
I still haven't fixed the problem now.
What I Have Found
After I uninstall platformio IDE and tried to reinstall it (of course I failed), I found the folder "C:\Users\Bowman.platformio"'s size is only 0KB, and it contains only one folder ".cache".
What I Have Installed in My Computer
Anaconda(Python 3.7)
.NET Core
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Today I tried and (initially) failed to install PlatformIO on a Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon machine. VSCode V1.61.2 was freshly installed, Python3 was installed.
Trying to install PlatformIO told me that the Python on the machine was not suitable and installation failed.
After enabling Developer mode in VSCode (Help | Toggle Developer Tools) and trying the install again, I found an error message that told me that the distutils package for Python was missing.
That is because I had not installed pip3.
In the terminal, run sudo apt install python3-pip
That gets you the appropriate packages and then PlatformIO will install properly.
good afternoon.
I had exactly the same issue.
Did pretty much the same topics you described.
For me it was related to the anaconda software.
I uninstalled anaconda, uninstall/reinstall platformio in the visual studio environment and it worked.
I got the message that the platformio service was already started and that got me thinking.
thats no big deal i had the same issue....just go to help > Toggle developers and in that press console and search platformIo that will show the error most likely with python installation ...you might wants to install some packages manually....
i was using ubuntu...so python packages conflicts...