pip install fails with /usr/bin/clang: No such file or directory - postgresql

I am migrating my dev environment to 10.8, however I am having issues with pip.
Specifically, I'm using a virtualenvs/virtualwrapper but cannot pip install psycopg2, and during the building of the psycopg2._psycopg extension, I get:
unable to execute /usr/bin/clang: No such file or directory
error: command '/usr/bin/clang' failed with exit status 1
Can anyone offer a solution to this?

This probably happens because you did not re-install the Command Line Tools after upgrading.
Usually XCode should be upgraded to the latest version (4.4) (I believe when I updated to 10.8 I also updated a whole bunch of other applications, including XCode). After the update you need to re-install the Command Line Tools. This can now be done via a setting in XCode:
Go to "Preferences -> Downloads" and install "Command Line Tools".
Now you should have no more problems when installing packages that need to be compiled.


Windows neovim vim-plug error: `git` executable not found

I have already installed vimplug I can open the file but has no effect on Neovim 1
The error says that your plugin manager (vim-plug) isn't able to run the git executable. It needs to do this to fetch the plugins you're trying to load. So install git, make sure you can run it from your PowerShell command line, and you should be set.

Failed to install Platformio IDE in vscode

I'm using platformio IDE in vscode.
Before 2019.10.11, the platformio IDE extension worked well.
But after 2019.10.11, every time I open vscode I get this message.
Installing PlatformIO Core...
Please do not close this window and do not open other folders until this process is completed.
Failed to install PlatformIO IDE.
No more information shows.
What I Have Tried
Uninstall vscode and reinstall it
Uninstall platformio IDE and reinstall it
Downgrade vscode from 1.39 to 1.37
Downgrade platfotmio IDE from 1.90 to 1.83
pip --no-cache-dir install -U platformio
conda install platformio
pip uninstall platform and then pip install platformio
Restart the computer
Uninstall platformio IDE and delete all the folders and files whose names contain 'platformio', and than reinstall platformio
Run vscode as administrator and install platformio IDE
I still haven't fixed the problem now.
What I Have Found
After I uninstall platformio IDE and tried to reinstall it (of course I failed), I found the folder "C:\Users\Bowman.platformio"'s size is only 0KB, and it contains only one folder ".cache".
What I Have Installed in My Computer
Anaconda(Python 3.7)
.NET Core
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Today I tried and (initially) failed to install PlatformIO on a Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon machine. VSCode V1.61.2 was freshly installed, Python3 was installed.
Trying to install PlatformIO told me that the Python on the machine was not suitable and installation failed.
After enabling Developer mode in VSCode (Help | Toggle Developer Tools) and trying the install again, I found an error message that told me that the distutils package for Python was missing.
That is because I had not installed pip3.
In the terminal, run sudo apt install python3-pip
That gets you the appropriate packages and then PlatformIO will install properly.
good afternoon.
I had exactly the same issue.
Did pretty much the same topics you described.
For me it was related to the anaconda software.
I uninstalled anaconda, uninstall/reinstall platformio in the visual studio environment and it worked.
I got the message that the platformio service was already started and that got me thinking.
thats no big deal i had the same issue....just go to help > Toggle developers and in that press console and search platformIo that will show the error most likely with python installation ...you might wants to install some packages manually....
i was using ubuntu...so python packages conflicts...

bundle install does not run within RubyMine

Using RubyMine 2017.3.1 on Mac OSX 10.13.3, when I choose "Tools -> Bundler -> install" and set optional arguments "--path vendor/bundle", the result is
/usr/bin/ruby -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) install --path vendor/bundle
-e:1:in `load': cannot load such file -- install (LoadError)
from -e:1:in `<main>'
The command "bundle install --path vendor/bundle" works when executed on the command line.
It also works when defined under "External Tools" as a command-line command.
I've been unable to find a way to correct the generated command line in RubyMine, or to correct the problem in some other way.
How can I set up RubyMine to execute bundler correctly?
I was able to solve this same issue. The root cause was that I had configured RubyMine (apparently to use /usr/bin/ruby), then subsequently installed rvm to manage my Ruby versions and thence changed/upgraded the Ruby version (associated with the source code directory, by using rvm). I also successfully ran bundle from the command line. Yet, RubyMine was still configured to use the original Ruby binary (/usr/bin/ruby), and so, running bundle from within RubyMine was failing (with the cannot load error).
The fix was to set RubyMine to use the same/newer rvm version of Ruby, by updating the settings in Preferences->Ruby SDK and Gems menu. Refer to the attached screenshot. Now, the RubyMine bundle install command successfully works by running the matching Ruby instance (i.e. ~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.5/bin/ruby).
RubyMine Preferences->RubySDKandGems screenshot

Step by step instructions for getting cppunit up and running with Netbeans 7.2 on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

Can someone please provide step by step instructions for getting cppunit working on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion? This includes any downloads needed and any configuration of Netbeans.
Currently, when I add a cppunit test, there is a warning on the Add Test dialog that says "cppunit library is not detected. Test compilation might fail." I've download both from Sourceforge and from svn cppunit and copied the files to /usr/local/include, but this does not make compilation errors go away.
What am I missing? The Google™ has been of no help with this issue.
I used Homebrew to install CppUnit on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. Unit tests then worked from within Netbeans without issue.
The process I followed was:
Install the XCode Command Line Tools
Available in XCode preferences or Download as separate DMG
Install Homebrew
See Link
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
Following install instructions (brew doctor at the end for example)
Use brew to install cppunit
brew install cppunit
In Netbeans:
Create C++ project
Add a function to test
Right click cpp file, select "Create Test", choose CppUnit Test
Select function from list, follow prompts to create test
Execute tests
Right click project, select Test (or crtl+F6)
I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, so I thought I would answer my own question and avoid a Wisdom of the Ancients.
install Xcode.
install Xcode Command Line Tools via the Preferences dialog (Apple's documentation showing how to do this in Xcode 4)
download CPPUnit from Sourceforge
Run ./configure
run make
run sudo make install
It's possible that the first time I tried this I didn't run the correct command for ./configurebut that's a dubious claim given the fact that I was able to tab complete i.e. I shouldn't have been able to run say ./config.
But I think the real key to my problem was having to call sudo on the make install. I was getting a permission error because the script needs admin rights to put the libraries where they need to go. I could have swore I tried this at some point and it too failed.
I had a coworker try this for me a month or so ago and he got it to work. I procrastinated retrying, but once I did, it worked like a charm. As far as I know, there's no bug between OS X 10.8.1 and 10.8.2 or .3.
Once I followed the steps I have listed above, I was able to go back to Netbeans and add a unit test without the dialog complaining. Furthermore, the test code compiled and ran.

Git clone error after OS X Mountain Lion update

I just updated my MBP to OSX 10.8 and am trying to start a new project with brunch.io which by default uses coffeescript and I prefer javascript so I need to clone the simple js skeleton. So something like this:
brunch new <someprojectname> --skeleton https://github.com/brunch/simple-js-skeleton.git
Which is what I have used previously and it worked fine. But today I am getting the following error:
error: Git clone error: /bin/sh: git: command not found
I really don't know how to fix this...
You can download Apple's official collection of developer command line utilities (which includes git) by either:
Opening Xcode, going to Preferences > Downloads and clicking the install button next to 'Command Line Utilities'
Going to developer.apple.com/downloads, and downloading "Xcode 4.4 Command Line Tools for OSX 10.8" from the Xcode 4.4 category
Check your .bashrc or .bash_profile if the appropiate PATH is set. Did you install git via macports? The update probably dropped the /opt/bin or /opt/local/bin from the PATH.
I got everything working again. Apparently the update to Mountain Lion dropped git altogether. Simply downloading the install package from here and running it has everything working again.
YOu have to change your security settings go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Change Allow Applications downloaded from --> Anywhere. There is a chance your security settings would be locked in that case press the lock at the bottom left on the pref pane.
Based on this article:
open your ~/.bash_profile, if you use nano it would be :
$ sudo nano ~/.bash_profile
add this line to the file:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/git/bin/
Save & close the file and type on the terminal:
$ source ~/.bash_profile