How to pass signal name through $value$plusargs in system verilog - system-verilog

I am writing assertions in system verilog. This assertion check for a signal "lock" which is passed as an test argument through switch $value$plusargs as GPIO_SEL="test_bench.gpio"
So my code is :
module ab
string abc;
$value$plusargs("GPIO_SEL=%s" , abc);
reg lock;
always #*
lock = abc;
The problem here is that signal lock is not getting value as test_bench.gpio. Is there any way i can pass this signal value from testplaus args

SystemVerilog is a compiled language, not interpreted. You can't access identifiers directly using a string. You can use compiler directives on the command line
module ab;
bit lock;
lock = `GPIO_SEL;
Then when compiling your code use a +define switch
vlog +define+GPIO_SEL=test_bench.gpio
If you think re-compiling your testbench/dut is a significant burden (most tools offer incremental compilation options), and you have a fixed number of paths to access, then you can use a case statement
module ab
string abc;
initial $value$plusargs("GPIO_SEL=%s" , abc);
reg lock;
case (abc)
"test_bench.gpio": lock = test_bench.gpio;
"test_bench.gpio1": lock = test_bench.gpio1;
And you could just use a simple number instead of a string to select.

Looks like you need to conver the string to an integer type. Look at the string conversion functions: atoi, atobin, ...
for example
module parg;
string abc;
bit [3:0] sig;
initial begin
$value$plusargs("GPIO_SEL=%s" , abc);
sig = abc.atoi();
$display("sig = %b", sig);
endmodule // parg


System Verilog: randomization per instance at initial

I want to simulate a multiple latches with random starting conditions, but I want each instance to have its own initial condition
This is a simplified version of the code. I would like the value to be different in both of the instances, without changing the interface
module random_usage();
integer addr1;
real data;
initial begin
addr1 = $urandom();
data = $urandom();
$display("addr1=%0d, data=%0d",addr1,data);
module tb();
integer seed = 1;
random_usage a();
random_usage b();
seed = $get_initial_random_seed();
$display("seed=%0d", seed);
What I have seen so far:
Instance specific $urandom in system-verilog
solution doesn't work in initial condition, or even when you feed the same clock
I have modules, so i don't know how to apply the solutions, or even if it will work here
seems to be the same question, and there is no straight solution, but the last person gave a VCS flag. I am using VCS, but i have not been able to get the flag to work
The IEEE 1800-2017 SystemVerilog LRM section 18.14.1 Random stability properties says rather naively that each instances gets seeded with the same initialization seed.
Most tools now have a switch changing that behavior by using the hierarchical path name to seed each instance. Some tools have even made that the default. If you want tool independent behavior, you can use this package:
package seed_instance;
int initial_seed = $urandom;
function automatic void srandom(string path);
static int hash[int];
int hash_value = initial_seed;
process p = process::self();
for(int i=0;i<path.len();i++)
if (!hash.exists(hash_value))
hash[hash_value] = hash_value;
hash[hash_value]+=$urandom; // next seed
module random_usage();
integer addr1;
real data;
initial begin
addr1 = $urandom();
data = $urandom();
$display("1: addr1=%0d, data=%0d",addr1,data);
initial begin
addr1 = $urandom();
data = $urandom();
$display("2: addr1=%0d, data=%0d",addr1,data);
module tb();
integer seed = 1;
random_usage a();
random_usage b();

Using don't-care in enumeration typedef in synthesizable SystemVerilog

I have the following code:
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
CMD1 = 2'b1?,
CMD2 = 2'b01,
CMD3 = 2'b00
} cmd_t;
Basically, if the MSB is 1, it's CMD1 (I'll use the LSB for part of the index). And if the MSB is 0, then decode the rest of bits for the command.
I then try to decode using an always_comb:
cmd_t myCmd;
always_comb begin
CMD1: isCmd1 = 1'b1;
CMD2: isCmd1 = 1'b0;
default: isCmd1 = 1'b0;
Unfortunately, I get this message from Spyglass:
[12EE] W467 Based number 2'b1? contains a don't-care (?) - might lead to simulation/synthesis mismatch
This code should be synthesizable, no? Can this Spyglass warning be waived safely?
I doubt this will synthesise correctly. I think the Spyglass message is misleading. In Verilog (and SystemVerilog) ? means exactly the same as z. You are specifying an enum with 4-state base type values, where CMD1 is to be represented exactly by 2'b1z.

Combinatorial assignment to "composite" wire in always block

This is not a blocker that I'm dealing with, just looking for possibly a more elegant way of doing it.
module Ram(RamClk, CKE, CAS, RAS, WE, DQM, BA, A, DQ,
OpEnable, Addr, RdData, WrData, Ready);
input RamClk;
output CKE;
output logic CAS, RAS, WE;
output [1:0] DQM;
output logic [1:0] BA;
output logic [11:0] A;
inout [15:0] DQ;
input OpEnable;
output [23:0] Addr; //24 bits = 16 Mb
output [15:0] RdData;
input [15:0] WrData;
output Ready;
// code omitted here
wire CMD = {CAS,RAS,WE};
// code omitted here
always #*
if (InitDone == 0)
CMD = InitCmd;
A = InitA;
BA = InitBA;
//todo: assign the output of the main CMD, A and BA multiplexers
A = 0;
BA = 0;
//rest of the module
I have 3 outputs of the module RAS, CAS, WE that I'm combining into a single wire for convenience so that I can assign command values to them as a whole.
Now I need to connect a multiplexer to CMD and I'm doing it in an always block for convenience.
I could do it in separate assign statements in this case of only 2 inputs to the multiplexer using the ternary expression, but let's imagine the multiplexer has more inputs, for more inputs it looks more convenient to use multiple if/else or a case statement which I cannot use with assign as far as I understand.
Now I have an issue that I have to have a reg on the LHS in the always block although it is combinatorial logic in this case and it will not infer a register in this case.
But if I change CMD to reg then I cannot use the {} notation to combine CAS, RAS and WE.
I could replace the CMD with a task or combine/split CAS, RAS and WE outside the module and have them as a single CMD module parameter.
Any more elegant way of expressing this?
When you have have multiple variables that you would like to assign at once, you can use the concatenation operator on the LHS of an expression:
output logic CAS, RAS, WE;
logic [2:0] CMD;
assign {CAS, RAS, WE} = CMD;
CMD = 3'b011; // Will assign CAS = 0, RAS = 1, WE = 1
You can also just not use CMD at all and just use {CAS, RAS, WE} in its place; depending on your style and what makes sense for your project. A side note, ideally, you should be using always_comb over always #(*) and logic over wire and reg (mostly) if you are in a SystemVerilog environment as you seem to be.

How to assign an unpacked array of real?

While updating Modelsim from 10.3c to 10.6a, I encountered an error on this piece of code that used to not work without warning:
module test(
input bit clk,
input bit signed[31:0] data
real rdata_dl[19:0] = '{20{0}};
real rdata = 0;
always #(posedge clk) begin
rdata_dl = {rdata_dl[18:0], rdata};
rdata = data;
-- Compiling module test
** Note: (vlog-13177) Promoting concatenation '{rdata_dl[18:0],rdata}' to an assignment pattern: Assigning to a real/wreal array.
** Error (suppressible): (vlog-13215) Assignment pattern element 'rdata_dl[18:0]': Cannot assign an unpacked type 'real $[18:0]' to a packed type 'real'.
** Error (suppressible): (vlog-13174) Illegal assignment pattern. The number of elements (2) doesn't match with the type's width (20).
I managed to fix it by using this line instead: rdata_dl = {rdata_dl[18:0], real'(rdata)};.
However, I fail to understand why it failed and why the new version would work. Can anyone explain?
not sure what you are trying to do with this code. real type is 64-bit. When concatenating it with 19-bits, you're getting a 83-bit bus, where the rdata is in the LSBs.
Now, when assigning this 83-bit vector to a 20-bit bus, it will take the 20 LSBs, meaning that it is equivalent to writing the following assignment:
always #(posedge clk) begin
rdata_dl = rdata[19:0];
rdata = data;

LFSR description right?

I wrote a 32-bit LFSR based on the taps from [1]. I want to ask if the following description is right for the 32-bit LFSR with the taps 32,22,2 and 1.
module lfsr (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_i,
output logic [31:0] rand_o
logic[31:0] lfsr_value;
assign rand_o = lfsr_value;
always_ff #(posedge clk_i, negedge rst_i) begin
if(~rst_i) begin
lfsr_value <= '0;
end else begin
lfsr_value[31:1] <= lfsr_value[30:0];
lfsr_value[0] <= ~(lfsr_value[31] ^ lfsr_value[21] ^ lfsr_value[1] ^ lfsr_value[0]);
Looks Ok. you could also use an XOR, instead of an XNOR, as long as you reset to something else (the XOR version locks up at all 0's, the XNOR at all 1's).
For many apps the pseudo-random output is the single bit you shift out (31 in your case), rather than the entire register. It's also (more?) common to shift right, and put the XOR data in the top bit, and use the bit 0 output as your PR data.
Your code is specifically SystemVerilog, and not Verilog, so I've removed the Verilog tag.