System Verilog: randomization per instance at initial - system-verilog

I want to simulate a multiple latches with random starting conditions, but I want each instance to have its own initial condition
This is a simplified version of the code. I would like the value to be different in both of the instances, without changing the interface
module random_usage();
integer addr1;
real data;
initial begin
addr1 = $urandom();
data = $urandom();
$display("addr1=%0d, data=%0d",addr1,data);
module tb();
integer seed = 1;
random_usage a();
random_usage b();
seed = $get_initial_random_seed();
$display("seed=%0d", seed);
What I have seen so far:
Instance specific $urandom in system-verilog
solution doesn't work in initial condition, or even when you feed the same clock
I have modules, so i don't know how to apply the solutions, or even if it will work here
seems to be the same question, and there is no straight solution, but the last person gave a VCS flag. I am using VCS, but i have not been able to get the flag to work

The IEEE 1800-2017 SystemVerilog LRM section 18.14.1 Random stability properties says rather naively that each instances gets seeded with the same initialization seed.
Most tools now have a switch changing that behavior by using the hierarchical path name to seed each instance. Some tools have even made that the default. If you want tool independent behavior, you can use this package:
package seed_instance;
int initial_seed = $urandom;
function automatic void srandom(string path);
static int hash[int];
int hash_value = initial_seed;
process p = process::self();
for(int i=0;i<path.len();i++)
if (!hash.exists(hash_value))
hash[hash_value] = hash_value;
hash[hash_value]+=$urandom; // next seed
module random_usage();
integer addr1;
real data;
initial begin
addr1 = $urandom();
data = $urandom();
$display("1: addr1=%0d, data=%0d",addr1,data);
initial begin
addr1 = $urandom();
data = $urandom();
$display("2: addr1=%0d, data=%0d",addr1,data);
module tb();
integer seed = 1;
random_usage a();
random_usage b();


How to make randomize redo until get the number I want?

A basic sequence class for randomize reset below:
class random_reset;
rand int rst_period;
constraint rst_range { rst_period inside {[1:100]}; }
task random_system_reset (
ref reg rst,
ref reg clk);
rst = 1;
repeat (rst_period) #(posedge clk);
rst = 0;
However, I test need at least 6 clocks. Got anyway to make sure when I call this class, will get the random value bigger than 6?
Assuming you want to keep your original constraint as-is, but in some circumstances, you need to enforce the period to be 6 or more, you can use randomize() with:
random_reset rr = new();
initial rr.randomize() with { rst_period >= 6; };
For this rr object, rst_period will be between 6 and 100.
Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 18.7 In-line constraints—randomize() with.

Way to have a function like urandom_range(); which will return unique values?

I want to have a urandom_range(); which will not repeat a value once its picked in a simulation ? If it has exhausted its supply of 'available' numbers, then perhaps it can repeat .
Is there any keyword in systemverilog which will help quickly to get around this ?
Not a SV expert here so an example would really help! Thanks
randc does exactly this. (cyclic randomization)
class A;
randc bit[7:0] m;
Each time you call randomize() on the same object, it will not repeat value for m until all possible values have been given.
Simulators have limits on how large the cyclic value can be, but the standard requires a minimum of 8-bits. If you have a larger value, then you can use the inside operator.
class A;
rand bit[23:0] r;
bit [23:0] list[$];
constraint c { !(r inside {list}); }
function void post_randomize();
If you really expect to cycle through the list, it might be simpler to build the list first, and then shuffle through the list.
bit [7:0] list[20];
for(int i=0;i<20;i++) list[i] = i+10; // range 10-29
// cycle through list[0] ... list[29]
// cycle through list[0] ... list[29]
You can declare a variable with randc identifier. This is called 'cyclical random' and will ensure exactly what you are requiring.
Note: This requires a license that supports randomization and random variables. Most commercial simulators do provide this but at a higher cost. If you are constrained by this and need to only use the system calls - $urandom or $urandom_range, I would implement something like a queue that tracks all the values returned.
function automatic void find_unique_num();
int c;
int vals[$];
bit found;
do begin
c = $urandom_range(10, 1);
if (c == vals[i]) found = 1;
while (!found);
return c

how to generate array of interfaces having different connections?

I have declared following interface:
interface data_x #(parameter g_DataWidth = 8)
(input ckrs_t ClkRs_ix);
logic [g_DataWidth-1:0] data;
bit enable;
ckrs_t ClkRs;
always_comb begin
ClkRs = ClkRs_ix;
The interface has data bus and the data enable, and it is as well associated with the clock and reset signal, which is a typedef ckrs_t.
I have a module, which accepts as an argument array of those interfaces:
module fourmclinks
data_x packet_ox[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0],
data_x packet_ix[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0],
The problem I have is, that I need to declare in top-level entity an array of those data_x interfaces, but each time use different ClkRs_ix input clock. (It is used in the gbts, where each receiver has its own clock and reset signal).
I tried many things, including this one:
ckrs_t txclock_x;
assign txclock_x.clk = GbtTxFrameClk40MHz_k;
assign txclock_x.reset = GbtReset_r;
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize)) packet_ox[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0](.ClkRs_ix(txclock_x));
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize)) packet_ix[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0]();
genvar linkiface;
for(linkiface=1; linkiface < NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS+1; linkiface++) begin : linkgenerator
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs_ix.clk =
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs_ix.reset = GbtReset_r;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].enable = 0;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].data = RxDataAppSfpGbtUserData_4b80[linkiface];
Hence making empty/virtual/unassigned/... interface array declaration, and then in generate loop assign correct signals to it. This simulates, but quartus does not compile it claiming
value cannot be assigned to input "ClkRs_ix".
How to correctly generate array of interfaces, each having different input connection? Please help
I'm bit smarter now, so here is the solution to the problem. But first issues:
it is not possible just to remove 'input' direction from the port declaration in the data_x interface declaration above. If this is done, one has to then manually assign clock and reset lines for every instance of the data_x object. This is indeed possible, but one loses all the beauty of having the clock and reset automatically assigned during the instantiation of the interface
it is not possible either in this particular case to make a virtual interface, and connect the signals in the for loop. Root cause of this is the presence of always_comb, which takes in the input reset/clock and assigns it to the internal signals. So this assignment, together with manual assignment of reset and clock in the top-level entity results in driving those signals from two sources, which Quartus will not digest
So the only possible way, which I found is following:
Declare the data_x interface to generate the always_comb on demand:
interface data_x #(
parameter g_hasClock = 1,
parameter g_DataWidth = 8)
input ckrs_t ClkRs_ix
logic [g_DataWidth-1:0] data;
bit enable;
ckrs_t ClkRs;
if(g_hasClock) begin
always_comb begin
ClkRs = ClkRs_ix;
endinterface // data_x
Instantiate the interface with unbound ClkRs_ix. Note the usage of g_hasClock, which instantiates the data_x interface without always_comb block, hence Quartus stops complaining about multiple drivers:
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize),
.g_hasClock(0)) packet_ix[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0]();
And then generate interface with different clocks:
genvar linkiface;
for(linkiface=1; linkiface < NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS+1; linkiface++)
begin : linkgenerator
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs.clk = GbtRxFrameClk40Mhz_kb4[linkiface];
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].ClkRs.reset = GbtReset_r;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].enable = 0;
assign packet_ix[linkiface-1].data = RxDataAppSfpGbtUserData_4b80[linkiface];
This works. It is not so nice because we have to do it manually. Just for sake of completeness: if the clocks for all interfaces is the same, all that code above boils down to this snippet:
ckrs_t txclock_x, rxclock_x;
assign txclock_x.clk = GbtTxFrameClk40MHz_k;
assign txclock_x.reset = GbtReset_r;
data_x #(.g_DataWidth(g_FrameSize)) packet_ox[NUMBER_OF_GBT_LINKS-1:0](.ClkRs_ix(txclock_x));
I'm sure this is not the best solution ever, but it is compilable and gives the result needed.

What are the common and good usage of pre_randomize() and post_randomize() in systemverilog?

How can I change/add constraint or constraint_mode in pre_randomize()?
I know I can overwrite results in post_randomize and I can call rand_mode on and off in pre_randomize, but I am looking for some additional functionality especially related to constraints.
pre_randomize is generally used to set some pre-conditions before object randomization. Here one can print the results of previous randomization, set some variables on which the constraints are dependent etc.
As you mentioned, pre_randomize can be used to set rand_mode(0) for any variable. It can be used to manipulate constraints as well.
post_randomize is used to manipulate some variables like ECC check, print randomization result, manipulate some non-random fields based on existing randomization etc.
One another usage of post_randomize is to generate 'x' or 'z' in randomization process. The randomization by default generates 0 and 1 known values only. But one can use the existing randomized variable to generate x/z values also.
Here is a dummy example of what we can do in pre_randomize and post_randomize functions. Here, depending on non_rand_var, we can enable/disable the constraint mode and set the rand mode of any variable. In the post_randomize function, one can overwrite 'my_x' variable byt 'x' or 'z'.
class A;
int non_rand_var;
rand int rand_var;
rand int rand_var2;
rand logic my_x;
constraint c1{non_rand_var==1 -> rand_var=='h5;}
function new(int non_rand_var);
this.non_rand_var = non_rand_var; // set non random variable
function void pre_randomize();
if(non_rand_var==5) begin // set randomization mode of rand_var2
c1.constraint_mode(0); // disable constraint
$display("In pre randomize, non_rand_var=0x%0x rand_var=0x%0x",non_rand_var, rand_var);
function void post_randomize();
// my_x = $urandom_range(0,1) ? 0 : 'x;
my_x = (non_rand_var==1) ? 0 : 'x; // Manipulate my_x to generate 'x' values
$display("In post randomize, rand_var=0x%0x",rand_var);
module top();
A a=new(1);
initial begin
$display("Initial block:\na.my_x = 0x%0x\na.rand_var=0x%0x\na.non_rand_var=0x%0x\na.rand_var2=0x%0x",a.my_x,a.rand_var,a.non_rand_var,a.rand_var2);
pre_randomize & post_randomize function can have several uses based on the application.
Here is the list of few usage of those functions.
Both functions can be overridden, and hence it can be possible to modify the randomization behavior with extended class
Turn on/off few random variables
Turn on/off few constraints
Assignments to other nonrandom variable, on which the randomization is dependent
Changing the weight of random variables, based on certain conditions
Typical usage of pre_randomization function is to generate an array of unique values.
class helper;
randc bit [7:0] a;
class original;
bit [7:0] unique[64];
function void pre_randomize();
helper h = new();
foreach (unique[i])
unique[i] = h.a;

How to access generate block elements hierarchically

Consider code in SV interface:
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) begin : g1
task ab ();
///< something here
According to LRM 1800-2012 section 27.6 I should technically be able to access this task by (consider in monitor vif is a virtual instance of interface):
Is this correct? If yes then simulators have issue supporting it since it reports vif.g1 can't be found (elaboration time)
I've tried it without named block as well it just suppose to be:
but no luck.
What is the issue here? I think monitor or any other classes have handles created run time, however interface still should be static time compiled and all elements of interface should be available.
You cannot use a variable inside the []'s to reference the task.
A generate loop gets flattened out at elaboration before simulation starts. So you would need to call the task with
Here is a complete self contained example. Please try posting your questions with the same.
interface itf;
for (genvar ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++) begin : g1
task ab ();
endtask // ab
end : g1
endinterface : itf
module top;
itf i1();
virtual itf vif;
initial begin
vif = i1;
endmodule : top