How to assign an unpacked array of real? - system-verilog

While updating Modelsim from 10.3c to 10.6a, I encountered an error on this piece of code that used to not work without warning:
module test(
input bit clk,
input bit signed[31:0] data
real rdata_dl[19:0] = '{20{0}};
real rdata = 0;
always #(posedge clk) begin
rdata_dl = {rdata_dl[18:0], rdata};
rdata = data;
-- Compiling module test
** Note: (vlog-13177) Promoting concatenation '{rdata_dl[18:0],rdata}' to an assignment pattern: Assigning to a real/wreal array.
** Error (suppressible): (vlog-13215) Assignment pattern element 'rdata_dl[18:0]': Cannot assign an unpacked type 'real $[18:0]' to a packed type 'real'.
** Error (suppressible): (vlog-13174) Illegal assignment pattern. The number of elements (2) doesn't match with the type's width (20).
I managed to fix it by using this line instead: rdata_dl = {rdata_dl[18:0], real'(rdata)};.
However, I fail to understand why it failed and why the new version would work. Can anyone explain?

not sure what you are trying to do with this code. real type is 64-bit. When concatenating it with 19-bits, you're getting a 83-bit bus, where the rdata is in the LSBs.
Now, when assigning this 83-bit vector to a 20-bit bus, it will take the 20 LSBs, meaning that it is equivalent to writing the following assignment:
always #(posedge clk) begin
rdata_dl = rdata[19:0];
rdata = data;


How to get rid of illegal operand error in always_comb block when used "==" operator in SystemVerilog

I keep getting the error
illegal operand for operator "==" at the code block below
module ALU(input logic oppCode[2:0], input logic [3:0] rf1, input logic [3:0] rf2
,output logic [3:0] result, output logic EQ );
always_comb begin
if(oppCode == 3'b010) begin // Problem
result <= rf1 - rf2;
else if(oppCode == 3'b101) begin // Problem
result <= rf1 + rf2;
else if(oppCode == 3'b111) begin // Problem
EQ <= (rf1 == rf2);
What I want to do here, is comparing the oppCode with hard coded instruction types. But I keep getting the Illegal operand for "==" error.
"==" is logical comparison operator so why it is not comparing?
How can I get rid of this?
In your code, oppCode is unpacked (logic oppCode[2:0]).
You can't compare an unpacked value with a packed value (3'b010).
Either make oppCode packed logic [2:0] oppCode or add an intermediate signal to convert the unpacked oppCode to a packed version with an always_comb and a for loop or just manually.
logic [2:0] oppCode_packed;
always_comb begin
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) begin
oppCode_packed[i] = oppCode[i];
and then use oppCode_packed in your comparisons.
Piece of advice: when you declare an unpacked signal, use the number of bits/elements you want: logic oppCode[3]. That's more lisible and you'll be less likely to confuse them.

What is meant by this SystemVerilog typedef enum statement?

typedef enum logic [1:0] {S0, S1, S2} statetype;
Does this statement mean that any variable declared as 'statetype' can only take three values, 2'b00, 2'b01, and 2'b10? If so, what happens if I assign the said variable with the value 2'b11?
The IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 6.19.3 Type checking, states:
Enumerated types are strongly typed; thus, a variable of type enum
cannot be directly assigned a value that lies outside the enumeration
set unless an explicit cast is used or unless the enum variable is a
member of a union. This is a powerful type-checking aid, which
prevents users from accidentally assigning nonexistent values to
variables of an enumerated type. The enumeration values can still be
used as constants in expressions, and the results can be assigned to
any variable of a compatible integral type.
Enumerated variables are type-checked in assignments, arguments, and
relational operators.
What I observe in practice is that some simulators issue a compile warning while others issue a compile error. You can see what happens on multiple simulators on edaplayground (if you sign up for a free account there).
For example, with VCS, the following code:
module tb;
typedef enum logic [1:0] {S0, S1, S2} statetype;
statetype s;
initial begin
s = S0;
$display("n=%s,s=%0d,",, s);
s = 3;
$display("n=%s,s=%0d,",, s);
issues this warning:
Warning-[ENUMASSIGN] Illegal assignment to enum variable
tb.v, 16
tb, "s = 3;"
Only expressions of the enum type can be assigned to an enum variable.
The type int is incompatible with the enum 'statetype'
Expression: 3
Use the static cast operator to convert the expression to enum type.
but, it still runs the simulation and prints:
I believe the question should be rephrased to say that what is this is happening in our test-bench and how to avoid it. This will gives us more cleaner and bug free code.
efficient code to avoid the confusion:
typedef enum logic [1:0] {S0, S1, S2} statetype;
module top();
statetype st_e;
initial begin
for(int val=0;val<4; val++) begin
// casting for avoid confusion and gotchas
if (!$cast(st_e,val)) begin
$error("Casting not possible -> statetype:%0s and val:%0d",st_e,val);
end else begin
$display("statetype:%0s and val:%0d",st_e,val);
endmodule: top
This code is already there in edaplayground feel free to try it and update it. This could be replace with the sv macro for more efficiency. Please let me know I will provide the example for macros.
Output will be:
# run -all
# statetype:S0 and val:0
# statetype:S1 and val:1
# statetype:S2 and val:2
# ** Error: Casting not possible -> statetype:S2 and val:3
# Time: 0 ns Scope: top File: Line: 14
# exit

Using don't-care in enumeration typedef in synthesizable SystemVerilog

I have the following code:
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
CMD1 = 2'b1?,
CMD2 = 2'b01,
CMD3 = 2'b00
} cmd_t;
Basically, if the MSB is 1, it's CMD1 (I'll use the LSB for part of the index). And if the MSB is 0, then decode the rest of bits for the command.
I then try to decode using an always_comb:
cmd_t myCmd;
always_comb begin
CMD1: isCmd1 = 1'b1;
CMD2: isCmd1 = 1'b0;
default: isCmd1 = 1'b0;
Unfortunately, I get this message from Spyglass:
[12EE] W467 Based number 2'b1? contains a don't-care (?) - might lead to simulation/synthesis mismatch
This code should be synthesizable, no? Can this Spyglass warning be waived safely?
I doubt this will synthesise correctly. I think the Spyglass message is misleading. In Verilog (and SystemVerilog) ? means exactly the same as z. You are specifying an enum with 4-state base type values, where CMD1 is to be represented exactly by 2'b1z.

How to return an array from a function with the same name as that of the function in system verilog?

module rev_array;
int array_in[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
typedef integer array[9:0];
function array reverse(int array_in[10]);
for(int j=$size(array_in)-1,int i=0;j>=0;j--,i++)
// working for(integer k=0;k<$size(array_in)-1;k++)
// working $display("reverse[%0d]:%0d", k, reverse[k]);
$display("inside function");
for(integer k=0;k<$size(array_in)-1;k++)
$display("reverse[%0d]:%0d", k, reverse[k]);
Error-[IUS] Illegal use of scope, 22
rev_array, "rev_array.reverse"
Scope cannot be used in this context
Error-[XMRIBS] Illegal bit select, 22
Error is found in following cross-module reference, illegal bit select on
the target.
Source info: $display("reverse[%0d]:%0d", k, rev_array.reverse[k]);
I am trying to reverse an array and return it in system verilog function, I am able to see the reversed array inside the function by printing it but
when I try to print it using $display outside the function, I think it is
not being returned properly somehow, in the 4th line from end, getting
your both issues are related to the line where you use reverse function name as an array within $display.
$display("reverse[%0d]:%0d", k, reverse[k]);
this is an illegal syntax causing both messages.
your initial block should look like the following.
array result;
result = reverse(array_in);
for(integer k=0;k<$size(array_in)-1;k++)
$display("reverse[%0d]:%0d", k, result[k]);
// ^^^^^^ //
call the function and use returned results for display.

Error (10686): SystemVerilog error at InstAddress has an aggregate value

I am trying to compile the following SystemVerilog, and I get the following error "Error (10686): SystemVerilog error at InstAddress has an aggregate value."
module InstRom#(parameter A = 16, parameter W = 9)
input InstAddress[A-1:0],
output logic InstOut[W-1:0]
logic[W-1:0] instr_rom[2**(A)];
always_comb InstOut = instr_rom[InstAddress];
initial begin
$readmemb("cordic.txt", instr_rom);
What am I doing wrong?
InstAddress is an unpacked array of bit, not a bit vector (i.e. a packed array). The same applies to InstOut. Change the declaration to
input logic [A-1:0] InstAddress,
output logic [W-1:0] InstOut
and your code should work.