how to hide Aframe source code from the browser view source code or inspect element - dom

I has build WebVR application using Aframe and i feel major issue with aframe is that source code is easily available please give me a solution to hide source code. how to secure my WebVr application source code which is a best way for it?

You can't hide the source but can minimize your JavaScript. An A-Frame experience is like any other Web application and can be inspected by the browser's developer tools.


Advanced features with Flutter Driver (or Silenium/Ghost Inspector)

Looking for a UI integration test strategy for Flutter. We'd love to use Silenium/Ghost Inspector but seems that is not practical due to lack of html id's or CSS classes in Flutter (Add id or name property or other means of identification for Flutter Web applications?). Or has anyone found a way round that?
In the meantime Flutter Driver has only very basic documentation for simple tests like finding a button and pressing the button. Anyone know if I can do other operations like navigate to a specific page (e.g. using a # url fragment), test a link which leads to an external site, check visual setup of the page against an image, and other such tests which would be standard in Silenium and the like.
Well seems Flutter Driver is still very limited so I have instead found a strategy for using Selenium, posted full details here:
Strategy to use Selenium browser testing with Flutter Web apps

Is it possible to integrate a Browser engine to a custom Browser interface?

Recently I was reading an article about "Browser Internals" and suddenly this idea struck me.
What if I create my own Browser?
So, I have two questions with me.
Question 1:
Is it possible to integrate an Open source Web Engine like "Servo" or "WebKit" to my custom Browser UI interface created using QtCreator or Visual Studio?
Question 2:
Is there any other components that needs to be inserted between the UI created using C++(QtCreator) and Servo or WebKit?
I am a complete beginner to this field and these questions were asked in a curiosity to learn internal stuff. Pardon if the Questions were not standard.
Thanks :)
Answer 1:
Yes, it is possible. Browser engines have public APIs to provide a way to embed them. For example, the goal of this little project was to present how to build up your own UI interface (using Aura) and wire Chromium (browser engine) into that.
Answer 2:
If you prefer Qt technologies, then QtWebEngine will be the solution. The intent of this module is exactly what you have described: to embed Chromium engine into Qt applications with hiding its most painful parts and provide convenient API to customise your browser application.
And there are several others:
You don't necessarily have to use extra layers between your application and a browser engine, but if you are a complete beginner, I would highly recommend that.

How to appear the arrow using sap.m.Popover

I'm using SAPUI5
I allready create de Object Sap.m.popover, and appears on bottom of the button when click, but the arrow up its not there.
What i miss?
Its due to missing of CSS. Please try to update the UI5 library. 1.28.7 version is recommended. Thanks
There are API properties for controlling the arrow positioning (placement) and it also depends on the device / browser how the arrow is displayed.
If the examples from the explored app or from the test page run fine for you, then try to copy the code from one of these resources:
Developer Test page
If this does not help, consider opening a new GitHub issue for OpenUI5 or an SAP ticket to analyze the issue.

How to build web clips like

I am very interested in building an app like My first questions are what is inside a web clip file? Is it a html or something else? The second question is how to add the icon to home screens programmatically. As you can see from the page I mentioned above I tried to check its source code from browser but it turns out to be some normal CSS and javascript code in my Chrome browser and I don't know how to check the source in my Mobile Safari. Any one help?
You won't be able to get any valuable code from the source. Trust me. :D
But, I can help you out.
I use two different methods: The "Add to Homescreen" and .mobileconfig files (the one you have to install)
For adding to the homescreen check out this resource. With the help of some creative work-arounds, it isn't too difficult.
The mobileconfig file is a bit more difficult, esp trying to get it signed, but this might help you a bit. Try to create one with a webclip then view the generated files source:
Hope this helps.

Can we connect 'phonegap api ' application with pure native application(obj-C) code

I am doing a project.
The first page should be the web page r 'phonegap api' html page.
when a perticular link r button is tapped , it should be taken to the native Application,purely obj C,Pure native App(with view controllers, table views etc).
Can we connect the html page with the pure native code? If yes, Then Plz tell me how?
Thanks in advance,
Bharath gangpalli
You could create a PhoneGap plug-in, which is a custom extension to the PhoneGap API. It includes a bit of native code that does some native-specific functionality, as well as a JavaScript interface that then exposes this functionality to you, the PhoneGap developer. By definition, a plug-in is platform-specific!
In your case, you could create a plug-in that then pushes a new View to the top of the app (overlays over the HTML page, for example).
A good place to start would be Jesse's blog post about them; note that these are specifically for iPhone:
Here are some examples of existing PhoneGap plugins, how to use them, and links within to the source code to see how they were built:
i think you can do that by using the phonegap exec function