Advanced features with Flutter Driver (or Silenium/Ghost Inspector) - flutter

Looking for a UI integration test strategy for Flutter. We'd love to use Silenium/Ghost Inspector but seems that is not practical due to lack of html id's or CSS classes in Flutter (Add id or name property or other means of identification for Flutter Web applications?). Or has anyone found a way round that?
In the meantime Flutter Driver has only very basic documentation for simple tests like finding a button and pressing the button. Anyone know if I can do other operations like navigate to a specific page (e.g. using a # url fragment), test a link which leads to an external site, check visual setup of the page against an image, and other such tests which would be standard in Silenium and the like.

Well seems Flutter Driver is still very limited so I have instead found a strategy for using Selenium, posted full details here:
Strategy to use Selenium browser testing with Flutter Web apps


Images in Toast or Snackbar

I am building an application that targets Windows, Mac, IOS and Android.
I am using .NET Maui.
Is it possible to display an image or images in a toast or snackbar using the .Net Maui Community Toolkit? If so, can you provide an example please? if not, is there another way to achieve this.
I have looked at all the documentation I can find but have not been able to find a way
This is unfortunately not possible. A SnackBar/Toas control is designed to show a simple (text) message and at most 1 action that is associated with it. If you want to show images and such you will either have to implement something custom or maybe look at the Popup implementation in the Community Toolkit.

Which is the better way to white-label a flutter app

I have one project that I have to sell to another clients, so I wanna found a way to unify the code to, when I release some updates, I have to manipulate only one code (and, of course, keeping the specificities from each one)
I found an article HERE which the guy creates a new folder named 'config' and set some variables there to be used in the parent project. I tried this but find out that would be very tough to do because the first app was developed specifically by one client, and with it I would need so much time to make all the aspects dynamic... Another problem is firebase, in first app I used firebase but in the second i won't. How to make it possible?
And in this article they say about 'flavours' that can be used to do something similar.
Someone knows about this approaches or there is another to reach my goal? With flavours I will have less re-factor than with config?
I appreciate any help
A third way to do this with no client specific app configuration is to make an api call to get back your client specific theme, and then set the flutter theme based on this.
If you need web support see below:
First update your assets in index.html that aren't white labeled, leaving stubs in their place that we'll fill in later. i.e.
Next show a nice loading indicator while flutter loads. To do this, just put the html for it in the body element of the index.html file.
Finally update the webpage title and favicon using javascript inside Flutter. I used package
universal_html: 2.0.8
then you can update the favicon
import 'package:universal_html/html.dart';
var favicon = document.getElementById('favicon');
Updating the title can be accomplished in various normal ways like just setting the title attribute of a MaterialApp widget.

Cannot get JxBrowser to render in eclipse rcp JavaFx environment

I am currently evaluating JxBrowser 6.17 as an alternative browser technology for a eclipse RCP based data maintenance application, since the SWT Browser does not suit our needs.
What are our special needs anyways? Well, we need to embed an older solution into our new application, since we would not be able to add all required features into the new application in time. Since we have the required features in an older JSP based web application we need to embed it to make the functionality available to our customers. This comes with a lot of issues, but for most of them we already generated answers. The biggest issue we are currently facing is that the SWT Browser component does not support instance based Cookies which we need, since our web application has Cookie based session management.
I have also tried using the Mozilla implementation using different profiles, which unfortunately is not possible, since the profile management is just as static as the Cookie management.
Next step is to evaluate commercial frameworks with which I am currently facing some issues.
I requested an evaluation license for JxBrowser and tried to embed it into our eclipse 4 RCP application. I would like to embed it using JavaFX, since we already use JavaFX and would like to avoid AWT.
Using the following code will instantiate a JxBrowser and load the given URL. Actually the request does get fired, but the Browser does not render any content at all.
FXCanvas canvas = new FXCanvas(parent, SWT.NONE);
Browser browser = new Browser();
BrowserView browserView = new BrowserView(browser);
canvas.setScene(new Scene(browserView));
Even when loading specific HTML it will not render any content.
There are no observable Exceptions or errors.
Does anybody have an idea on whats the issue in my case?
In a different scenario we use the JavaFX WebView embedding the CKEditor into our application and everything works (more or less) flawlessly, but I am not able to get the JxBrowser to render its contents.
I am sure, that I am doing something wrong (probably something pretty basic :))
What could I be missing?
Any idea or tip could do the trick ;)

Best practices for designing GUI in GWT

I have recently started studying Google Web Toolkit. I have went through some walkthroughs, and I think I understand the basics and the idea. However, I have some questions on the overall architecture and design of the applications.
Let's start with the GUI. I want to build a "common" web application, where the user first sees a login page. After successful login, the user is redirected to some kind of index page and a menu is added. I created a new LoginComposite for the login page, and tried to design a nice looking HTML table using the GWT Designer. However, I find that really hard to do, as you cannot set any individual properties on the individual cells (TDs)? There's no way to specify colspan or rowspan, and I can't set any padding or margin on the cells themselves. In short, I know exactly how I would have written the HTML code, but I can't translate that to the designer. Is that just me?
Also, I am wondering about the best practice for code layout and design. I went through the StockWatcher tutorial, but that's really not a very realistic web application. For example, I would like to know how I should design different forms (should each be in a own class inheriting the Composite-class)? How should I switch between forms (for example, first a list view, then a form for editing a chosen item from the list, then a totally different page)? If I have one Composite for each page, and instantiate them when needed in my EntryPoint, would that mean that the client will download all the JavaScript for all those Composites at page load? Should I stick with only one HTML page, or should I have many?
These are questions not really covered by any GWT tutorial. If anyone know a good example of a "real" web application built using GWT, I would love to see it.
Thanks for your input!
There are a whole bunch of resources in Google IO talks. For example:
Also, don't expect to be able to edit absolutely everything if you are using the GUI to build your GWT app. Good luck!

Google web toolkits - multiple pages

On the google website there an example of a simple GWT appliatoin, following is a link:
The above application has a host page:StockWatcher.html
and is the entry point.
If I wanted to add more html pages to this application, we keep one single host page and the entry point will add different panels depending on which link the user clicked on? In this case, how to know which link the user clicked on? If I create a navigation panel and each link has a request parameter, then after the user clicks on the link, How to get the request parameter?
Are there any tutorials available online on how to create a fully functional application? The one example google provides is too simple.
Thanks so much in advance
You have two options to have multiple page web application using gwt.
1) Use gwt history feature and listen for the history change. In this approach at the initial page load itself browser downloads all the javascripts(Including the widgets which are not useful in current link). Still this can be avoided by using gwt code splitting.
2) Create multiple modules. In this case you have to create multiple html pages and GWT entry points. For each major functionality create a gwt module and link that with [modulename].html file. In this approach browser downloads only particular feature's javascript. Not all the javascripts.
Based on your application requirement you can pick one of the option. IMHO I would suggesst second option.