Powershell run Script in ISE full window - powershell

Is there a was for a Powershell script to be launched from Scheduler and run full ISE window and close when done.
I am using ZeeDrive to map a SharePoint Drive but running the Script in Scheduler, it cannot see the Drive. Yet if I open in ISE and run, it finds it fine. What I got back from ThinkScape :
'Zee Drive needs to run in a Windows session. It is designed for end users – if it is running as a service, or “headless” i.e. no Windows session, or being accessed from a different Windows session it won’t work.
We don’t support Zee Drive running as a service or for service type workloads – it is designed for end users working with documents'.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The only way I can think of, would be to add your script to the Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1 and then start ISE with the scheduler and your file as parameter, like this:
powershell_ise .\Check-Process.ps1
In your profile you would want to make sure, that the script only runs, when you open that file:
if($psISE.PowerShellTabs.Files.FullPath -eq '\\fileserver\path$\to\my\Powershell\Check-Process.ps1')
& '\\fileserver\path$\to\my\Powershell\Check-Process.ps1'
But be carefull! The script runs now everytime you open it in ISE unless you use the switch -noprofile.
So far I did not find a way to close the ISE window with the profile script.


Configure Windows logon script with PowerShell

I want to make a powershell script that creates another powershell script that is always executed at userlogin from windows.
The purpose is that I would like to change the number of files taken at each user login.
My question how can I put a script via powershell and tell windows to run this script every time a user logs in.
I would appreciate an answer because I am really desperate.

Scheduled Task Powershell Script - Runs OK as user account, but not as SYSTEM

I'm attempting to run a Powershell script as the SYSTEM account as a scheduled task, and the task runs OK, but the script runs incorrectly because it does not load some Citrix Powershell snap-ins that are needed when run as SYSTEM, but runs OK as my user account.
The script does a check to load the Citrix snap-ins, but those do not appear to work when run as SYSTEM.
if ((Get-PSSnapin "Citrix.Common.Commands" -EA silentlycontinue) -eq $null) {
try { Add-PSSnapin Citrix.* -ErrorAction Stop }
catch { write-error "Error Citrix.* Powershell snapin"; Return }
Is there anything special I need to do to get those Snap-ins loaded correctly? I'm calling the script like this, if it matters: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\path\to\script.ps1.
EDIT: From running (Get-PSSnapin -registered).count as both SYSTEM and my user account, I can see that the snap-ins are loaded correctly, but still can't figure out why the script behaves differently.
OS is Server 2016, version 1607, this is the script: https://gist.github.com/4oo4/85cec464e123d7f2793745e662d6e7ab
This isn't the answer why your specific script doesn't work under the SYSTEM account but explains how you might troubleshoot your (or any other) PowerShell Script under the SYSTEM account.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish,
and you feed him for a lifetime.
The whole thing around this, is that you can actually open a interactive PowerShell command prompt under the SYSTEM account were you probably not aware of.
Run PowerShell as SYSTEM
There are a few ways to start a interactive PowerShell command prompt but probably the easiest one is using PsExec.
Using PsExec
Extract PSTools.zip and just copy PsExec into your executable path
Run PowerShell as Administrator (accept the User AccountControl prompt)
In the PowerShell administrator window, give the command: .\PsExec -i -s -d PowerShell
A new PowerShell command window will open:
(Type WhoAmI to confirm the current account)
From here you can troubleshoot the specific script:
Are there any errors when running the specific script?
Does it hang or crash at a specific command?
Are there any differences with running it under a user account?
If it appears that the script runs actually fine in the SYSTEM window, then I would check for any errors in the Task Scheduler:
Select Task Scheduler Local - Task Scheduler Library in the left pane
Select your task in the middle top pane
(Make sure you have Display All Task History in the right pane Enabled)
In the middle bottom pane check the events in the history tab

Powershell close without warning user if there is a program still running

Allow me to first address this: I am not asking "powershell close when script finish running". I know a lot of people are asking about this, but that have nothing to do with this question.
In ubuntu, terminal will prompt user to confirm the close of a terminal window if something is still running, so that user will not terminate their script by mistake. I've long been benefit from this mechanism.
Does powershell have similar setting? How to enable it?
Edit: I'm using powershell as a terminal, I may running a python script, powershell script or something else other than a script.
And although powershell does not accept the alt+F4 shortcut, powershell ISE does, still with no user prompt. And the whole powershell ISE can even exit entirely by simply typing 'exit' in one powershell tab within the ISE. Is there a way to prevent this?

Using $env:username in a logon script is not working

I have this setup with a GPO to run as a logon script, obviously to map a drive for clients.
net use H: \\server1\share\$env:username
Dead simple. If I put in a specific username in place of the variable then it works. Also, if I run this script directly on a client machine it works.
Do you get an error? Does it helps if you wrap the path in double quotes?
That should work with or without the quotation marks. Are the clients all Windows 7? I believe that Powershell logon/startup scripts don't work on earlier versions, even if you have Powershell installed, because it's an add-on rather than a native shell. If you're using downlevel clients, you can invoke the powershell script from a cmd batch file. But if you're going to do that, might as well skip Powershell and just run net use H:\\server1\share\%username% from your batch file.
Run this in a .bat file as a login script (use a FQDN for the server name):
net use H: \\server.example.com\share\%USERNAME%
If that not works, your GPO is just not yet applied. You can force that by running on the machine gpupdate /force.
For testing make sure that the GPO is applied to the right OU to the group "Authenticated Users" (computers are in the group too). And if that is not working, you can also "Enforce" the GPO. Don't forget to do a gpupdate /force after any change to the GPO or it settings.
You can also try a .js logon script like:
var WSH = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// Map share
WSH.Run("net use H: \\\\server.example.com\\share");

powershell - launching local apps fast

I am building a kiosk type config script on low-spec hardware.
At the end of the script, it runs the various apps for the user to interact with. I currently use a plain Invoke-Command "path\to\app.exe". I want to get the interface up and running as quickly as possible. I want to launch the apps asynchronous.
I know there is start-job, and the -asJob flag in Invoke-Command, but they don't seem to work with launching visual apps. Is there a way to do this?
Windows subsystem (visual) EXEs start asynchronously by default. And you don't need Invoke-Command to invoke an exe. If you exeute notepad.exe like so:
PS> Notepad
Note that the PowerShell prompt returns immediately while notepad is still running. The same applies in a script.