Scheduled Task Powershell Script - Runs OK as user account, but not as SYSTEM - powershell

I'm attempting to run a Powershell script as the SYSTEM account as a scheduled task, and the task runs OK, but the script runs incorrectly because it does not load some Citrix Powershell snap-ins that are needed when run as SYSTEM, but runs OK as my user account.
The script does a check to load the Citrix snap-ins, but those do not appear to work when run as SYSTEM.
if ((Get-PSSnapin "Citrix.Common.Commands" -EA silentlycontinue) -eq $null) {
try { Add-PSSnapin Citrix.* -ErrorAction Stop }
catch { write-error "Error Citrix.* Powershell snapin"; Return }
Is there anything special I need to do to get those Snap-ins loaded correctly? I'm calling the script like this, if it matters: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\path\to\script.ps1.
EDIT: From running (Get-PSSnapin -registered).count as both SYSTEM and my user account, I can see that the snap-ins are loaded correctly, but still can't figure out why the script behaves differently.
OS is Server 2016, version 1607, this is the script:

This isn't the answer why your specific script doesn't work under the SYSTEM account but explains how you might troubleshoot your (or any other) PowerShell Script under the SYSTEM account.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish,
and you feed him for a lifetime.
The whole thing around this, is that you can actually open a interactive PowerShell command prompt under the SYSTEM account were you probably not aware of.
Run PowerShell as SYSTEM
There are a few ways to start a interactive PowerShell command prompt but probably the easiest one is using PsExec.
Using PsExec
Extract and just copy PsExec into your executable path
Run PowerShell as Administrator (accept the User AccountControl prompt)
In the PowerShell administrator window, give the command: .\PsExec -i -s -d PowerShell
A new PowerShell command window will open:
(Type WhoAmI to confirm the current account)
From here you can troubleshoot the specific script:
Are there any errors when running the specific script?
Does it hang or crash at a specific command?
Are there any differences with running it under a user account?
If it appears that the script runs actually fine in the SYSTEM window, then I would check for any errors in the Task Scheduler:
Select Task Scheduler Local - Task Scheduler Library in the left pane
Select your task in the middle top pane
(Make sure you have Display All Task History in the right pane Enabled)
In the middle bottom pane check the events in the history tab


Task Scheduler - Powershell script not firing?

I've created numerous scripts in PowerShell that are working as intended if I execute them directly, however, when I try and setup a schedule to run these in Task Scheduler (to run with highest privileges) it doesn't seem to be running anything at all.
I'm running the following in my actions:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\PS\Mailboxes\CheckForwardingList.ps1
I'm getting a "Last Run Result" of 0x0 and the particular purpose of the above script is to generate a TXT file from EXO which it then mails out via SMTP and I've yet to receive any emails and I also don't see any TXT being generated in the folder where the script is located.
I do have two additional scripts setup which aren't running but once I've addressed the issue on the above this should quickly rectify the problems.
I like to test my PowerShell scripts from a command prompt first.
For example a script called C:\Tests\Test-PowerShellScriptsRunning.ps1 that only contains the following one liner helps me to test if scripts can run successfully on a machine
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "If you see this, then your script is running"
Next, I run this script from a command prompt, to get the syntax right in my scheduled task:
powershell.exe -nologo -file c:\Tests\Test-PowerShellScriptsRunning.ps1
Of course, you can add the -Executionpolicy bypass parameter, but I prefer to test the execution policy first.
However, as you are running a script that connects to ExchangeOnline, I suspect it has to do with the user you are running this task under. Does the script run if you run this task under your credentials or are the credentials stored on the system or in the script?
You might want to check this article to see how you can register an app and authenticate without storing your credentials on the machine to run the script unattended: App-only authentication for unattended scripts in the EXO V2 module

Powershell command works manually, but does not work when executed in Jenkins

I'm having a strange scenario where my command works on PowerShell manually but not when executed on Jenkins PowerShell plugin. I'm new to PowerShell and Jenkins and I'm thinking that there's a rule I'm missing. I looked all over the here and net but I failed to find the solution.
I created a job that executes a PowerShell script that opens an RDP file on my desktop using a freestyle project. It works as expected when executed on Powershell but in Jenkins, the build succeeds but it did not open the RDP.
Here's the script:
Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "RDP File /h:900 /w:1600" -WindowStyle Minimized
I'm using Windows Server 2016.
Here's what I tried:
By default Jenkins uses 32-bit PowerShell, so I manually used the 64-bit but it didn't work.
I made sure that Get-ExecutionPolicy is set to RemoteSigned on LocalMachine
Run the script using Windows Batch Command
I tried opening notepad but it does not work too.
Is this really the behavior of the PowerShell plugin? Is there any points that I'm missing? Kindly help me with this.
To anyone might need this. I was able to execute the RDP via Jenkins PowerShell plugin.
What I did was to go Jenkins' Window Service > Log on tab > Select "This account" and enter your user account credentials.
I suspect this is a security issue. Jenkins by default is using the "SYSTEM" account which does not have enough privileges.

How can I run this Powershell script as a user?

I am trying to run the following script upon startup of my machine because I cannot get a service to start on startup. I can schedule it to run. The problem I am facing seems to be a user vs administrator issue.
This is for a Windows 7 machine with PowerShell 4.0.
I have set the execution policy to unrestricted.
When I try to run the script as the User I designated to have administrative privileges I see the following error.
When I right click the powershell icon, run as administrator the command works fine.
The command is
get-service -name "*vmauthd*" |start-service
Is it possible to run this as my user account?
Solution I was able to get this script to run on startup as I initially desired. I turned off UAC and set the execution policy to unrestricted. I am not sure if the UAC was the issue before but the script runs now. I created a cmd file with this in the code. I set the cmd file to run at startup using Windows Task Scheduler and set the task to run whether logged in or not.
PowerShell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"
PowerShell -Command "get-service -name "vmauthd" | start-service"
Here is an image of the cmd file

Task Scheduler Launching openwith.exe program instead of PowerShell script

I've have created a Powershell script that automatically connects to office 365 and sets all users default calendar permissions to reviewer. this script runs perfectly when executed manually.
I am trying to launch the powershell script via task scheduler on WS-2012-R2.
i run the task but when i check a test users calendar permissions its still the same "contributor".
When task scheduler starts the task, it creates a process, that process is given a process ID.
i went to check the ID in task manager it showed as "Pick an App" under the processes tab.
i right clicked and clicked details and it shows as OpenWith.exe
i checked file association and (.PS1) is associated to WindowsPowershell
i went to the scripts file location in explorer, Rclicked and changed the OPenWith from POwershell to Windows Powershell ISE and i still get the same thing when i run through task sheduler. ("pick and app & OPenWith.exe")
i have tried editing the "actions" in Task Manager to a combination of things such as.
In task shceduler properties
Program/script: was set to: C:\Powershell script\default reviewer permissions
this doesnt work
then i changed that to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\POwershell and also PowerShell_ise
with C:\Powershell script\default reviewer permissions in the "add arguments (optional) section.
and visa versa
Can anyone please tell me what i can do to make this script run.
Many thanks
What happens when you launch PowerShell from a command-line (CMD and not a PowerShell Session) like:
powershell -?
as this should show the syntax needed?
For example, mine shows (Removing the extra help information):
[-File ]
Execute a script file.
You should be using something like in your Scheduled Task (note: the use of quotes as well):
PowerShell -File "D:\WORK\ps\webtest.ps1"
Hope this helps!

Terminate PowerShell process after script executing

I have a TFS Build where I run PowerShell script. The problem is PowerShell.exe never stops after runnig and do nothing.
Script is signed by trusted sertificate and successfully runs on my BuildAgent from PowerShell and writes logs. But it don't to anything from build or from cmd.exe. PowerShell.exe just starts and do nothing.
P.S. PS script have Exit commands but it not help.
You can use, Stop-Process -Id $PID from within the script to end the current PowerShell process.
The issue was resolved.
Problem was security settings on BuildAgent. When I run script manually from BuildAgent user's account and choose "Run always" build starts working correctly.