Configure Windows logon script with PowerShell - powershell

I want to make a powershell script that creates another powershell script that is always executed at userlogin from windows.
The purpose is that I would like to change the number of files taken at each user login.
My question how can I put a script via powershell and tell windows to run this script every time a user logs in.
I would appreciate an answer because I am really desperate.


How would I run a script where the .exe runs in one location and the script in another location?

After searching for the question, I didn't see anything outside of running multiple scripts in one file.
I'm trying to figure out how to run a script where the script lives in one directory and the .exe file that the script is running lives in another one.
If you're curious, the ask is coming from a person that stores hundreds of scripts in a separate location from any executable files. I was asked specifically to help with the script itself on this particular project. I'm not well versed in script writing, so I thought I would reach out here and see.
Below is the current code in the script that runs perfectly. The other parts of the script are specific to the program being installed and aren't relevant to actually starting the install.
I'm using Powershell to run this.
Start-Process -FilePath "$currentpath\ClientSetup_111.exe" -ArgumentList $InstCmdLine -Wait -PassThru

Powershell run Script in ISE full window

Is there a was for a Powershell script to be launched from Scheduler and run full ISE window and close when done.
I am using ZeeDrive to map a SharePoint Drive but running the Script in Scheduler, it cannot see the Drive. Yet if I open in ISE and run, it finds it fine. What I got back from ThinkScape :
'Zee Drive needs to run in a Windows session. It is designed for end users – if it is running as a service, or “headless” i.e. no Windows session, or being accessed from a different Windows session it won’t work.
We don’t support Zee Drive running as a service or for service type workloads – it is designed for end users working with documents'.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The only way I can think of, would be to add your script to the Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profile.ps1 and then start ISE with the scheduler and your file as parameter, like this:
powershell_ise .\Check-Process.ps1
In your profile you would want to make sure, that the script only runs, when you open that file:
if($psISE.PowerShellTabs.Files.FullPath -eq '\\fileserver\path$\to\my\Powershell\Check-Process.ps1')
& '\\fileserver\path$\to\my\Powershell\Check-Process.ps1'
But be carefull! The script runs now everytime you open it in ISE unless you use the switch -noprofile.
So far I did not find a way to close the ISE window with the profile script.

Task Scheduler Launching openwith.exe program instead of PowerShell script

I've have created a Powershell script that automatically connects to office 365 and sets all users default calendar permissions to reviewer. this script runs perfectly when executed manually.
I am trying to launch the powershell script via task scheduler on WS-2012-R2.
i run the task but when i check a test users calendar permissions its still the same "contributor".
When task scheduler starts the task, it creates a process, that process is given a process ID.
i went to check the ID in task manager it showed as "Pick an App" under the processes tab.
i right clicked and clicked details and it shows as OpenWith.exe
i checked file association and (.PS1) is associated to WindowsPowershell
i went to the scripts file location in explorer, Rclicked and changed the OPenWith from POwershell to Windows Powershell ISE and i still get the same thing when i run through task sheduler. ("pick and app & OPenWith.exe")
i have tried editing the "actions" in Task Manager to a combination of things such as.
In task shceduler properties
Program/script: was set to: C:\Powershell script\default reviewer permissions
this doesnt work
then i changed that to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\POwershell and also PowerShell_ise
with C:\Powershell script\default reviewer permissions in the "add arguments (optional) section.
and visa versa
Can anyone please tell me what i can do to make this script run.
Many thanks
What happens when you launch PowerShell from a command-line (CMD and not a PowerShell Session) like:
powershell -?
as this should show the syntax needed?
For example, mine shows (Removing the extra help information):
[-File ]
Execute a script file.
You should be using something like in your Scheduled Task (note: the use of quotes as well):
PowerShell -File "D:\WORK\ps\webtest.ps1"
Hope this helps!

How can I execute scripts in a code created powershell shell that has Host.Ui.prompt commands in it?

I have a Powershell Commandlet which prompts a user from a secure string based on a condition. Now I want to automate the testing of this commandlet for which I use a Powershell Remote Runspace to Invoke the commandlet. Currently it fails with this error.
Write-Host : A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction. Try a host program that supports user interaction, such as the Windows PowerShell Console or Windows PowerShell ISE, and remove prompt-related commands from command types that do not support user interaction, such as Windows PowerShell workflows.
How can I automate this?
It sounds like you are running powershell via c#. You can't prompt the user for input from the powershell script. You either need to pre-provide the necessary info in the script, or prompt for the info from your application and then pass the info to the powershell script.
As ojk mentioned the easiest way to accomplish this would probably be to use a powershell function then pass the necessary parameters to it via the code.

Using $env:username in a logon script is not working

I have this setup with a GPO to run as a logon script, obviously to map a drive for clients.
net use H: \\server1\share\$env:username
Dead simple. If I put in a specific username in place of the variable then it works. Also, if I run this script directly on a client machine it works.
Do you get an error? Does it helps if you wrap the path in double quotes?
That should work with or without the quotation marks. Are the clients all Windows 7? I believe that Powershell logon/startup scripts don't work on earlier versions, even if you have Powershell installed, because it's an add-on rather than a native shell. If you're using downlevel clients, you can invoke the powershell script from a cmd batch file. But if you're going to do that, might as well skip Powershell and just run net use H:\\server1\share\%username% from your batch file.
Run this in a .bat file as a login script (use a FQDN for the server name):
net use H: \\\share\%USERNAME%
If that not works, your GPO is just not yet applied. You can force that by running on the machine gpupdate /force.
For testing make sure that the GPO is applied to the right OU to the group "Authenticated Users" (computers are in the group too). And if that is not working, you can also "Enforce" the GPO. Don't forget to do a gpupdate /force after any change to the GPO or it settings.
You can also try a .js logon script like:
var WSH = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// Map share
WSH.Run("net use H: \\\\\\share");