How to make a GitHub Actions workflow page publicly visible - github

I have set up a GitHub Actions workflow for my project and want users to check the current workflow status. I added a badge that links to the workflow page, in that form:<user>/<repo>/actions?query=workflow%3A<workflow>
When I sign out of GitHub, the badge still works, but the link points to an 404 error page. I have seen this in other users repositories as well.
Is there any way to make the GitHub Action pages publicly visible?

Just checked, and the Actions workflow pages seem to be publicly accessible by default now, via the badge as described above.
The Actions tab as well as the indicator next to the latest commit are also visible now, even if signed out.


Github action badges in private repos in github private pages

With the advent of Github private pages. I can actually put up my github actions that are run in a private repo. However, the private page can't render the badge which should have access to this private repo.
However, if I click on the image, it takes me to the badge. That's because I'm authenticated in Github and can see everything about the repository. I wonder why the action badge is not showing up.
This is a similar issue than VSCode not able to show the same badge (like your GitHub Page does): see discussion 156091
If the repo is private, you can only view it when logged into GitHub.
I don't think VS Code isn't going to be able to show the badges in this case because we'd also have to send along your GitHub creds when making the request for the badge.
Regarding badges on GitHub pages specifically, there is badges/shields issue 593 requesting support for private github repos
There's two viable options for folks that want to use Shields to get badges for private repos:
Use a self-hosted Shields instance with appropriate GH auth in your configuration.
Use and the Endpoint badge with your own custom endpoint that provides the data needed for to create and provide the badge.

How to show new website design to client from a github branch

I have created a website for a friend which I have published on GitHub and deployed using Netlify.
However as my knowledge is improving I have created a branch off of the main repository and completely redesigned the site.
How can I now show this to my friend remotely?
As I understand if I commit this to main this will change the published website which I do not want to do yet as the changes haven't been agreed?
Is there a way to create a GitHub page from that branch so I can send him a link to view what I have created?
Ideally, you create a second empty GitHub repository in which you push tour second branch.
You can then build the GitHub pages for that second repository (using GitHub Action workflow and a starter workflow), and show the alternative version, using the second GitHub Pages URL.

How can I track github pages with Google analytics 4 - measurement ID?

I have a repo with as main page. This repo uses mkdocs for generating static site. Also, added Google Analaytics measurement ID to the mkdocs.yml for tracking the traffic on the static site.
But my current requirement is to track the github pages on repo. I am aware of github insights feature where we can get the metrics. But would need more details for every github page.
Can someone help me with this please?
You already use Google Analytics to track your GitHub Pages website, but you want it to track your repo also, right?
In that case, it is not possible, because differently from your website, even if you do own the repo, you do not own it's page, GitHub does. And you probably added some HTML to track your website, but you can't change your repo's HTML. This was already answered here.
Now, if I misunderstood and what you want is to track your GitHub Pages website, then yes, you can.

Accepted invite for github project but cannot find it anywhere on my github?

Silly question probably but I find github not that user friendly for beginners. I was invited to join a group and project, accepted the invitation through my email which took me directly to their page. If I ever leave the page and want to find out how to get back to it, there is absolutely no way/notifications for me to find that page ever.
Even when I type their username in search, their project is private but I clearly have access to it so I cannot find their project in their repository to get back to it. How does this make sense? Where do you go from your github page to find all projects/repos that you are a part of and have access to?
Obviously the GitHub search engine doesn't index private repositories by default; that would pose a security risk.
All repositories you are a manager or owner of can be found by
clicking your profile picture in the upper-right corner and clicking
"Your Repositories."
Starring the repository will save the repository to your starred list, which will improve your recommendations, make it appear in your
Starred list on your profile page, and in many cases, enable the
repository to appear as a search suggestion when you type the
repository into the search bar. You can do it by visiting the
repository and clicking the star icon in the upper-right.
Watching the repository will subscribe you to notifications. You can do it by visiting the repository and clicking the eyeball icon in
the upper-right.

Edit/remove the action published by the app to the newsfeed

I am trying to remove/edit the text shown in the picture which appears from the actions published by website. I went through the settings pages on the facebook dev page
I believe that you can only remove published stories of apps that you own. IE, if you're using the open graph custom actions, whenever you publish an action, you get an action id back. You could then delete that action by referencing it with the action ID.
You cannot do this.
You can only remove the whole published story not alter already published one!