swift syntax, func(var:var:) as a closure? - swift

I am using firebase authentication and adding a listener for authentication state changes as:
var handle = auth?.addStateDidChangeListener(self.updateUI(auth:user:))
while updateUI is a function I have created with signature: (Auth, User?) -> void
I don't understand the syntax of "(auth:user:)" and was thinking perhaps I need a "," in between auth and user, but that gives me compiler error. I'd appreciate if someone can explain this to me

By writing updateUI(auth:user:), what you are referring to is the method itself, and you are not calling the method immediately. This is an explicit-member-expression as the language reference calls it. And the language reference says that one of the forms that an explicit-member-expression can take is:
As you can see from the formal grammar, inside the parentheses, there can be zero or more argument-name, and an argument-name is an identifier followed by the character :.
So why don't you need ,?
Because the language reference says so. :)
If you think about it, the : is already delimiting the different parameter labels, so you don't need an extra delimiter.
Why write out the parameter labels in the first place?
It is likely to avoid ambiguity. There's probably another overload of updateUI with different parameter labels, so just saying updateUI could be ambiguous. If there is only one updateUI, then you can just say updateUI.


Why bother casting the return value since the type has been specified when calling the function?

I am learning Editor Script of Unity recently, and I come across a piece of code in Unity Manual like this:
EditorWindowTest window = (EditorWindowTest)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(EditorWindowTest), true, "My Empty Window");
I don't know why bother casting the result with (EditorWindowTest) again since the type has been specified in the parameter field of GetWindow().
Thanks in advance :)
There are multiple overloads of the EditorWindow.GetWindow method.
The one used in your code snippet is one of the non-generic ones. It accepts a Type argument which it can use at runtime to create the right type of window. However, since it doesn't use generics, it's not possible to know the type of the window at compile time, so the method just returns an EditorWindow, as that's the best it can do.
You can hover over a method in your IDE to see the return type of any method for yourself.
When using one of the generic overloads of the GetWindow method, you don't need to do any manual casting, since the method already knows at compile time the exact type of the window and returns an instance of that type directly.
The generic variants should be used when possible, because it makes the code safer by removing the need for casting at runtime, which could cause exceptions.
If you closely look, GetWindow's return type is EditorWindow. Not the EditorWindowTest, so typecasting makes sense.

What is the difference between ByRef and Output method argument modifiers?

All is in the subject, really.
I fail to see what the difference in behavior is between those two methods for x:
// first version
Method m(ByRef x As whatever)
// play with x
// second version
Method m(Output x As whatever)
// play with x
There must be some reason why both those modifiers exist, however my "mastery" (uhm) of the language is not enough to understand the difference. I have tried and read the documentation, search it etc, to no avail so far.
So, what is the difference between those two argument modifiers?
Well those are just "prettifiers", they don't do much in terms of actual language behaviour, and only used to provide documentation. Idea is that arguments documented as ByRef provide both input and output, for example you can pass an array to be sorted, and Output arguments only provide output, for example list of errors. Output modifier was introduced later, and a lot of system code still use ByRef for both use cases.
If argument is actually passed by reference is only determined by method caller, and keyword doesn't really matter. You will call your method as ..m(.parameter) to pass variable by reference, and ..m(parameter) to pass variable by value.

Why does this wildcarded function tells me it has the wrong number of parameters?

The offending code was:
<console>:47: error: wrong number of parameters; expected = 2
terms.foldLeft(r.unitA)(r.add(_, _.eval(x)))
I solved my problem by writing:
terms.foldLeft(r.unitA)((a,b) => r.add(a, b.eval(x)))
But I'd still like to know what prevented my initial attempt?
From what I've read on this type of issue, when you use "_" as a place holder for an anonymous parameter of a function, the scope of that function is the innermost parenthesis containing it. So when you wrapped your two placeholders with r.add(), the scope of the params is lost. Check out this link and see if it helps explain the rules better.
Here is the section of the SLS 6.23:
Updated link:
Daniel Sobral's post says:
"When you use "_" as a place holder for an anonymous parameter of a
function, the scope of that function is the innermost parenthesis
containing it. Most of the time.
Updated spin: I think the syntax explanation from the spec is easier to get, that the placeholder doesn't escape an enclosing Expr. There are various duplicate questions.

Purpose of (^) sign in iOS

I have seen in many iOS header's that (^) is utilized, and I have never come across the reasoning as of why that sign is being used. Would anyone might like to enlighten into this?
Those often indicate "blocks". See the Blocks Programming Topics.
Alternatively, if you watch the beginning of WWDC 2012 session 712, they also walk you through blocks with a touch of historical context.
It signifies a block. A block is a syntax that allows you to create a callback function, and pass it into a method as a parameter. In other languages this is similar to a closure, a lambda, or an anonymous class.
For example a parameter that lists:
void(^)(NSString *myStr)
is expecting you to pass in a block/function that returns void, and takes in an NSString pointer.
You can create a block, based on the expected parameters declared in the method, with this syntax:
^(<Parameters>) { <Body> }
For example, a method that is expecting a block parameter might look like this:
-(void)doSomething:(void(^)(NSString *myStr))theBlock;
...and could be called like this:
[self doSomething:^(NSString *myStr) { NSLog(#"The String is: %#", myStr); }];
Your block will be called back from doSomething: just like a function, using the parameter name:
-(void)doSomething:(void(^)(NSString *myStr))theBlock {
...which would display:
The String is: Hello!
The ^ character is used for blocks, in particular, block parameters.
If you're asking why the character '^' for use in blocks, it's because there's relatively few characters left that:
Are available on all typical keyboards.
Could be used at all - i.e. aren't already significant in the language and would conflict.
Don't look stupid.
That actually narrows it down to only two or three, and of those '^' was chosen because, well, because.
There's probably a record of this on the llvm.org mailing lists and so forth, if you want to pore over the discussion in detail.
You could also look at the minutes from the C++11 committee meetings on lambdas, which went through basically the same process.

GtkAda simple chat error

I'm writing simple chat program in Ada, and I'm having problem with chat window simulation - on button clicked it reads text form entry and puts it on text_view. Here is the code I've written and here is the compile output:
gnatmake client `gtkada-config`
gcc -c -I/usr/include/gtkada client_pkg.adb
client_pkg.adb:14:19: no candidate interpretations match the actuals:
client_pkg.adb:14:37: expected private type "Gtk_Text_Iter" defined at gtk-text_iter.ads:48
client_pkg.adb:14:37: found type "Gtk_Text_View" defined at gtk-text_view.ads:58
client_pkg.adb:14:37: ==> in call to "Get_Buffer" at gtk-text_buffer.ads:568
client_pkg.adb:14:37: ==> in call to "Get_Buffer" at gtk-text_buffer.ads:407
client_pkg.adb:15:34: no candidate interpretations match the actuals:
client_pkg.adb:15:34: missing argument for parameter "Start" in call to "Get_Text" declared at gtk-text_buffer.ads:283
client_pkg.adb:15:34: missing argument for parameter "Start" in call to "Get_Text" declared at gtk-text_buffer.ads:270
gnatmake: "client_pkg.adb" compilation error
Can anyone tell me what is the problem, since I have no idea why procedure Get_Buffer expects Gtk_Text_Iter, and why Get_Text miss Start parameter?
You have to call the correct procedures/functions.
In your example, you call Gtk.Text_Buffer.Get_Buffer, not the correct Gtk.Text_View.Get_Buffer. This is because you with and use Gtk.Text_Buffer, but don't use Gtk.Text_View. You should be careful what you use. Same for Get_Text.
If you add use clauses for Gtk.Text_View and Gtk.GEntry, those errors should disappear.
But I give you an advice: try to use as few as possible use clauses. That way you always know what function is really called.
TLDR: Add use Gtk.Text_View; use Gtk.GEntry; to the declaration part of the On_Btn_Send_Clicked procedure.