Why bother casting the return value since the type has been specified when calling the function? - unity3d

I am learning Editor Script of Unity recently, and I come across a piece of code in Unity Manual like this:
EditorWindowTest window = (EditorWindowTest)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(EditorWindowTest), true, "My Empty Window");
I don't know why bother casting the result with (EditorWindowTest) again since the type has been specified in the parameter field of GetWindow().
Thanks in advance :)

There are multiple overloads of the EditorWindow.GetWindow method.
The one used in your code snippet is one of the non-generic ones. It accepts a Type argument which it can use at runtime to create the right type of window. However, since it doesn't use generics, it's not possible to know the type of the window at compile time, so the method just returns an EditorWindow, as that's the best it can do.
You can hover over a method in your IDE to see the return type of any method for yourself.
When using one of the generic overloads of the GetWindow method, you don't need to do any manual casting, since the method already knows at compile time the exact type of the window and returns an instance of that type directly.
The generic variants should be used when possible, because it makes the code safer by removing the need for casting at runtime, which could cause exceptions.

If you closely look, GetWindow's return type is EditorWindow. Not the EditorWindowTest, so typecasting makes sense.


Does #discardableResult actually lead to compiler optimizations?

I have an assignment operation that I want to also return the new value my object is assigned, but only optionally. So of course I would add the #discardableResult attribute. However, does this actually tell the compiler to ignore the return statement inside my function definition if it is not actually being passed anywhere? What optimization does this attribute actually do? All the documentation says is that it "suppresses the warning," although I only want to use it if it can be easily optimized.
Any help is appreciated!

Benefit of explicitly providing the method return type or variable type in scala

This question may be very silly, but I am a little confused which is the best way to do in scala.
In scala, compiler does the type inference and assign the most closest(or may be Restrictive) type for each variable or a method.
I am new to scala, and from many sample code/ libraries, I have noticed that in many places people are not explicitly providing the types for most of the time. But, in most of the code I wrote, I was/still am explicitly providing the types. For eg:
val someVal: String = "def"
def getMeResult() : List[String]= {
val list:List[String] = List("abc","def")
The reason I started to write this especially for method return type is that, when I write a method itself, I know what it should return. So If I explicitly provide the return type, I can find out if I am making any mistakes. Also, I felt it is easier to understand what that method returns by reading the return type itself. Otherwise, I will have to check what the return type of the last statement.
So my questions/doubts are :
1. Does it take less compilation time since the compiler doesn't have to infer much? Or it doesn't matter much ?
2. What is the normal standard in the scala world?
From "Scala in Depth" chapter 4.5:
For a human reading a nontrivial method implementation, infering the
return type can be troubling. It’s best to explicitly document and
enforce return types in public APIs.
From "Programming in Scala" chapter 2:
Sometimes the Scala compiler will require you to specify the result
type of a function. If the function is recursive, for example, you
must explicitly specify the function’s result type.
It is often a good idea to indicate function result types explicitly.
Such type annotations can make the code easier to read, because the
reader need not study the function body to figure out the inferred
result type.
From "Scala in Action" chapter 2.2.3:
It’s a good practice to specify the return type for the users of the
library. If you think it’s not clear from the function what its return
type is, either try to improve the name or specify the return type.
From "Programming Scala" chapter 1:
Recursive functions are one exception where the execution scope
extends beyond the scope of the body, so the return type must be
For simple functions perhaps it’s not that important to show it
explicitly. However, sometimes the inferred type won’t be what’s
expected. Explicit return types provide useful documentation for the
reader. I recommend adding return types, especially in public APIs.
You have to provide explicit return types in the following cases:
When you explicitly call return in a method.
When a method is recursive.
When two or more methods are overloaded and one of them calls another; the calling method needs a return type annotation.
When the inferred return type would be more general than you intended, e.g., Any.
Another reason which has not yet been mentioned in the other answers is the following. You probably know that it is a good idea to program to an interface, not an implementation.
In the case of return values of functions or methods, that means that you don't want users of the function or method to know what specific implementation of some interface (or trait) the function returns - that's an implementation detail you want to hide.
If you write a method like this:
trait Example
class ExampleImpl1 extends Example { ... }
class ExampleImpl2 extends Example { ... }
def example() = new ExampleImpl1
then the return type of the method will be inferred to be ExampleImpl1 - so, it is exposing the fact that it is returning a specific implementation of trait Example. You can use an explicit return type to hide this:
def example(): Example = new ExampleImpl1
The standard rule is to use explicit types for API (in order to specify the type precisely and as a guard against refactoring) and also for implicits (especially because implicits without an explicit type may be ignored if the definition site is after the use site).
To the first question, type inference can be a significant tax, but that is balanced against the ease of both writing and reading expressions.
In the example, the type on the local list is not even a "better java." It's just visual clutter.
However, it should be easy to read the inferred type. Occasionally, I have to fire up the IDE just to tell me what is inferred.
By implication, methods should be short enough so that it's easy to scan for the result type.
Sorry for the lack of references. Maybe someone else will step forward; the topic is frequent on MLs and SO.
2. The scala style guide says
Use type inference where possible, but put clarity first, and favour explicitness in public APIs.
You should almost never annotate the type of a private field or a local variable, as their type will usually be immediately evident in their value:
private val name = "Daniel"
However, you may wish to still display the type where the assigned value has a complex or non-obvious form.
All public methods should have explicit type annotations. Type inference may break encapsulation in these cases, because it depends on internal method and class details. Without an explicit type, a change to the internals of a method or val could alter the public API of the class without warning, potentially breaking client code. Explicit type annotations can also help to improve compile times.
The twitter scala style guide says of method return types:
While Scala allows these to be omitted, such annotations provide good documentation: this is especially important for public methods. Where a method is not exposed and its return type obvious, omit them.
I think there's a broad consensus that explicit types should be used for public APIs, and shouldn't be used for most local variable declarations. When to use explicit types for "internal" methods is less clear-cut and more a matter of judgement; different organizations have different standards.
1. Type inference doesn't seem to visibly affect compilation time for the line where the inference happens (aside from a few rare cases with implicits which are basically compiler bugs) - after all, the compiler still has to check the type, which is pretty much the same calculation it would use to infer it. But if a method return type is inferred then anything using that method has to be recompiled when that method changes.
So inferring a method (or public variable) that's used in many places can slow down compilation (particularly if you're using incremental compilation). But inferring local or private variables, private methods, or public methods that are only used in one or two places, makes no (significant) difference.

scala - is it possible to force immutability on an object?

I mean if there's some declarative way to prevent an object from changing any of it's members.
In the following example
class student(var name:String)
val s = new student("John")
"s" has been declared as a val, so it will always point to the same student.
But is there some way to prevent s.name from being changed by just declaring it like immutable???
Or the only solution is to declare everything as val, and manually force immutability?
No, it's not possible to declare something immutable. You have to enforce immutability yourself, by not allowing anyone to change it, that is remove all ways of modifying the class.
Someone can still modify it using reflection, but that's another story.
Scala doesn't enforce that, so there is no way to know. There is, however, an interesting compiler-plugin project named pusca (I guess it stands for Pure-Scala). Pure is defined there as not mutating a non-local variable and being side-effect free (e.g. not printing to the console)—so that calling a pure method repeatedly will always yield the same result (what is called referentially transparent).
I haven't tried out that plug-in myself, so I can't say if it's any stable or usable already.
There is no way that Scala could do this generally.
Consider the following hypothetical example:
class Student(var name : String, var course : Course)
def stuff(course : Course) {
magically_pure_val s = new Student("Fredzilla", course)
genericHigherOrderFunction(s, someFunctionOfStudent)
The pitfalls for any attempt to actually implement that magically_pure_val keyword are:
someFunctionOfStudent takes an arbitrary student, and isn't implemented in this compilation unit. It was written/compiled knowing that Student consists of two mutable fields. How do we know it doesn't actually mutate them?
genericHigherOrderFunction is even worse; it's going to take our Student and a function of Student, but it's written polymorphically. Whether or not it actually mutates s depends on what its other arguments are; determining that at compile time with full generality requires solving the Halting Problem.
Let's assume we could get around that (maybe we could set some secret flags that mean exceptions get raised if the s object is actually mutated, though personally I wouldn't find that good enough). What about that course field? Does course.someMethod() mutate it? That method call isn't invoked from s directly.
Worse than that, we only know that we'll have passed in an instance of Course or some subclass of Course. So even if we are able to analyze a particular implementation of Course and Course.someMethod and conclude that this is safe, someone can always add a new subclass of Course whose implementation of someMethod mutates the Course.
There's simply no way for the compiler to check that a given object cannot be mutated. The pusca plugin mentioned by 0__ appears to detect purity the same way Mercury does; by ensuring that every method is known from its signature to be either pure or impure, and by raising a compiler error if the implementation of anything declared to be pure does anything that could cause impurity (unless the programmer promises that the method is pure anyway).[1]
This is quite a different from simply declaring a value to be completely (and deeply) immutable and expecting the compiler to notice if any of the code that could touch it could mutate it. It's also not a perfect inference, just a conservative one
[1]The pusca README claims that it can infer impurity of methods whose last expression is a call to an impure method. I'm not quite sure how it can do this, as checking if that last expression is an impure call requires checking if it's calling a not-declared-impure method that should be declared impure by this rule, and the implementation might not be available to the compiler at that point (and indeed could be changed later even if it is). But all I've done is look at the README and think about it for a few minutes, so I might be missing something.

How do I read this OCaml type signature?

I'm currently experimenting with using OCaml and GTK together (using the lablgtk bindings). However, the documentation isn't the best, and while I can work out how to use most of the features, I'm stuck with changing notebook pages (switching to a different tab).
I have found the function that I need to use, but I don't know how to use it. The documentation seems to suggest that it is in a sub-module of GtkPackProps.Notebook, but I don't know how to call this.
Also, this function has a type signature different to any I have seen before.
val switch_page : ([> `notebook ], Gpointer.boxed option -> int -> unit) GtkSignal.t
I think it returns a GtkSignal.t, but I have no idea how to pass the first parameter to the function (the whole part in brackets).
Has anyone got some sample code showing how to change the notebook page, or can perhaps give me some tips on how to do this?
What you have found is not a function but the signal. The functional type you see in its type is the type of the callback that will be called when the page switch happen, but won't cause it.
by the way the type of switch_page is read as: a signal (GtkSignal.t) raised by notebook [> `notebook ], whose callbacks have type Gpointer.boxed option -> int -> unit
Generally speaking, with lablgtk, you'd better stay away of the Gtk* low level modules, and use tge G[A-Z] higher level module. Those module API look like the C Gtk one, and I always use the main Gtk doc to help myself.
In your case you want to use the GPack.notebook object and its goto_page method.
You've found a polymorphic variant; they're described in the manual in Section 4.2, and the typing rules always break my head. I believe what the signature says is that the function switch_page expects as argument a GtkSignal.t, which is an abstraction parameterized by two types:
The first type parameter,
[> `notebook]
includes as values any polymorphic variant including notebook (that's what the greater-than means).
The second type parameter is an ordinary function.
If I'm reading the documentation for GtkSignal.t correctly, it's not a function at all; it's a record with three fields:
name is a string.
classe is a polymorphic variant which could be ``notebook` or something else.
marshaller is a marshaller for the function type Gpointer.boxed option -> int -> unit.
I hope this helps. If you have more trouble, section 4.2 of the manual, on polymorphic variants, might sort you out.

How to check a value type?

How do I check the type of a value on runtime?
I'd like to find out where I'm creating doubles.
If you're using Objective-C classes, then the [myObject isKindOfClass: [InterestingClass class]] test is available. If you're using primitive types (which your question, quoting the "double" type, suggests), then you can't. However unless you're doing some very funky stuff, the compiler can tell you when primitive types do or don't match up, and when it doesn't will perform implicit promotion to the desired type.
It would be beneficial to know a little more about what the specific problem is that you're trying to solve, because it may be that the solution doesn't involve detecting the creation of doubles at all :-).
With very few exceptions, you never need to check type at runtime. Typed variables can only hold their assigned types, and type promotion is determined at compile time.