Clone/Backup of ArangoDB-Collection with Python - python-3.7

Is there a Pythonic way to do a quick backup or a copy of a collection (document and edge)?
The regular way seems to be using arangodump/arangoimp in the console. Also there are some tutorials on how to do a full backup on a different server in JS.
I'm just trying a simple case: Directly copy a collection on the existing server.


Seeding data into MongoDB database

I'm creating a MERN project and want a file to seed data into my database. Using sql I've done this by creating a seed file with a .db extension which I would then run as a script in my terminal. I am wondering how this is done for MongoDB and what file extension I should use, is this just a json file? I am also wondering what the proper way of doing this is. I was looking online but I see so many different ways that people do things so I'm just trying to figure out what the standard is.
Create each collection in a separate JSON or CSV file, and use mongoimport

Use two mongoDB databases in one SpringBoot application

My SpringBoot API is supposed to read data from a collection of one database and before returning response back, it is supposed to insert a document in a collection of another database.
I am looking for a quick and efficient way to do this. I searched and found that I can make two entries in my and create two different Mongo template connection using those. But I am looking for a more clean and compact way to do this (if any).
it's by using two templates (but a clean way and simple to do this)
You can use change stream concept in mongodb..
If you have any change in database it automatically drop the changes in another database

How to create a flat-file for a mongdb database and how to use that flat-file in elastic-search and kibana to query the data?

I am learning elastic-search and it's stack so I have a task assigned, first I need to create a flat-file of a MongoDB database that I have set up locally and then using that flat-file, I need to import that into kibana and query the database.
elastic-search and kibana are also hosted locally.
I don't know how to create a flat file and I just heard that word and googled what that is. I learned elastic-server query language but I don't know how to create an index using a flat-file in kibana or elastic-server.
I don't need some full explanation or steps, just some references to solutions will be awesome.
Use mongoexport to create either JSON or CSV format files from a MongoDB database.

MongoDB merging db

Is there a way to merge two mongodb databases?
In a way all records and files from DB2 should be merged to DB1.
I have a Java based web application with several APIs to download file content from the MongoDB. So I'm thinking using bash curl download the file, read the records properties then re-upload (merge) to the destination DB1.
This however will have an issue since the same Mongo _id ObjectID("xxxx") from DB2 cannot be transfer to DB1. MongoDB will automatically generate and assign ObjectID("xxxx") value based on what I understand.
Yes, use Mongodump and Mongorestore.
the chance for a duplicate document id (assuming its not the same document) is extremely low.
and in that case mongo will let you know insertion has failed and you could choose to deal with it however you see fit.
You could also use the write concern flag with the restore to decide how to deal with it while uploading.

Copying a MongoDB record for record

We have a MongoDB sitting at 600GB. We've deleted a lot of documents, and in the hopes of shrinking it, we repaired it onto a 2TB drive.
It ran for hours, eventually running out of the 2TB space. When I looked at the repair directory, it had created way more files than the original database??
Anyway, I'm trying to look for alternative options. My first thought was to create a new MongoDB, and copy each row from the old to the new. Is it possible to do this, and what's the fastest way?
I have a lot of success in copying database using the db.copyDatabase command:
link to mongodb copyDatabase
I have also used MongoVUE, which is a software that makes it easy to copy databases from one location to another - MonogoVUE (which is jus ta graphical interface on top of monogo).
If you have no luck with copyDatabase, I can suggest you try to dump and restore the database to an external file, something like mongodump or lvcreate
Here is a full read on backup and restore which should allow you to copy the database easily: