Use two mongoDB databases in one SpringBoot application - mongodb

My SpringBoot API is supposed to read data from a collection of one database and before returning response back, it is supposed to insert a document in a collection of another database.
I am looking for a quick and efficient way to do this. I searched and found that I can make two entries in my and create two different Mongo template connection using those. But I am looking for a more clean and compact way to do this (if any).

it's by using two templates (but a clean way and simple to do this)

You can use change stream concept in mongodb..
If you have any change in database it automatically drop the changes in another database


What is the difference between MongoDB Realm Triggers and MongoDB Atlas Triggers?

So both of them are part of MongoDB features that I think have common nature. In my case, every time a document is created or updated, it will trigger a function that will update the document field with timestamp.
It can be achieved using a trigger, but there are 2 ways to do it, and I am not sure which one is suitable to choose. What is the difference between MongoDB Realm Trigger and MongoDB Atlas Trigger? Advantages over each other?
Thank You
They are inherently similar. The best way to think of it is two different GUI's that uses the same(ish) backend code.
Apart from authentication triggers that only exist on realm the other two types both work in similar ways.
They are both "triggered" by the same event (type) wether it be a cron expression or a database event and they both execute a realm based function (either pre-saved in realm or saved on the trigger in atlas. So the only actual difference comes from the configuration options, for example:
atlas trigger can connect to multiple clusters while realm must choose a single one.
realm has a project option available.
realm accepts a function name (as it's already saved) while atlas requires the actual code saved. (If for some reason you want the same code executing for different triggers realm is more stable as updating 4 different triggers due to code change is not fun)
You can compare the confirguration options yourself here for realm and here for basic trigger
I have personally haven't noticed a difference between the two (nor did I look that deep into it), I feel that Apart from inside knowledge from an engineer in Mongo that can spill the beans whether or not there's an actual performance different or if both triggers use the same code base there is not much to say on the subject.

How do I integrate MongoDB and Hazelcast without mentioning a specific schema?

I am aware of how we create POJO classes (Java) and map them to the schema of the data in MongoDB, and create a connection with spring data. But if I don't have a specific schema and I want to have MongoDB as a back end for my cache in Hazelcast, how do I do that? In my use-case specifically, I have a cache which needs to keep mongodb updated with whatever updates it comes across.
Check this out:
Do note that this is a sample code that is meant for referential purposes only, do not copy paste into your production system.

MongoDB in Luigi Python

I would like to know if there is a way to output to a MongoDB in Luigi. I see in the documentation they support files (local FS, HDFS), S3, PostgreSQL but not MongoDB. If not, could someone explain me why not? Maybe it is a bad idea to have it? I would like to store the data in a database because then I can explore it by querying it. However I am using mongodb and I would not like to install another database. I do not need a relational database as I am using the database only to store and query ( NoSql ) without relationships, so the best option is mongodb.
Basically I need a task to read the data and save it in the database. Then the next task take this output and process the data.
Any recommendation, suggestion or clarification is more than welcome. Thanks!
You can try using mortar-luigi.
Check out this link for MongoDB tasks and this example.

Auto complete on Large data set

I'm writing a project where I need to do an autocomplete on a data set that has 5 milion objects (schema is different for objects).
My first thought was to do SQL, but since Schema is changing it will not be fast
So I thought about MongoDB.
Two questions:
1 - do you have sample code that's working that I can use?
2- is Mongo the best solution in place? will it be fast? is there another NoSQL database that I can use instead?
If the time is critical and you wish to have the fastest database than Redis may be the database you are looking for. Here is a link to the Auto complete blog post using Redis.
MongoDB is a great database and includes many great feature so it may be a good choice either.

Mongodb dynamic schemas with spring data mongodb

I'm trying to store configuration in MongoDB. I want the document schema to be dynamic so as to store different type of configuration in the collection. The configuration may consist of more than just simple string key-value pairs. While using spring-data-mongodb, I see that I need to define a class which is usually mapped to a mongodb. So, when I need to add more configuration to the collection, I need to make changes to the class. I don't really want to do this as I want to be able to modify configuration without code changes (and ideally without restarting long-running applications). Also, what I'm eventually storing is configuration which should be consumed by different services, so I can't really have a well-defined schema. Instead, I would want the services to pull configuration from the store (i.e. provide key, get value). This makes me doubt where spring-data-mongodb is the right choice for such a use-case. Is there any obvious solution or alternative to my use-case?
Thanks in advance.
The obvious solution is use just the Java driver for MongoDB. The Java driver has an implementation of BSON's spec and you can work with BSON/JSON objects instead classes.