Copying a MongoDB record for record - mongodb

We have a MongoDB sitting at 600GB. We've deleted a lot of documents, and in the hopes of shrinking it, we repaired it onto a 2TB drive.
It ran for hours, eventually running out of the 2TB space. When I looked at the repair directory, it had created way more files than the original database??
Anyway, I'm trying to look for alternative options. My first thought was to create a new MongoDB, and copy each row from the old to the new. Is it possible to do this, and what's the fastest way?

I have a lot of success in copying database using the db.copyDatabase command:
link to mongodb copyDatabase
I have also used MongoVUE, which is a software that makes it easy to copy databases from one location to another - MonogoVUE (which is jus ta graphical interface on top of monogo).
If you have no luck with copyDatabase, I can suggest you try to dump and restore the database to an external file, something like mongodump or lvcreate
Here is a full read on backup and restore which should allow you to copy the database easily:


Moving existing MongoDb deployment to directoryperdb by moving files instead of dump/restore

I'm currently trying to move my existing MongoDb deployment to the --directoryperdb option to make use of different, mounted volumes. In the docs this is achieved via mongodump and restore, however on a large database with over 50GB compressed data this takes a really long time and indices need to be completely rebuilt.
Is there a way to move the WiredTiger files inside the current /data/db path, just how you would when just changing the db path? I've tried copying the corresponding collection- and index- files into their subdirectory, which doesn't work. Creating dummy collections and replacing them with the old files and then running --repair works but I don't know how long it takes since I only tested it with a few docs large collection, this also seems very hacky with a lot of things that could go wrong (for example data loss).
Any advice on how to do this, or is this something that simply should not be done?

Best way to backup and restore data in PostgreSQL for testing

I'm trying to migrate our database engine from MsSql to PostgreSQL. In our automated test, we restore the database back to "clean" state at the start of every test. We do this by comparing the "diff" between the working copy of the database with the clean copy (table by table). Then copying over any records that have changed. Or deleting any records that have been added. So far this strategy seems to be the best way to go about for us because per test, not a lot of data is changed, and the size of the database is not very big.
Now I'm looking for a way to essentially do the same thing but with PostgreSQL. I'm considering doing the exact same thing with PostgreSQL. But before doing so, I was wondering if anyone else has done something similar and what method you used to restore data in your automated tests.
On a side note - I considered using MsSql's snapshot or backup/restore strategy. The main problem with these methods is that I have to re-establish the db connection from the app after every test, which is not possible at the moment.
If you're okay with some extra storage, and if you (like me) are particularly not interested in re-inventing the wheel in terms of checking for diffs via your own code, you should try creating a new DB (per run) via templates feature of createdb command (or CREATE DATABASE statement) in PostgreSQL.
So for e.g.
(from bash) createdb todayDB -T snapshotDB
(from psql) CREATE DATABASE todayDB TEMPLATE snaptshotDB;
In theory, always exact same DB by design (no custom logic)
Replication is a file-transfer (not DB restore). So far less time taken (i.e. doesn't run SQL again, doesn't recreate indexes / restore tables etc.)
Takes 2x the disk space (although template could be on a low performance NFS etc)
For my specific situation. I decided to go back to the original solution. Which is to compare the "working" copy of the database with "clean" copy of the database.
There are 3 types of changes.
For INSERT records - find max(id) from clean table and delete any record on working table that has higher ID
For UPDATE or DELETE records - find all records in clean table EXCEPT records found in working table. Then UPSERT those records into working table.

MongoDB, modifydate of data files not updated (Windows)

I just noticed something strange with MongoDb physical files on Windows.
When i update/insert data in my MongoDB database, the modify date of the related *.0 files in 'data' folder is not updated.
I understand that the size is pre-allocated so it stays the same, but why the modify date is not at least updated ?
This is quite an issue for me cause i store the mongo files in Google drive, so nothing is updated due to this weird behavior.
Does anyone have an explanation ?
Thank you
As an answer to my own question, i came with the solution of using **mongodump** to keep my data up to date on Google Drive.
I scheduled a task to dump frequently my mongo database into same data folder, so this folder is backed up, it just need some extra work using **mongorestore** on other machines but it's quite easy steps.

Export from mongo database file to bson

I have a mongo database db.ns, db.0, db.1, ... db.7
Accidentally I remove all the data from a collection, but in the database files (explorer with vim) it's all (or part of) the data.
After trying to recover the data moving to another mongodb instance, or mongod --restore, also, I try with the mongodump, but the collection appears empty.
I try to recover from scratch, directly from the files. I try with bsondump for each one, and for a single file (cat db.ns db.1 ... > bigDB) but nothing.
I don't know what other ways are from recover the data from a mongo database file.
Any suggestion?? Thx!!!
I will try to explain what I do to "solved" the problem.
First. Theory.
In this SlideShare, can see a little of how files MongoDB database work.
When you remove accidentally a collection:
the first thing that you have to do is quickly copy all the database (normally in /data/db or /var/lib/mongodb) and stop the service.
Remove the journal directory try to recover from this copy and pray ;D
You can see more about that, here:
mongodb recovery removed records
In my case, this did not work for me.
In Journaly case, mongo no update its database files directly only their indexes.
So that, you can access to the files (appointed as database.ns, database.0, database.1 ...) and try to recover this.
These files are as cleaved BSONs and binary. So, you can open, and see all the information
In my case, I create a easy function in PHP that first read the file, and explode the file in smallers files.
Before, takes one to one and apply some regular expresions to remove Hexadecimal values, explode the info into the registers (you can see the "_id" key to do that) and do some others task to clean the info.
And finally, I have to process manually all the preprocessed info to obtain all the information.
I think, I have lost, at least, the 15-25% of the information. But I prefer to think that I have recovered the 75% of the lost info.
This is not a easy and secure way to solve this problem. In my case, the db only recive information, and not modify or update this.
With this method, a lot of information will be lost, Mongo IDs, integers, dates, can't be recovered.
The proccess is 100% manually, you can spend your time on automating certain tasks, but will depend on your database structure.

Is it possible to run Postgres on a write-protected file system? Or a shared file system?

I'm trying to set up a distributed processing environment,
with all of the data sitting in a single shared network drive.
I'm not going to write anything to it, and just be reading from it,
so we're considering write-protecting the network drive as well.
I remember when I was working with MSSQL,
I could back up databases to a DVD and load it directly as a read-only database.
If I can do something like that in Postgres,
I should be able to give it an abstraction like a read-only DVD,
and all will be good.
Is something like this possible in Postgres,
if not, any alternatives? (MySQL? sqlite even?)
Or if that's not possible is there some way to specify a shared file system?
(Make it know that other processes are reading from it as well?)
For various reasons, using a parallel dbms is not possible,
and I need two DB processes running parallel...
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Write-protecting the data directory will cause PostgreSQL to fail to start, as it needs to be able to write PostgreSQL also needs to be able to write temporary files and tablespaces, set hint bits, manage the visibility map, and more.
In theory it might be possible to modify the PostgreSQL server to support running on a read-only database, but right now AFAIK this is not supported. Don't expect it to work. You'll need to clone the data directory for each instance.
If you want to run multiple PostgreSQL instances for performance reasons, having them fighting over shared storage would be counter-productive anyway. If the DB is small enough to fit in RAM it'd be OK ... but in that case it's also easy to just clone it to each machine. If the DB isn't big enough to be cached in RAM then both DB instances would be I/O bottlenecked and unlikely to perform any better than (probably slightly worse than) a single DB not subject to storage contention.
There's some chance that you could get it to work by:
Moving the constant data into a new tablespace onto read-only shared storage
Taking a basebackup of the database, minus the newly separated tablespace for shared data
Copying the basebackup of the DB to read/write private storage on each host that'll run a DB
Mounting the shared storage and linking the tablespace in place where Pg expects it
Starting pg
... at least if you force hint-bit setting and VACUUM FREEZE everything in the shared tablespace first. It isn't supported, it isn't tested, it probably won't work, there's no benefit over running private instances, and I sure as hell wouldn't do it, but if you really insist you could try it. Crashes, wrong query results, and other bizarre behaviour are not unlikely.
I've never tried it, but it may be possible to run postgres with a data dir which is mostly on a RO file system if all your use is indeed read-only. You will need to be sure to disable autovacuum. I think even read activity may generate xlog mutation, so you will probably have to symlink the pg_xlog directory onto a writeable file system. Sometimes read queries will spill to disk for large sorts or other temp requirements, so you should also link base/pgsql_tmp to a writeable disk area.
As Richard points out there are visibility hint bits in the data heap. May want to try VACUUM FULL FREEZE ANALYZE on the db before putting it on the RO file system.
"Is something like this possible in Postgres, if not, any alternatives? (MySQL? sqlite even?)"
I'm trying to figure out if I can do this with postgres as well, to port over a system from sqlite. I can confirm that this works just fine with sqlite3 database files on a read-only NFS share. Sqlite does work nicely for this purpose.
When done with sqlite, we cut over to a new directory with new sqlite files whenever there are updates. We don't ever insert into the in-use database. I'm not sure if inserts would pose any problems (with either database). Caching read-only data at the OS level could be an issue if another database instance mounted the dir read-write. This is something I would ideally like to be able to do.