Flutter - How to remove first white screen when launch application? - flutter

When I launched the application it shows first white screen then back screen then after open splash screen. My Splash screen is taking 2-3 seconds to open. How can I fix this issue?

Flutter use a default splash screen before launching your app.
Follow this tutorial -> https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/splash-screen/android-splash-screen


FlutteGray app bar problem when opening app

After clicking the application icon, the first screen I see while opening the application is not the splash screen, a gray appbar screen.
native splash screen should come first, then its own splash should come

Is there anyway to disable default splash screen for android 12

I want to add custom splash screen but before that the default splash screen displayed which looks too weird
you can add this line:
<item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item>
in your style.xml file before close style tag.
it`s make your default android splash transparent!
On Android tweleve(12), it's not possible to out of the splash screen. Only possible to customize it: icon, window background, and animation.
By default, the splash screen is shown from user touch until the first frame of your application is drawn, so to minimize the time during which the splash screen is shown, you can try to reduce the launch time of your application.
You can also implement you own exit animation so the transition from the splash screen to the app is more seamless.

flutter transition splash screen to first screen without delay

I've just set splash screen on iOS and launch screen looks fine but when move to launch screen to first screen (MaterialApp home), image will disappear for a moment. So, you can tell obviously that image was changed.
Is there any workaround to fix this?

Ionic splash not generating full screen image

There is not much about splash screen for ionic. According to documentation it should be very simple.
What I did then was to download the psd-file from here:
Then I created my artwork which is 1200X1200 pixels. I copied the artwork and put it in the middle of the psd-file.
After that, I just run the command to generate the splash screens for the various devices (testing ios right now).
When I start the app, the splash screen doesn't cover all the screen. It is centered vertically and above and below there are a lot of empty pixels. What am I doing wrong?
Actually ionic Splash screen pixels should be 2208pixels.
Then you have to Replace your splash screen in your resources file with your splash screen.
Then run ionic resources --splash command in your terminal to load your splash screen and that should do the trick.
To know more about ionic-splash look here ionic-doc.

strange splash screen problem in iphone native application?

i have a application i put Default.png for splash screen according to apple's documentation.the splash screen is displaying fine.but when i delete the Default.png and references of png.it does not removed it is still showing the splash screen.i am running the program in simulator.?
Simple solution:
Stop any iPhone Simulation
In XCode click Build -> Clear in the menu bar
Uncheck both boxes and click "clean"
Rebuild your application.