Is EPPlus.Core Safe? - deployment

I decided to use EPPlus.Core to create excel documents on my .Net Core API project. I have just realised that if I click the "EPPlus library" url on the following web site Google gives a critical warning.
And I see this message on the Show Details section:
"Warnings are shown for websites where harmful software has been detected. You can check the status of “” on the Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page."
So is EPPlus.Core safe? Does it steal info from server? Anyone currently using it had any issues?


Action on Google deploy tab returns 504

When trying to access*project-id*/release/ I get following error message:
If I open the developer console in Chrome and check for failed network calls it shows a 504 on*project-number* with this body:
I tried clearing my cache and tested on multiple browsers but since it also happens on other devices I guess this is a server issue.
Anyone who can help me out?
I was experiencing the same issue for a published Action.
According to Actions on Google support, it's because the cumulative size of all the versions of our action were causing that version request to timeout when it tries to pre-load them all at once.
The solution for me was to, raise a support request (I clicked the link in your screenshot, Actions on Google Support, included a screenshot of that message, request type deployment issue and a brief description of not being able to access the deploy/test tabs) and then when support responded, they asked which versions to keep/delete. I said delete all except one version either side of the currently deployed version.
A note on preventing this - I couldn't find a consistent method for deleting versions/releases. I believe the versions created in Dialogflow by doing a Publish A Version can be deleted in Dialogflow. But versions created by releases in Actions on Google, have the delete options greyed out in Dialogflow, and I couldn't find where to do that in Actions on Google.

Error while opening extended Fiori app

I have extended Manage journal Entries app in Web Ide. Haven't added any extra code. Just saved it and run to check whether the app is opening as expected or not. But I am facing error " Could not open app, Please try again later".
Come across few threads regarding similar issue but my issue is not while launching, It is when extending manage journal entries app.
Fiori : Could not open App
Pre Requisite which I have checked:
SICF Service is Active.
component UIS4HOP1 200 SP 0000 is installed in my FrontEnd Server.
From the error message in the commments section it seems like you have problems with the namespace of the component. Did you check that the path and the namespace for your extension project matches the deployed app? This can very easily mess up the component loading mechanism in FLP and lead to the described result...

Sentry Raven inside Firefox Addon SDK

I am making a Firefox Extension and I want to log the errors/messages/exceptions produced by the extension code using Sentry.
I tried the JavsScript Raven client but I guess its not really made to live inside the "Content" context.
The error I get is: message = "debug" is read-only, but my actual question is, how do I go about integrating Sentry in a Firefox Addon?
PS: No, this wont go into general distribution, my api keys are safe.
What I did was just to omit calling .install() and just use the error/message reporting.
There will be no automatic catching and source code but it works for my purposes.

Why can't I open yahoo's dapper (

Why is telling me that its having an internal server error when it appears that no one else is?
I can't access yahoo's ( I can reach the page "", but not the actual program "/dapp-factory.jsp" When I click the link it loads for a long time and eventually says "An internal server error occurred. Please try again later." However, judging by other forums other users are not having this problem- including those on stackoverflow- and yahoo has not put forward any notice.
Things I did/ tried:
Searched on other forums, and posted this question on yahoo's forum ( with no luck.
After having some other strange things happen related to chrome, i tried to use on firefox and ie, and the same thing continues to happen. I tried to access the site from another computer, and it still happens.
Background that may/may not be relevant:
About a month ago, (a popular online software that scrapes web pages to create rss feeds and other types of files from different web data) went down for a while, other users noted it on forums, and then the site went back up. Apparently it was a routine update. After the update, the site was live, and i began to have problems. the site would allow me to get to /dapp-factory.jsp but after trying to select content for scraping, it would eternally load the page with a "there was an error in the creation process of this dapp" in the background.
*this question was previously closed because it was originally too vague, so I have tried to clean it up. Please let me know how I can specify further if this is still the case.
Thank you

First steps for migrating a Facebook Canvas App (untouched since Mar 2010) to OAuth and HTTPs --

I am not a professional programmer. I am "a kitchen table programming enthusiast." My question is at the very end of this narrative.
In March of 2010, I figured out how to introduce my interactive database driven web app to the world by turning my web app into a Facebook Canvas Application.
Basically I built my web app prior to March 2010 using MYSQL, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, etc. using "dummies" books. Once I was convinced that my web app was functional as a standalone website, I pored through Facebook online documents to figure out how to turn my app into a FB Canvas App.
That was in March of 2010. Back then the process for turning a web app into a FB Canvas App basically involved getting files like the following, and saving them to the directories on my web host server:
-- At public_html:
-- config.php
-- facebook_desktop.php
-- facebook_mobile.php
-- facebookapi_php5_restlib.php
-- fbtest.htm
-- JSON.php
-- jsonwrapper_inner.php
-- xd_receiver.htm
-- At public_html/php:
-- facebook.php
Now here is my question:
My app has been working fine since March 2010, but now (since this morning) my app doesn't work at all (doesn't even open). I suspect this is due to requirements that changed related to migration to OAuth 2.0 and HTTPS -- requirements which I need to learn how to respond to.
What should be my first step toward at least enabling myself to continue using my own app on FB? Once we have figured that out, I will be seeking guidance on how to once again enable other FB members to use my app.
I hope some will find this thread helpful.
Thank You,
There's an overview here: which links to the docs and the blog posts which gave examples of how to migrate
Thank you, so much!
I have begun reviewing the material you have referred. I will continue to dig in, but I'd like to let you know that for now, I see these phrases which raise questions in my mind:
-- "If you are only using the PHP SDK (Software Development Kit) for authentication..."
-- "If you are using the JavaScript SDK for login..."
-- "Update to PHP SDK..."
-- "Update to JavaScript SDK..."
-- "Implementing the OAuth 2.0 authentication system..."
-- "Using the latest SDKs..."
Based on details in my original post is one able to determine whether I have currently implemented a PHP SDK or the JavaScript SDK? I don't know that I ever even used an SDK for establishing my means for Authentication and Authorization. I only knew my method as applying for a FB App ID, App Secret and copying a set of files to my server. Was my implementation method from March 2010 so old that it is neither PHP SDK nor JavaScript SDK?
Doesn't "updating an SDK" require that I had first implemented some sort of SDK?
If it turns out that I haven't used an SDK as part of my archaic means for authentication and authorization then what set of instructions is really applicable for me to migrate to OAuth2.0?
I am concerned that without seeing a step by step set of instructions, I will end up with extraneous and conflicting files on my server.
Does anyone know of any migration instructions like, "replace these files (file A, file B, file C and file D) from your web host server with these files (file E, file F, file G and file H)"
Thank you,