Sentry Raven inside Firefox Addon SDK - firefox-addon-sdk

I am making a Firefox Extension and I want to log the errors/messages/exceptions produced by the extension code using Sentry.
I tried the JavsScript Raven client but I guess its not really made to live inside the "Content" context.
The error I get is: message = "debug" is read-only, but my actual question is, how do I go about integrating Sentry in a Firefox Addon?
PS: No, this wont go into general distribution, my api keys are safe.

What I did was just to omit calling .install() and just use the error/message reporting.
There will be no automatic catching and source code but it works for my purposes.


How to add extension to apigee-emulator on local environment?

Recently we get the need for work on the same apigee proxy more than one developer. So we are trying to use the apigee-emulator to allow us to use git as version control
We already have everything setup for VScode as it says on the documentation.
The problem is with an `extension callout we have inside one of our proxies that we need to access to salesforce. When we try to push our proxies to the apigee-emulator we get this error
If we search for the callout we can see it's the one that try to access to salesforce
How can we add this extension to be used inside the apigee-emulator?
From the error it looks like you are using Apigee Edge ExtensionCallout policy.
The vscode extension and the emulator cater towards the features available in the X and hybrid versions of Apigee. More information here
The extensions feature you are using has been replaced by the Integration callout policy.
Hope that helps

Can someone help me out with changing my invocation phrase?

For a project that I'm working on that is in Alpha right now, I used to use an invocation ''talk to XXX''. Now that I want to deploy the Action to Beta, I want to change the invocation name/phrase as well. So I changed it to ''talk to YYY'', which is the suggested input field in the simulator as well. But when I want to test this in the simulator, I get the following error message:
Invocation Error:
You cannot use standard Google Assistant features in the Simulator. If you want to try them, use Google Assistant on your phone or other compatible devices.
For some reason, if I ignore the suggested input chip (which says ''talk to YYY'') and type in ''talk to XXX'' (the old invocation phrase) everything still works though. Seems that I'm missing something and Google support can't answer me, does someone know what I can do to successfully deploy to Beta?
When I get that message, it's usually a problem with the Console. A refresh of the page—and sometimes a simple retry—usually does the trick.
You could also try "Change Version" to make sure you're pointed to "Draft".

Appium desktop keep on asking for “platformName” capability even if it is added

I am using Appium Desktop app. After adding all the capabilities. When I Start session, I got an error "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: You must include a platformName capability"
Like Pankaj Mishra say, it is really.
The APPIUM Desktop UI have some bugs and the only way to solve this problem it's typing the capibilities directly in the fields and never copy paste or edit like a JSON format.
Screenshot of the correct way to do the configuration
APPIUM Desktop UI have some bugs as a result you get this error even if the capabilties are present.
You can refer Here to avoid above issue.
Based on your screenshot, you made a spelling mistake:
flatformName: android
flatformVersion: 8.1
You need to fix f to p and it will work perfectly for you!
Make sure you enter "platformName". Not "platformName ". Can you see the difference? Second one has a hidden space which could often happen when you copy-past the capability name.
make you've write correct words "platformName:" and check your json representation.

Get WebdriverIO multi-remote to work with Cucumber BDD

I am able to start multiple browser sessions in a single test using WebDriverIO's multiremote with mocha.
Next I'm trying to get WebDriverIO multiremote work with Cucumber BDD. My feature definition is simply to open a browser session and navigate to a url.
Here's my simple WDIO
Problem - the browser opens up but navigation does not occur. I have tried to enable the debugger and observe node-inspector but hasn't helped. What am I missing? Thanks for all the help.
My goal was to conduct multi-user scenario based testing through BDD. Although I haven't been able to resolve this directly via WebDriverIO I found Chimp (which uses WebDriverIO underneath) has its own flavour of session based automation.
Chimp's multi-browser testing does exactly what I wanted. Problem solved!
I'm able to write scenarios such as this without explicitly switching the user context.
Scenario: Able to browse independently
Given Alice goes to "/features"
And Bob go to "/bugs"
Then Alice sees "10" features
And Bob sees "1" bugs

Determine Chrome Platform Version

Is there someway to determine the Chrome platform version in order to verify that I can use APIs that are marked v37 and later? If there is an alternative way of verifying that these new parameters are supported by the current install that works as well. My current solution is to check for the existence of a different v37 API which seems to be working, however if there is a sanctioned way that would make me feel a bit better about the whole thing :).
I need to use the 'scopes' portion of this API:
In its Cog Chrome App, François Beaufort is using userAgent with a regex to get the chrome version:
But there is maybe a better way to check if some html/js API are available or not...
Try adding a minimum version to your manifest, so you don't even have to check in your code. This will prevent the app from webstore installs who are on older versions.
"minimum_chrome_version": "37",