how to recover from master failure with kubeadm - kubernetes

I set up a Kubernetes cluster with a single master node and two worker nodes using kubeadm, and I am trying to figure out how to recover from node failure.
When a worker node fails, recovery is straightforward: I create a new worker node from scratch, run kubeadm join, and everything's fine.
However, I cannot figure out how to recover from master node failure (without interrupting the deployments running on the worker nodes). Do I need to backup and restore the original certificates or can I just run kubeadm init to create a new master from scratch? How do I join the existing worker nodes?

I ended up writing a Kubernetes CronJob backing up the etcd data. If you are interested: I wrote a blog post about it:
In addition to that you may want to backup all of /etc/kubernetes/pki to avoid issues with secrets (tokens) having to be renewed.
For example, kube-proxy uses a secret to store a token and this token becomes invalid if only the etcd certificate is backed up.

As per your mention about Master's backup , actually if you mean backup procedures (like traditional/legacy backups tools/techs) isn't mentioned directly in the official documentation (as i know), but you can take your precautions by some Options/Workarounds :
Setup HA Masters (only for GCE)
Set up High-Availability Kubernetes Masters
Setup HA etcd cluster / Master Load Balancer
Set up master Load Balancer
Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes
OS file Systems Snapshot/backup

kubeadm init will definitely not work out of the box, as that will create a new cluster altogether, credentials, ip space, etc.
At a minimum, restoring the master node will require a backup of your etcd data. This typically lives in /var/lib/etcd directory.
You will also need the kubeadm config from the cluster
kubeadm config view should output this. (upward of v1.8)
The step-by-step to restore a master node really isn't so clean cut, which is why they introduce HA - High Availability. This is a much safer way of maintaining redundancy and uptime. Particularly because restoring anything from etcd can be a real pain (in my humble opinion and experience).
If I may go a bit off topic from your question, if you are still getting started with Kubernetes and not deeply invested in kubeadm, i would suggest you consider creating your cluster with kops instead. It supports HA already and I found kops to be more robust and easier to use to either kubeadm and kube-aws (the coreos cluster builder).


What is minikube config specifying?

According to the minikube handbook the configuration commands are used to "Configure your cluster". But what does that mean?
If I set cpus and memory then are these the max values the cluster as a whole can ever consume?
Are these the values it will reserve on the host machine in preparation for use?
Are these the values that are handed to the control plane container/VM and now I have to specify more resources when making a worker node?
What if I want to add another machine (VM or bare metal) and add its resources in the form of a worker node to the cluster? From the looks of it I would have to delete that cluster, change the configuration, then start a new cluster with the new configuration. That doesn't seem scalable.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Answering the question:
If I set cpus and memory then are these the max values the cluster as a whole can ever consume?
In short. It will be a limit for the whole resource (either a VM, a container, etc. depending on a --driver used). It will be used for the underlying OS, Kubernetes components and the workload that you are trying to run on it.
Are these the values it will reserve on the host machine in preparation for use?
I'd reckon this would be related to the --driver you are using and how its handling the resources. I personally doubt it's reserving the 100% of CPU and memory you've passed in the $ minikube start and I'm more inclined to the idea that it uses how much it needs during specific operations.
Are these the values that are handed to the control plane container/VM and now I have to specify more resources when making a worker node?
By default, when you create a minikube instance with: $ minikube start ... you will create a single node cluster capable of being a control-plane node and a worker node simultaneously. You will be able to run your workloads (like an nginx-deployment without adding additional node).
You can add a node to your minikube ecosystem with just: $ minikube node add. This will make another node marked as a worker (with no control-plane components). You can read more about it here: Docs: Tutorials: Multi node
What if I want to add another machine (VM or bare metal) and add its resources in the form of a worker node to the cluster? From the looks of it I would have to delete that cluster, change the configuration, then start a new cluster with the new configuration. That doesn't seem scalable.
As said previously, you don't need to delete the minikube cluster to add another node. You can run $ minikube node add to add a node on a minikube host. There are also options to delete/stop/start nodes.
Personally speaking if the workload that you are trying to run requires multiple nodes, I would try to consider other Kubernetes cluster built on top/with:
This would allow you to have more flexibility on where you want to create your Kubernetes cluster (as far as I know, minikube works within a single host (like your laptop for example)).
A side note!
There is an answer (written more than 2 years ago) which shows the way to add a Kubernetes cluster node to a minikube here : Answer: How do I get the minikube nodes in a local cluster
Additional resources: Docs: Setup: Production environment: Tools: Kubeadm: Create cluster kubeadm Kubernetes sigs: Kubespray

Start/Stop local dev kubernetes cluster created by kubeadm (like microk8s or minikube)

3 nodes Kubernetes cluster created using kubeadm v1.19.9. The nodes are VMs (using KVM hypervisor on Ubuntu 20.04).
The usage of this Kubernetes cluster is for development and exercises on Kubernetes. I'd like to stop and restart the cluster where it was left off. In the same fashion as the stop and start commands available with minikube or microk8s.
EDIT: clarify the question to avoid suggested duplicated posts. I am looking for an elegant solution to stop and restart the same cluster. NOT to destroy / reset / uninstall the cluster.
I couldn't find a simple solution from various web searches. There are solutions which suggested to tear down the cluster which is not my use case here. An answer dating 3 years ago, proper shutdown of a kubernetes cluster, is closer to what I want but this sounds quite complicate. Another solution How to Setup & Recover a Self-hosted Kubeadm Kubernetes Cluster After Reboot doesn't explain well enough about the principle used.
I hope there is a simpler solution now.
EDIT (2021-04-11): Kubernetes 1.21 release notes:
Kubelet Graceful Node Shutdown feature graduates to Beta and enabled by default.
kubernetes/enhancements Graceful node shutdown #2000
Enhancement target (which target equals to which milestone):
Alpha release target (1.20)
Beta release target (1.21)
Stable release target (1.23)
To summarize:
k8s should be able to handle shutdowns. What may not be able to handle it are the applications/containers that you run - just make sure containers start on their own and don't require manual intervention and you should be fine.
I mentioned in comments about flushing etcd data to disk but (after some research) this should not be neccessary since etcd does it itself and implements strong consistency model to make sure it doesn't lose the data. But this doesn't mean you should not be doing your backups - it's better to have a backup and don't ever use it then don't have one when needed.
The solution mentioned in How to Setup & Recover a Self-hosted Kubeadm Kubernetes Cluster After Reboot is relevant only if you use SelfHosting.
Also (for convenience) make sure that all configs are persisting between reboots e.g. swap partition should be disabled and if you only run swapoff -a it won't persist after reboot - it's much better to make changes in fstab so that when rebooted you don't have to disable anything again manually.
Here are some links:
Backing up an etcd cluster
etcd disaster recovery
Permanently Disable Swap for Kubernetes Cluster

Expandable single node K8s cluster

I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
I am aware of solutions such as minikube and microk8s but they are not expandable. I am trying k3s at the moment exactly because it is offering this feature but I have some problems with storage and other stuff that I am working on them.
Now my questions:
What other solution for this exists?
What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?
You can use kubeadm to setup a single node "cluster". Then you can use the join command to add more nodes
You can expand k3s cluster via k3sup join.Here is guide.
Key Kubernetes services such as kube-apiserver, kube-scheduler should be available and running smoothly at all times on master nodes. Therefore, it is essential to have dedicated resources for the master nodes, and avoid having other non-critical workloads interfere with the functioning of the master services
What are the disadvantages if I untaint the master node and run everything there (for a long period and not just for test)?
Failure of the worker will of course bring down your applications. When you recover it or spin up another one, K8s will recover your apps for you.
Failure of the master will not adversely affect your systems only the cluster's ability to manage itself and its self-healing capabilities (which will affect uptime at some point).
I am searching for a solution that enables me to set up a single node K8s cluster and if I needed I add nodes to it later.
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such thing as single node production ready k8s cluster.
For something small and simple you can check Rancher.
What other solution for this exists?
kubeadm allows you to install everything on a single node. Install kubeadm on the node, "kubeadm init", install a pod network, then remove the master taint.
Another solution you may be interested in is the Kubespray.
Some "honorable mentions" are:
Charmed Kubernetes by Canonical allows you to do everything on one node; however it should be quite a big node, so may be not the case here (but still worth mentioning).
If you don't really require all the k8s power (with only one small node), then Nomad could be an alternative.
Let me know if that helps.

Is kubeadm production ready now?

I'm here to know about kubeadm. I'm planing to create kubernetes cluster using kubeadm on my production environment. So, I wanted to know is kubeadm production is ready to deploy in my product?
Happy news!
It is now.We have a production release,
we’re excited to announce that it has now graduated from beta to
stable and generally available (GA)!
POST EDITED in 2019 to reflect the current situation.
In 2018, According to the K8S documentation here.
The cluster created here has a single master, with a single etcd database running on it. This means that if the master fails, your cluster may lose data and may need to be recreated from scratch. Adding HA support (multiple etcd servers, multiple API servers, etc) to kubeadm is still a work-in-progress.
Whereas in novembr 2019 :
The cluster created here has a single control-plane node, with a single etcd database running on it. This means that if the control-plane node fails, your cluster may lose data and may need to be recreated from scratch.
Regularly back up etcd. The etcd data directory configured by kubeadm is at /var/lib/etcd on the control-plane node.
Use multiple control-plane nodes by completing the HA setup instead
So, kubeadm is in 2018, kubernetes was WIP and not production ready yet. For development and testing, kubeadm should be good enough. Look here for other solutions.
In 2019, this availability issue is fixed.
Officially is not production ready yet, but I've been successful setting up 1.10 and later clusters with no problems.
If you want to create an HA cluster with multiple masters there's also a kubeadm guide here. But use it at your own risk.
Also, keep in mind if your master(s) go down your workloads will keep running, you just won't be able to make changes or schedule new pods until the master(s) comes back up.
You can also use any of the other solutions depending on your environment as pointed out in the other answer here.

Recover a Kubernetes Cluster

At the moment I have a Kubernetes cluster distributed on AWS via kops. I have a doubt: is it possible to make a sort of snapshot of the Kubernetes cluster and recreate the same environment (master and pod nodes), for example to be resilient or to migrate the cluster in an easy way? I know that the Heptio Ark exists, it is very beautiful. But I'm curious to know if there is an easy way to do it. For example, is it enough to back up Etcd (or in my case the snapshot of EBS volumes)?
Thanks a lot. All suggestions are welcome
kops stores its state in an S3 bucket identified by the KOPS_STATE_STORE. So yes, if your cluster has been removed you can restore it by running kops create cluster.
Keep in mind that it doesn't restore your etcd state so for that you are going to set up etcd backups. You could also make use of Heptio Ark.
Similar answers to this topic:
Recover kops Kubernetes cluster
How to restore kubernetes cluster using kops?
As mentioned by Rico in the earlier post, you can use Velero to back up your etcd using cli client. Another option to consider for the scenario you described is CAPE: CAPE provides an easy to use control plane for Kubernetes Multi-cluster App & Data Management via a friendly user interface.
See below for resources:
How to create an on-demand K8s Backup:
How to Restore/Migrate K8s Backup to Another Cluster: