Power Query - Appending two tables but the other table might be empty depending on the situation - throws an error in that case - append

I am working on a solution that involves merging two queries in Power Query to retrieve a single data table back to Excel. The first query is always populated but the other query comes from an ERP and might be empty (empty table) from time to time.
Appending the two queries involves making the header names the same in the two queries before the appending takes place. As the second query sometimes results in an empty table, the error arises in the steps when Power Query is modifying the header names in the second table (it cannot modify the header names as there are no headers).
"Error message: Expression.Error: The column 'PartMtl_Company' of the table wasn't found.
Details: PartMtl_Company" where the PartMtl_Company is the leftmost column in my table.
I am kind of thinking that I would need to evaluate whether the second table is empty and skip the renaming steps if that is the case. I assume merging the populated first table with an empty table would cause no problem and would only result in the first table. I have tried to look around for a suitable M-code but have not come across such.

I'm thinking you might be able to use Table.RowCount to solve this. Something along the lines of:
= if Table.RowCount(Table2) > 0 then...
You would modify the headers only if there is data in the second table. Same goes for the appending of the tables: you would only append if there is data in the second table, since you won't have renamed any headers otherwise.

Thank you Marc! That did the trick.
In the end, I wrote some in the lines of
= if Table.RowCount(Table2) > 0 then... (code that works on a non-empty table) ...else Table2
, which returns the empty table if it is empty to begin with. Appending the second table into the first table did not throw an error but returned only the first table like planned.


kdb: getting one row from HDB

For a normal table, we can select one row using select[1] from t. How can I do this for HDB?
I tried select[1] from t where date=2021.02.25 but it gives error
Not yet implemented: it probably makes sense, but it’s not defined nor implemented, and needs more thinking about as the language evolves
select[n] syntax works only if table is already loaded in memory.
The easiest way to get 1st row of HDB table is:
1#select from t where date=2021.02.25
select[n] will work if applied on already loaded data, e.g.
select[1] from select from t where date=2021.02.25
I've done this before for ad-hoc queries by using the virtual index i, which should avoid the cost of pulling all data into memory just to select a couple of rows. If your query needs to map constraints in first before pulling a subset, this is a reasonable solution.
It will however pull N rows for each date partition selected due to the way that q queries work under the covers. So YMMV and this might not be the best solution if it was behind an API for example.
/ 5 rows (i[5] is the 6th row)
select from t where date=2021.02.25, sum=`abcd, price=1234.5, i<i[5]
If your table is date partitioned, you can simply run
select col1,col2 from t where date=2021.02.25,i=0
That will get the first record from 2021.02.25's partition, and avoid loading every record into memory.
Per your first request (which is different to above) select[1] from t, you can achieve that with
.Q.ind[t;enlist 0]

Postgresql: split cell containing column names (WHERE Metacolumn='col1;col2;col3;..') apart into array to dynamically generate INSERT statement

In Postgresql (and Sybase ADS), I am making my own trigger-based multimaster replication across both platforms which must dynamically handle various composite keys and sometimes no PK on certain tables. To make it easiest, I am trying to auto generate the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE where the user can choose which columns they want to copy over by listing column names in a cell separated by semicolon.
-"SELECT Address, city, us_state, zipcode FROM public.place;" would be a table that needs to replicate.
-The Metatable for Publication/Subscriptions would have a cell containing 'Address;city;us_state;zipcode'.
-I am using Insert/update/delete triggers to capture new row data and want to use the columns to dynamically make a statement like
"insert into place (Address,city,us_state,zipcode) VALUES (NEW.Address,NEW.city,NEW.us_state,NEW.zipcode);" which can be read and executed on the desination via script. I will do the same action for UPDATE and DELETE, using OLD prefix in the UPDATE and DELETE generated statements where needed.
I am not looking for someone to do a bunch of work, but to give an idea of any functions, logic and statements involved. Thank you for any ideas or advice.
You can split a String and create an Array using the regexp_split_to_array function.
Probably something like: regexp_split_to_array(metacolumn, ';')
More info about string functions: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/functions-string.html

Querying on multiple LINKMAP items with OrientDB SQL

I have a class that contains a LINKMAP field called links. This class is used recursively to create arbitrary hierarchical groupings (something like the time-series example, but not with the fixed year/month/day structure).
A query like this:
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10'].links) from data where key='AAA'
Returns the actual records contained in the last layer of "links". This works exactly as expected.
But a query like this (note the 10,11 in the second to last layer of "links"):
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10','11'].links) from data where key='AAA'
Returns two rows of the last layer of "links" instead:
Using unionAll or intersect (with or without UNWIND) results in this single record:
But nothing I've tried (including various attempts at "compound" SELECTs) will get the expand to work as it does with the original example (i.e. return the actual records represented in the last LINKMAP).
Is there a SQL syntax that will achieve this?
Note: Even this (slightly modified) example from the ODB docs does not result in a list of linked records:
select expand(records) from
(select unionAll(years['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10'].links, years['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['11'].links) as records from data where key='AAA')
Ref: https://orientdb.com/docs/2.2/Time-series-use-case.html
I'm not sure of what you want to achieve, but I think it's worth trying with values():
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10','11'].links.values()) from data where key='AAA'

How to assign csv field value to SQL query written inside table input step in Pentaho Spoon

I am pretty new to Pentaho so my query might sound very novice.
I have written a transformation in which am using CSV file input step and table input step.
Steps I followed:
Initially, I created a parameter in transformation properties. The
parameter birthdate doesn't have any default value set.
I have used this parameter in postgresql query in table input step
in the following manner:
select * from person where EXTRACT(YEAR FROM birthdate) > ${birthdate};
I am reading the CSV file using CSV file input step. How do I assign the birthdate value which is present in my CSV file to the parameter which I created in the transformation?
Could you guide me the process of assigning the CSV field value directly to the SQL query used in the table input step without the use of a parameter?
I recommend using a "database join" step like in my third suggestion below.
See the last image for reference
First idea - Using Table Input as originally asked
Well, you don't need any parameter for that, unless you are going to provide the value for that parameter when asking the transformation to run. If you need to read data from a CSV you can do that with this approach.
First, read your CSV and make sure your rows are ok.
After that, use a select values to keep only the columns to be used as parameters.
In the table input, use a placeholder (?) to determine where to place the data and ask it to run for each row that it receives from the source step.
Just keep in ming that the order of columns received by the table input (the columns out of the select values) is the same order that it will be used for the placeholders (?). This should not be a problem with your question that uses only one placeholder, but keep that in mind as you ramp up using Pentaho.
Second idea, using a Database Lookup
This is another approach where you can't personalize the query made to the database and may experience a better performance because you can set a "Enable cache" flag and if you don't need to use a function on your where clause this is really recommended.
Third idea, using a Database Join
That is my recommended approach if you need a function on your where clause. It looks a lot like the Table Input approach but you can skip the select values step and select what columns to use, repeat the same column a bunch of times and enable a "outer join" flag that returns the rows without result from the query
ProTip: If you feel the transformation running too slow, try to use multiple copies from the step (documentation here) and obviously make sure the table have the appropriate indexes in place.
Yes there's a way of assigning directly without the use of parameter. Do as follows.
Use Block this step until steps finish to halt the table input step till csv input step completes.
Following is how you configure each step.
Postgres query should be select * from person where EXTRACT(YEAR
FROM birthdate) > ?::integer
Check Execute for each row and Replace variables in in Table input step.
Select only the birthday column in CSV input step.

Filling additional columns of an internal table with additional data by SELECT statement? Can this be done?

SELECT matnr ersda ernam laeda
FROM mara
At this point I have 100 entries in the itab gt_mara.
SELECT aenam vpsta pstat lvorm mtart
FROM mara
WHERE matnr = gt_mara-matnr AND
ersda = gt_mara-ersda AND
ernam = gt_mara-ernam AND
laeda = gt_mara-laeda.
At this point I have 59 entries. Which makes sense. This code is buggy, because it might be modifying the selection criteria at run time.
Anyway what i intended was this: select the first 4 fields of the table at one point, and then select the other 5 at some other.
Of course, this is just an example. Perhaps the second select would be done on a different table with the same key or with a different number of fields.
So can this even be done?
Are there more efficient methods to achieve this than what comes to my mind by default (redoing the complete select) ?
Ok I think the essence of your question is more about whether you can update certain unfilled fields in an internal table directly through a second select statement.
The answer is no. Your second select statement would replace the contents in table gt_mara, so you would be left with an internal table where the first 4 fields are blank, and the last 5 are filled.
The best you could do is something like this:
SELECT matnr ersda ernam laeda
FROM mara
SELECT matnr aenam vpsta pstat lvorm mtart
FROM mara
WHERE matnr = gt_mara-matnr AND
ersda = gt_mara-ersda AND
ernam = gt_mara-ernam AND
laeda = gt_mara-laeda.
loop at gt_mara2 into ls_mara.
modify gt_mara from ls_mara transporting aenam vpsta pstat lvorm mtart
where matnr = ls_mara-matnr.
This is obviously quite inefficient, which is why you would always try to make the database do as much of the work for you before you bring the data back to the application server. Obviously if the data is coming from the same table selecting it all in one go is going to be your best option. In most cases even if the data is in different tables you would be better off creating a view or using a join.
In rare cases it is necessary to loop at your internal table to fill in some fields that were not available to you when you did the original select.
Either SELECT everything you need right away (which is the preferred solution if the data comes from the same table) or SELECT the additional stuff later (which is a good idea if the stuff comes from a different table that is not used for the first selection). For assembling the result set, the database usually needs to access the entire dataset anyway, so it doesn't really hurt to select some additional fields - in contrast to hitting the database again with a massive SELECT statement (if the FOR ALL ENTRIES table gets large). Also bear in mind that - depending on the kind of processing you're doing - the contents of the table might have changed in the meantime. If the database transaction (LUW) ends (which is always the case between dialog steps), you loose the database-level transaction isolation.