Querying on multiple LINKMAP items with OrientDB SQL - orientdb

I have a class that contains a LINKMAP field called links. This class is used recursively to create arbitrary hierarchical groupings (something like the time-series example, but not with the fixed year/month/day structure).
A query like this:
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10'].links) from data where key='AAA'
Returns the actual records contained in the last layer of "links". This works exactly as expected.
But a query like this (note the 10,11 in the second to last layer of "links"):
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10','11'].links) from data where key='AAA'
Returns two rows of the last layer of "links" instead:
Using unionAll or intersect (with or without UNWIND) results in this single record:
But nothing I've tried (including various attempts at "compound" SELECTs) will get the expand to work as it does with the original example (i.e. return the actual records represented in the last LINKMAP).
Is there a SQL syntax that will achieve this?
Note: Even this (slightly modified) example from the ODB docs does not result in a list of linked records:
select expand(records) from
(select unionAll(years['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10'].links, years['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['11'].links) as records from data where key='AAA')
Ref: https://orientdb.com/docs/2.2/Time-series-use-case.html

I'm not sure of what you want to achieve, but I think it's worth trying with values():
select expand(links['2017'].links['07'].links['15'].links['10','11'].links.values()) from data where key='AAA'


How can I alias labels (using a query) in Grafana?

I'm using Grafana v9.3.2.2 on Azure Grafana
I have a line chart with labels of an ID. I also have an SQL table in which the IDs are mapped to simple strings. I want to alias the IDs in the label to the strings from the SQL
I am trying to look for a transformation to do the conversion.
There is a transformation called “rename by regex”, but that will require me to hardcode for each case. Is there something similar with which I don't have to hardcode for each case.
There is something similar for variables - https://grafana.com/blog/2019/07/17/ask-us-anything-how-to-alias-dashboard-variables-in-grafana-in-sql/. But I don't see anything for transformations.
Use 2 queries in the panel - one for data with IDs and seconds one for mapping ID to string. Then add transformation Outer join and use that field ID to join queries results into one result.
You may need to use also Organize fields transformation to rename, hide unwanted fields, so only right fields will be used in the label at the end.

ADF Copy function comparing watermark against isnull(date1,date2)

Forum Newbie...
I want to utilise the ADF Copy function, to carry out incremental table extracts from one Azure DB to another. Every table in the database that I need all have the same 2 relevant fields i.e. date1, date2. For Watermark comparison purposes, I need to use isnull(date1,date2), but unsure how to do this, i.e. I am not sure how I can add this consistent derived value to the Source as an additional field that can perhaps be added via the Query or Stored Procedure Option on the source, to utilise the #item().source.schema and #item().source.table values that have already been generated as parameters..?
You can use the query option in the Copy data activity source and add a new column in the query itself to get the results of isnull(date1,date2) and include the parameter values to get the table name instead of hardcoding them as shown below.
In source, select Query option under Use query and add dynamic content to concat() select statement with parameter values.
#concat('select *, isnull(date1,date2) as final_dt from ',pipeline().parameters.schema,'.',pipeline().parameters.table)
Sink table data output:

How to Select or Filter out values with endsWith() in Mapping data flow

I would like to filter out all values that does not end with ":Q_TT".
I have tried with the following activities
My bronze data has a column named "pnt_name". One of the rows in the table ends with ":Q_TT" so I would expect that the Exists activity would pass that row through.
Custom expression in Exists1
endsWith(':Q_TT', pnt_name)
In the future I would like the SourceData dataset to hold the filter values.
Thanks very much
You should be using filter activity instead of exists activity for your case.
The pipeline(where you can see the 2 test cases of A and B:Q_TT:
Here is the preview of the filter activity, you should use an expression of endsWith(pnt_name, ":Q_TT") too. You can see A is removed and B:Q_TT is kept.

Select/Insert from identical table on two different DB connections

I have to do a select from a table and insert into another identical(same structure) table on two different DB connections.
This is my code:
from("direct:" + getId)
.toD("sql:classpath:" +getSql1 + "?datasource= DataSourse1&usePlaceHolder=true"))
.setHeaders("Results", simple(${body})
toD("sql:classpath:" +getSql2 + "?datasource= DataSourse2&usePlaceHolder=true"))
getSQL1 : Select * FROM Product1
getSQL2 :Insert Into Product2 Values(${headers.results})
It does not work because of the data format I'm trying to insert, I suppose. What I get from the Select is something like this:
[{ID=130, DESCRIPTION=Product130}]
So, I need to clean my data and get only 130, 'Product130'
Any help? Thanks.
Assuming your actual code works and you're just transferring one record, change the getSql1 select option part to this:
"?datasource= DataSourse1&usePlaceHolder=true&outputType=SelectOne"
That puts a map into your message body as a result, instead of List of Map. No need to copy the result into a header. With Camel's SQL component, it will look for named query parameters in your message body if the body type is a Java Map.
Next change your insert to use the parameters within the Map:
insert into Product2 (ID, DESCRIPTION) values (:#ID, :#DESCRIPTION)
Notice I included the column names. This is for safety and good practice. If by chance the column order isn't the same as the origin table, this will still work.

ormlite select count(*) as typeCount group by type

I want to do something like this in OrmLite
SELECT *, COUNT(title) as titleCount from table1 group by title;
Is there any way to do this via QueryBuilder without the need for queryRaw?
The documentation states that the use of COUNT() and the like necessitates the use of selectRaw(). I hoped for a way around this - not having to write my SQL as strings is the main reason I chose to use ORMLite.
selectRaw(String... columns):
Add raw columns or aggregate functions
(COUNT, MAX, ...) to the query. This will turn the query into
something only suitable for using as a raw query. This can be called
multiple times to add more columns to select. See section Issuing Raw
Further information on the use of selectRaw() as I was attempting much the same thing:
Documentation states that if you use selectRaw() it will "turn the query into" one that is supposed to be called by queryRaw().
What it does not explain is that normally while multiple calls to selectColumns() or selectRaw() are valid (if you exclusively use one or the other),
use of selectRaw() after selectColumns() has a 'hidden' side-effect of wiping out any selectColumns() you called previously.
I believe that the ORMLite documentation for selectRaw() would be improved by a note that its use is not intended to be mixed with selectColumns().
QueryBuilder<EmailMessage, String> qb = emailDao.queryBuilder();
qb.selectColumns("emailAddress"); // This column is not selected due to later use of selectRaw()!
qb.selectRaw("COUNT (emailAddress)");
ORMLite examples are not as plentiful as I'd like, so here is a complete example of something that works:
QueryBuilder<EmailMessage, String> qb = emailDao.queryBuilder();
qb.selectRaw("emailAddress"); // This can also be done with a single call to selectRaw()
qb.selectRaw("COUNT (emailAddress)");
GenericRawResults<String[]> rawResults = qb.queryRaw(); // Returns results with two columns
Is there any way to do this via QueryBuilder without the need for queryRaw(...)?
The short answer is no because ORMLite wouldn't know what to do with the extra count value. If you had a Table1 entity with a DAO definition, what field would the COUNT(title) go into? Raw queries give you the power to select various fields but then you need to process the results.
With the code right now (v5.1), you can define a custom RawRowMapper and then use the dao.getRawRowMapper() method to process the results for Table1 and tack on the titleCount field by hand.
I've got an idea how to accomplish this in a better way in ORMLite. I'll look into it.