Linkedin Marketing API - what is Google_UID in matched audience - linkedin-api

I'm trying to implement Linkedin marketing api, and while going through this link
the API accepts userids as Google_UID, I'm wondering where to find the Google_UID? Any pointers would be helpful.


Facebook Graph & Marketing APIs - Postman collection available?

Is there any Postman collection available for Facebook Graph API and its "children"? (Marketing API and friends.)
I'd definitely ask somewhere on their SDKs Github page, but all of them don't allow to post any "Issues". Also, I've been surfing the web for a while on this.
A great example of what I'm after is WhatsApp's Business API Postman collection, it's publicly available here ->
What you are looking for is not available at this time.
Our docs are the source of truth for all API's

Can I access Facebook Ad Billing data through an API?

Thats the url id like to pull data from. I looked at all the API's, but none of them seem to offer up this data.
Try this:{business_id}/business_invoices
YES YOU CAN USIG FACEBOOK MARKETING API Marketing APIs are a collection of Graph API endpoints that can be used to help you advertise on Facebook. To get started with advertising on Facebook, we recommend you learn about Facebook's Ad Campaign Structure, to understand the objects you're working with and how they relate to each other.

How can I find most shared/liked/commented post of a location (country/city) by calling facebook api

I'm looking for a way to find most shared/liked/commented facebook post of a location (country/city) by calling facebook api?
Is this possible to create through the Facebook API? I could not find how to pull information in general that many websites offer.
Any help would be greatl! Thanks
No, there is no direct possibility to do that. You can only get Pages/Places by location (Search API), read their feed (/page-id/feed), go through the posts and calculate on your own.

Facebook keyword statistics in more details

I need to find the way to get detailed keyword statistics from the facebook API like here,
But there are 2 problems: to query this you need to be a facebook partner, and they are using FQL for this which will not be supported after API v2.0
Can anybody advise some currently supported API in facebook for this, like, but with more detailed data breakdown(having age, gender, ...)?
There's none you can use if you don't have access to the Keyword Insights API. Public post search for example has been deprecated with Graph API v2.0.

Facebook API collect pages in certain country

Using the facebook api, is it possible to have a query to get facebook pages in a certain country?
I have been searching on google on how to do it or any alternatives but no luck.
I am currently using C# to interact with facebook api.
Thanks in advance!
There's no endpoint to search for Pages in certain countries. Have a look at