Facebook keyword statistics in more details - facebook

I need to find the way to get detailed keyword statistics from the facebook API like here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/keyword_insights,
But there are 2 problems: to query this you need to be a facebook partner, and they are using FQL for this which will not be supported after API v2.0
Can anybody advise some currently supported API in facebook for this, like https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/keywordstats/v2.3, but with more detailed data breakdown(having age, gender, ...)?

There's none you can use if you don't have access to the Keyword Insights API. Public post search for example has been deprecated with Graph API v2.0.


Instagram Insight Metrics with Facebook Graph API

I am trying to use the Facebook Graph API to GET Instagram metrics such as post impressions. I was able to successfully pull my Instagram Follow Count by using this query
When I try to query my post impressions with
nothing shows up. Am I missing something or have I possibly not requested the correct permissions?
I am trying to follow the documentation at the below link. Is it even possible to pull the impressions through the Facebook Graph API?
I believe that it wasn't possible to pull insights using the older version of the API.
However now it is possible as instagram / facebook just released a new version of their Graph API that includes insights. The request would be:
The new documentation can be found here
Have you tried to specify "period" parameter? By default it might not be a "lifetime" and if you did not generate any impression recently you will see nothing (empty array i assume). In case you missing some permissions, Facebook will make you aware in response.

Retrieve specifc hashtags from Facebook using Graph API

I want to get the JSON result of all the shared posts or statuses with the hashtag of my company name #company_name. How can I proceed with this. Currently I have tried with Facebook Graph Explorer Tool using the built-in access token, but this doesn't seem to give the data.
As user WizKid (Software Engineer at Facebook) states in the comments, there is no API for hash tags.
You can search through public posts using Post search in API v1.0 but this is not possible in v2.0.

Facebook Graph API - /{user-id}/feed limits

I would like to use the facebook /{user-id}/feed to read facebook posts for a specific user. Before I go down the long road of setting up the Graph API, just wanted to get some quick questions answered.
How far back in time does the /{user-id}/feed go to return data?
Can I filter for specific words?
The Graph API returns all posts for a user since they joined. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.1/user/feed/
Keyword filtering was available using FQL, which is now depreciated. There's no way to do this using the Graph API.

Facebook REST API for links.getStats alternative needed

I am building a site where I need the social sharing statistics of a particular URL for example http://www.facebook.com/.
So I came across this REST api by facebook which solves the problem perfectly.
But I noticed that the API will be deprecated , and I have no idea when.
I wanted to know what is the Facebook Graph API alternatice to the same legacy REST API.
Use the link_stat FQL table - this has the same information.
You can also use the Insights API on Graph API depending on what metrics you need

list all facebook friend requests

Is there a way to list all friendship requests using the facebook graph API? I didn't find anything in the docs, but with the experience I've undergone concerning the quality of this doc so far, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a way to it.
I think it's not possible using only Graph API. You will need to use any SDK and then make a FQL query.
Here you go: